Chapter 178 I'm Back
It has to be said that Ye Ningyuan's wishful thinking was very sound, but what he didn't expect was that his precious daughter found a man with a particularly strong desire for possession. If he could, he could really take Ye Kelan Take it with me everywhere, or lock Ye Kelan up, so that all her beauty can be seen by myself alone.

Of course, these are all for later.

Ye Kelan was slightly surprised when Xu Nuo showed such a gentle expression to her, but she got used to it after a while.After all, she has been away for four years and has not heard from her for these four years. Now that she has returned, it is normal for her to be gentle and kind as a mother.

Returning to promise a brighter smile, she replied softly: "Baby understands, Mommy. Mommy will thank Daddy for Baby later, and thank Mommy by the way. Although relatives don't need to say thank you."

Xu Nuo nodded, waved his hand and said, "Okay, go in and take a shower, otherwise the water will be cold in a while, and it will be bad if you catch a cold." You won't catch a cold even if you take a cold shower, but Xu Nuo is very worried now.

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left without waiting for Ye Kelan to answer her own words. She estimated that if she stayed here again, Ye Kelan would not even want to take a comfortable bath tonight.

Seeing that Xu Nuo had returned to her room, Ye Kelan went to her dressing room first with the cute Duduzui. This is a room of about [-] square meters, filled with all kinds of latest clothes, Pajamas, shoes, bags, and every set of clothes or skirts have special accessories, and there are absolutely no duplicates.It's not the most expensive or the best, it won't appear here, the most important thing is, as promised, everything here is prepared according to Ye Kelan's favorite, because she really I really like all the clothes in it.

She conveniently picked up a pink-blue ankle-length dress, which was still long-sleeved. Ye Kelan liked this style of nightdress the most. It was very delicate, soft and close-fitting. It was not too comfortable, and This was prepared for her by her dearest daddy, so she naturally didn't like it too much.

Taking her pajamas and underwear, she went to the bathroom through another door in this room. There was already half a tank of hot water in the bathtub. Ye Kelan put the clothes in her hands on the sink, and inadvertently saw A necklace on the sink, Ye Kelan tilted his head and thought for a while, then reached out and picked up the necklace.

The style of this necklace is really simple. She remembers that she specially asked Anning International Jewelry Design Department to customize one for her four years ago because she liked to describe these two lines of poem. She still remembers that line of poem, "Linglong dice An Hongdou, do you know the lovesickness in your bones?" '

This necklace is the Linglong dice An Hongdou. Ye Kelan liked these two poems very much at that time, so she specially ordered this necklace, although the cheapest one is less than 100 yuan Money, but Ye Kelan's things are naturally priceless.

This exquisite dice is polished with high-quality suet white jade, and this necklace has six sides, except for the upper and lower sides, there is a red bean as red as blood on the other four sides, but this is not The real red beans were ground into the shape of red beans with blood-red pigeon blood. In this way, the value naturally increased by more than ten times.

Four years have passed, and she almost forgot that this necklace had ever existed, but she didn't expect that she saw it again now, and it was still on the sink in the bathroom of her room.

With the appearance of this necklace, Ye Kelan's memory also came back. It was the last time she took a bath at home four years ago and put it on the backstage of the washroom. She didn't expect her father to keep it so well. , has always been in place, and has never undergone any changes.

It's no wonder why in this room, except for her own clothes that have changed due to trends and time, the rest of the room has almost never changed, and it has always been exactly the same as when she left.

Ye Kelan looked at these, the corners of her mouth slowly became wider and wider, and the grin widened, the grin almost reached the ears, and Ye Kelan's eyes gradually blurred.

The joy is that her family has never forgotten her, and the worry is that because of Gu Yunmo, she left her family for four years, making them sad and cry for her.As a lover, she left the man she loved, and she was really sorry for Gu Yunmo; but as a daughter and granddaughter, she actually left them for four years for a man, and there was no news during these four years, she really Very unfilial.

Gu Yumo, she is not sure if he will hate her because of her leaving, but she can be sure of her family, even if she left them because of some unavoidable difficulties or because of some people, as long as she When they come back, they will still welcome themselves very much, and they will still treat themselves as before, there is no doubt about it.

After finishing that sentence with Ye Kelan, Xu Nuo returned to her room. Although the speed of her bathing alone has gradually slowed down over the years, it takes about half an hour after washing.

When she let out her waist-length black hair, Ye Ningyuan had already been sitting on the sofa in the small living room of their room with a hair dryer in hand, waiting for Xu Nuo, looking like she wanted to dry Xu Nuo's hair, In fact, Ye Ningyuan had this plan.

And the promise is that apart from blowing hair by herself when Ye Ningyuan is not by her side, as long as Ye Ningyuan is by her side at other times, such things as bathing, blowing hair, and warming the bed are all done by Ye Ningyuan. enjoying the moment.

After drying Xu Nuo's hair, Ye Ningyuan kissed Xu Nuo's forehead, then looked at Xu Nuo tenderly and reluctantly said: "Honey, come back early, don't forget to tell me a bedtime story."

Xu Nuo gave Ye Ningyuan a blank look, the older he is, the more childish he is. Just now he said that Ye Tiancheng is childish, but now it seems that Ye Ningyuan is the most childish in this family.

But although Ye Ningyuan felt that Ye Ningyuan was the most naive, Xu Nuo said lightly after giving Ye Ningyuan a supercilious look: "I see, you go take a bath first, I will be back in about an hour." After speaking, Xu Nuo He turned around and left, closing the door behind him without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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