When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 187 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

Chapter 187 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

An Xia wanted to go around, but the person blocking An Xia's road obviously didn't want An Xia to go around. When An Xia was moving, he quickly stood in front of An Xia, and couldn't help but wrap his arms around An Xia. Xia's waist raised An Xia's head with one hand, and kissed it before An Xia could react.

An Xia was already in a daze when she was hugged by the man in front of her, and he kissed him directly without any explanation, which made An Xia even more dazed. She didn't remember that she had a boyfriend, why now? What about a man who suddenly appeared and kissed her without saying a word?

An Xia was stunned for about half a minute, and the man kissed An Xia for about half a minute, as if he knew that An Xia had recovered, he let go of An Xia's lips in time, and squeezed his lips together. An Xia hugged her tightly into her arms, pressed her lips against An Xia's ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I will never be abandoned by you again!"

An Xia had already come to her senses, but after listening to his words, she had successfully fallen into deep thought again. What is meant by 'again'?What is also called 'abandoned by you'?Did she abandon him?Obviously he left without saying goodbye, okay?
Yes, An Xia already recognized the man in front of him, An Xia already knew who he was when he kissed An Xia forcefully, but now it's a little late to come to Xingshi to ask him the crime?And she went back to find him back then, but the hotel staff told her that he had already checked out and left. Why, did she blame her for abandoning him when he left?
This is too unreasonable!Although she didn't realize that there was such a person as him until almost a week later, she was so busy at that time that she didn't even have time to sleep, okay?I finally found time to think of him, but I didn't expect that he had already left. It would be fine if she didn't leave a message and let him wait, but she clearly told him to let him wait for her, but she didn't expect him to leave first up.

And that time was also an extraordinary period. She returned to work when she didn't find Nangong Yi. Since then, she and Nangong Yi have never met again, even when she returned to S City She even went to the place where he lived to find him, but the new owner of the house told her that Nan Gongyi had left long ago.

Since she gave up by herself, she can't be blamed. That's why An Xia went back to Qiao's house with a 'peace of mind', and then continued to work with a 'peace of mind'.

But just now when Nangong Yi said that she abandoned him, she still couldn't help but argue: "What do you mean I abandoned you? I clearly told you that you were waiting for me at the hotel, but you couldn't wait to leave first Yes, now blame me again!"

An Xia pushed Nangong Yi away forcefully while talking, and took a big step back after leaving his embrace, then raised her eyes and gave Nangong Yi a faint glance.

Although facing being beaten up by Nangong Yi at this time, An Xia was really angry.But when she saw Nangong's current appearance, she had to admit that after four years of polishing, Nangong Yi became more and more mature and stable, and she had more responsibility than before.

Nangong Yi was pushed away by An Xia without hesitation. He wanted to stretch out his hand to hold An Xia's arm, but when his hand was raised in the air, he didn't expect that An Xia was hiding from the plague as quickly as he could. Taking two steps back to widen the distance between them, he could only hold his hands tightly, and slowly withdrew his hand.

"I've been waiting for you for a week, and you haven't said a word during this whole week. Shouldn't I think it's because you want to abandon me? If you really care about me, how can you not say anything for a week?" Give me a few words?"

Nangong Yi was not only really wronged in his heart, he also had a wronged expression when he said these words, and he was about to cry.In fact, he had already decided to leave as early as the third day, but he didn't believe that An Xia would break his promise, but he didn't know where his self-confidence came from, but feelings are never about who falls in love first Just lost?
It's because he loves An Xia, and he knows that if there is no An Xia in this life, he will never fall in love with anyone else, so he will never be happy for the rest of his life.

So he kept waiting, and worried that An Xia would not be able to find him when he came to the hotel, he stayed in the room every day, and when he was hungry, he called the hotel to send food, even if he was eating, but he But his gaze was always looking at the door. He had imagined countless times that if An Xia came back, he would never care about An Xia again. He must let her comfort him, or he would forgive him only if he promised to be with him on the spot. An Xia.

But he kept waiting, kept waiting, until finally he thought that as long as An Xia could come back, no matter whether An Xia accepted his feelings or not, he would love An Xia as always, and would not wait for An Xia to comfort him .

But he waited for a week and didn't wait for An Xia to come back, and the call to An Xia was turned off again. If he still doesn't know why by now, then he is really stupid.

In this way, Nangong Yi packed up his things. From coming happily to returning disappointed, his mood has never been so low. Even when his parents passed away, he has never been as depressed as he is now. It's been so depressing.

Originally, he might not have seen An Xia today, if it wasn't because his men happened to see An Xia at this airport a year ago, and since then he had been guarded here, if there was any news about her, To report to him, he even told them when he returned to S City a month ago, if he saw An Xia, he must stop her and try to delay the time until he came, otherwise he might have to talk to her again this time missed.

It's not that he hasn't investigated An Xia's whereabouts these years, but he doesn't know why he never has a chance to find An Xia, or he will be blocked intentionally when he traces half of it, or he will be thrown away by the person involved. In short, he couldn't completely grasp An Xia's whereabouts no matter what.

An Xia originally planned to just muddle through like this and be done, but when faced with Nangong Yi's wronged accusation, An Xia couldn't help herself. She took a deep breath, looked at Nangong Yi and said, "That paragraph I really don't have time to take care of you because I'm too busy, so I don't have time to call you..."

(End of this chapter)

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