Chapter 181 I'm Back
Ye Ningyuan woke her up when she was crying so hard the moment she closed her eyes for him, but after she woke up, she felt that Gu Yumo in the dream was so real, if Gu Yumo If Mo really killed himself because of his departure, Ye Kelan really didn't know if he was capable of accepting it.

She clenched her back molars tightly, sat up and hugged Ye Ningyuan, and cried loudly. She needed to vent, to vent out all the fear just now. She didn't know why she dreamed that Gu Yumo committed suicide and died. But now no matter what, Ye Kelan's heart really hurt when she saw Gu Yunmo like that, but at the same time she was helpless.

Ye Ningyuan held Ye Kelan, who was crying heartbreakingly, in his arms with distress, and hugged her tightly. He knew that what Ye Kelan needed at this time was not comfort, but something for her to vent; crying loudly hugs.

But at the same time, Ye Ningyuan's heart was also in great pain. You must know that Ye Kelan used to never shed a tear even if he was injured or bleeding, but now he saw Ye Kelan with his own eyes in just one day. Lan cried heart-piercingly twice.As a father who loves his daughter deeply, can he not feel sad?
This also made him more and more curious about what Ye Kelan has experienced in the past four years, and what did she dream about just now, that made her a nightmare with tears all over her face?

But still the same sentence, if Ye Kelan is still unwilling to say it now, he will never ask, and will never investigate.This is the most basic respect a father has for his daughter. ??
Ye Ningyuan hugged Ye Kelan tightly with one hand, and gently patted Ye Kelan's butterfly bone with the other hand. He could clearly feel Ye Kelan's body trembling in his embrace Ye Ningyuan, a father, felt very uncomfortable when his precious daughter became what she is now.

It's just that this is the first time Ye Ningyuan has seen such a fragile Ye Kelan. If he knew who hurt Ye Kelan like this, he would definitely not let him have a better day.

Ye Ningyuan put his hands on the back of Ye Kelan's head, gently rubbed Ye Kelan's hair, and said softly: "Baby, it's okay, Daddy is with you, as for those who let you People who have nightmares, Daddy will definitely make them completely disappear in this world, so that he can't hurt you even a little bit!"

As soon as Ye Ningyuan heard Ye Ningyuan say that he wanted to completely get rid of the person who made her have nightmares, Ye Kelan left Ye Ningyuan's arms, shook his head in shock, looked at Ye Ningyuan and said anxiously: "No, Daddy, don't, he He didn't mean to, he didn't hurt me." He just hurt the people around me.

"The person who makes Baby have nightmares is also the person that Baby cares about?" Ye Ningyuan said to the point, he looked straight into Ye Kelan's eyes, because he knew that if Ye Kelan wanted to lie, Then her eyes are the only place where he can tell the truth from the fake.

Ye Kelan sighed, she knew that this matter must not be kept secret, but she also knew that if she was unwilling to tell, then Ye Ningyuan would definitely not continue to ask, even for her sake Yuan Wei who was unwilling to say, unwilling to let him know and gave up investigating this matter.

This is the way Ye Ningyuan loves her daughter, and it is also the way to protect her.

Ye Kelan lowered her head and licked her somewhat dry lips, as if she had made a certain decision, then she raised her head to look at Ye Ningyuan and said, "Daddy, can you promise me one thing?"

Ye Ningyuan smiled, stretched out his hand and tapped Ye Kelan's forehead, and asked back, "When did Daddy refuse Baby's request?"

Ye Kelan pursed her lips, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, but in Ye Ningyuan's eyes, this smile contained some bitterness, and this bitterness obviously had something to do with the person who did this in Ye Kelan's mind. certain location.

"Daddy, baby, I remember listening to my grandparents talking about the time when my aunt and Grandpa Dabai were in love. At that time, Grandpa Dabai erased my aunt's memory and locked her up on a small island. He even did something that made his aunt point a gun at him. And grandpa knew about those things, but because aunt really liked grandpa Dabai, so grandpa hated the things that grandpa Dabai did As if it never happened, and finally accepted him as my aunt's husband, didn't you?"

Ye Ningyuan looked at Ye Kelan, although Ye Kelan didn't tell all the things, but instead talked about the past events of Auntie and Uncle Dabai in a roundabout way, at this time Ye Ningyuan already knew what was going to happen next to Ye Kelan. What would Ke Lan say?

He looked straight at Ye Kelan. Although Ye Kelan had lost weight and was much paler, Ye Kelan had no scars on her body. Much smoother.

More importantly, the white half-crescents on the nails on her hands are exactly the same as when she was at home, and they are clearly visible on all ten fingers.The nails are also trimmed very round, and taking advantage of these hands, they look more like a lady of a big family whose fingers are not in the sun.

Even if the No. [-] terrorist organization lost some lives because of the person Ye Kelan wanted to keep, but if it was because of Ye Kelan's intercession, Ye Ningyuan thought that he would definitely agree to her request. As for Ye Tianyu, why not? Woolen cloth?
Ye Ningyuan looked at Ye Kelan and replied loudly: "Yes!"

Hearing Ye Ningyuan answer Ye Kelan finally breathed a sigh of relief, but this is not over yet, Ye Kelan continued to ask: "Aunt... Was it because of Mommy that she 'disappeared' back then? But Grandma forgave Mommy generously for Daddy's happiness, and treated Mommy like her own daughter. If this happened to Baby and Brother, wouldn't Daddy do the same thing with Grandma? What about the same choice?"

After speaking, Ye Kelan stared straight at the reaction on Ye Ningyuan's face. The more she got to this point, the more she wanted to know what Daddy was thinking.

It's just that Ye Kelan didn't know Ye Ningyuan's answer. Ye Ningyuan loved her daughter so much. If she insisted on doing so, Ye Ningyuan would definitely not reject her.As for her asking now, she just wanted to hear Ye Ningyuan's words and make sure again.

(End of this chapter)

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