Chapter 182 I'm Back
Ye Ningyuan stretched out his hand to caress the hair on Ye Kelan's forehead. Although his voice was not loud, every word was resounding, "As long as the baby can live happily, Daddy believes that even if your brother paid his own Life, he is also willing to see you live happily. As for the person who can give you happiness, we will accept him wholeheartedly."

Ye Kelan looked at Ye Ningyuan, and smiled slowly. She took a deep breath, and finally said slowly: "Daddy, in fact, the baby has been in the United States for the past four years, but Someone hid the baby, and the person who hid the baby was also inseparable from the injury of the No. [-] terrorist organization.

Although I am not sure whether he is the mastermind or not, what he did, in the final analysis, killed many innocent lives.

Perhaps it was also because of him that my elder brother lived such a long life of a walking dead because of losing his tranquility; it was also because of him that the little Lin Lin suffered so much harm; it was also because of him that Uncle Kaka suffered so much. Stimulated, thus comatose for so long.

But in the final analysis, all of this was caused by me, because he wanted to get me and make him the only one in my world.That's why he single-handedly planned these insane things. "

Speaking of this, Ye Kelan knelt down on the bed, pulled Ye Ningyuan's sleeves helplessly with both hands, looked at Ye Ningyuan pleadingly and said: "But Daddy, no matter what he has done, no matter what It's not because of him that my elder brother, Uncle Chen, and Cousin were hurt. My baby hoped that Daddy would not hurt him because of this. All he did was because of my baby. If Daddy really wanted to blame it , then blame the baby!"

While Ye Kelan was talking helplessly, tears flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably. Weeping so sadly, Ye Kelan considered Ye Ningyuan's eyes to be that she had made a big mistake, or that she had done something wrong for her. No matter how big a mistake the person who interceded made, he would definitely forgive him for her happiness.

This is not a father doting on his daughter, he just doesn't want to see his daughter being forced to have nothing to do with the one he loves because of these things, and then die alone.Even that person will never marry for the sake of his daughter, and then look at each other across the Pacific Ocean every day until the day he dies!
If it really ends up like that, not only Ye Kelan will not be happy, even those who are really good for Ye Kelan will not be happy.On this point, Ye Ningyuan is very determined!

Ye Ningyuan smiled slightly, kissed Ye Kelan's forehead, and said softly: "Baby, if you still want to be together with him, then go on! As for the other things, it's over. Now, as for Wen Jing, Lin Lin and Kaka, I think if they know that you love him, and he is too possessive and wants to have you alone, he will do this, your happiness can only be If he can give it, I think they will also bless you."

What is family?Family members can support you without principle. Even if what you want to do will cause them to lose their own lives, they will do their best for you. As long as they have their last breath, they will fight for you in the end!
Ye Kelan shed tears of gratitude, but she still shook her head and vetoed the matter of continuing to be with Gu Yunmo, "Daddy, although he has been forgiven by you, my darling still can't be with him now. Because Baby feels that this matter cannot be so simple, and Baby can only reconsider whether to continue to be with him after getting the whole truth."

Speaking of this, the smile on the corner of Ye Kelan's mouth deepened. If Ye Ningyuan was looking into Ye Kelan's eyes, then he would definitely see a smile in Ye Kelan's eyes besides sorrow.

"Baby'er is very happy that Daddy can forgive him, but Baby also knows that Daddy will definitely not marry Baby to him easily in the future, right?"

Ye Ningyuan pinched Ye Kelan's straight nose with a little force, and pretended to be serious and said: "Baby, you won't have any more nightmares now!"

Ye Kelan pouted with a smile, and murmured: "Daddy, baby didn't have nightmares because of this, because baby knows that Daddy loves baby so much, so how could he hurt the one that baby loves?" Where is that person?"

Thinking of the terrible scene in the dream, Ye Kelan put away the smile on her face, leaned on Ye Ningyuan's shoulder and said worriedly: "Baby is worried about him, I'm afraid that after I leave him, he will not think about it. Then do something you regret again.

But he must know that I will be sad if I hurt someone I care about, and even be against him, so I am worried that he will do something to hurt himself in order not to make me sad. "

"You mean he still has the tendency to self-harm?" Ye Ningyuan yelled and asked.

Ye Kelan hurriedly interrupted Ye Ningyuan's imagination, if it was really what Ye Ningyuan said, then she would have been far away from him long ago, how could she give her heart?

"...I'm not sure, but it's not impossible for him to do something very humanly acceptable for me to leave, isn't it? Maybe he just wants to know if he gets hurt or dies, what will I do? Will you be sad for him, cry for him?"

Ye Ningyuan sneered, and said sarcastically without hesitation: "What a fool! If he mutilated himself and shed some blood to win your sympathy, then I can understand it, after all, your grandfather has done this. It's just that Your grandfather is much more advanced, he never hurt himself, he just pretended to be pitiful.

But that requires you to be as soft-hearted as your grandma, otherwise it's useless.

But if you have to use your own life to verify whether you have him in your heart, is he really a big fool?

If he is dead, even if he knows your intentions, it will be a blessing, and it will drag you down for the rest of your life.I will never allow this kind of person to become my son-in-law, and you should cut off all relations and contacts with him as soon as possible! "

Seeing how excited Ye Ningyuan was about his affairs, Ye Kelan could only nod obediently.But what Ye Ningyuan said is absolutely right, she can bear Gu Yumo pretending to be pitiful and weak in order to win sympathy, but she really can't bear to strike up a conversation with her life.

(End of this chapter)

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