When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 188 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

Chapter 188 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

An Xia hadn't finished speaking when she was interrupted by Nangong Yi: "Are you so busy that you don't even have time to call me? Just one call, 1 minute, don't you even have 1 minute? Are you unwilling to give me all your time? What am I in your heart?" Before An Xia could answer, Nangong Yi laughed at himself and said, "I am nothing to you at all, but just a person with one side. It's just a passer-by by Yuan, it's normal for you to forget me, why should I be so sentimental and still want to eat swan meat?"?
After saying this, Nangong Yi never looked at An Xia's expression again, turned around lonely and left this person who made him love mad, think mad, read mad, and at the same time fear mad, he clearly knew that How unworthy he was back then, even if he is rich now, although he is sure that his current financial power is more than enough compared to the Qiao Group, but he also knows that no matter how rich and powerful he is, he is worthy Not on her.

He will never be worthy of her, it was the same four years ago, and it will be the same four years later.

He already knew this, but what can he do?Even though he knew that he was not worthy of An Xia, he fell in love with him so much that he couldn't extricate himself from it, so much that he couldn't help himself.

Even because of this love, in order to make himself worthy of An Xia, he has done many dirty things in the past four years to gain more money and power for himself, but now he knows that no matter who he is, No matter what he has done, it is impossible for him to be worthy of An Xia in his life.

But so what, even if he doesn't deserve it, he will never let go. The feeling of being separated from his beloved is really too painful, and he doesn't want to hurt anymore.

Therefore, even if he doesn't deserve it, he still wants to be with An Xia and let An Xia fall in love with him wholeheartedly.Even if he tried his best, he must realize his greatest wish. ?
But today, he really didn't know how to restrain the restlessness in his heart and talk to An Xia properly, so he had no choice but to run away.

An Xia looked at Nangong Yi's fleeing back and felt very uncomfortable. She thought that she was so busy that she even had one meal a day, or she just took two bites while handling official business, but it was more busy. She basically crossed the Atlantic several times that week.

It was he who had no patience to wait, but now he said that she was wrong, and ran away if he could not win, what a joke!

An Xia snorted coldly in disgust, and then strode towards the door. Just when he reached the gate of the airport, he saw a luxury version of the extended Lincoln parked at the door, and there was a man in a black suit standing beside the door. When the man saw An Xia coming out, he first bowed like An Xia, and then said respectfully with a smile on his face: "Miss An, my husband ordered us to reward him when he was leaving. Ms. An was sent back safely, and please invite Ms. An to get in the car." After speaking, he opened the door of the car and stood respectfully aside.

An Xia just cast a glance at the man, then walked around the extended Lincoln without looking back, reached out to hold a taxi, but before the taxi was stopped, he was stopped by the man in the black suit, " Ms. An, sir, you have to let us take you home today, otherwise we will stop you from stopping a taxi until you are willing to get in our car, please don’t make things difficult for us.” Made a gesture of please, "Miss An, please get in the car."

An Xia glanced at the man, took a deep breath, and tried hard to restrain her urge to beat him up.Sure enough, what kind of boss will have what kind of subordinates, they all have the same thick skin, and the same only know how to stalk.

Now that everyone has already said that, An Xia thinks that if she doesn't get in the car today, she will not be able to go home.

She also wanted to call Qiao Junting and ask him to come and pick her up, but he is probably still busy now, and the Qiao Family Group of Nuoda is on his shoulders alone. It is indeed a bit of hard work, she If the ignorance disturbed his work, then she would feel a little sorry,
An Xia stared at the man coldly with expressionless eyes, because the people she had dealt with over the years were all prominent figures in the world, and if she didn't have a bit of aura, she really couldn't hold them back.

So the person who is looking at this man right now is bursting with aura, even though it is still summer and the weather is very hot, but because An Xia's aura is there, even the back of the man in black standing in front of her is full. Wet, not hot, but cold sweat from fright.Suddenly, I wonder why this job is so difficult, and I am also thankful that I don't have a heart attack, otherwise I must be so scared that I will have an attack now, um, I must ask my boss to raise my salary when I go back.

Maybe she saw the man's calf trembling, and An Xia didn't bother to stare at him any longer. She rolled her eyes and got into the extended Lincoln, because she knew that Nangong Yi wouldn't do anything to her. What will happen, with her ability, she can get out of the whole body, not to mention that she can clearly feel that Nangong Yi's feelings for her have not faded after four years, and even become stronger up.

It's just that every time An Xia thinks back to what happened back then, An Xia always feels a little sorry for Nangong Yi. Although he was the one who stalked her to go to America with her, she left a person she didn't know well alone. Throwing him in the hotel for a week, I really don't know how he got through that week.

Comparing her heart to her heart, if she is left alone in a place and ignores her, she will feel very uncomfortable in her heart, and I am afraid she will leave without saying goodbye. It's just that she spoke to Nangong Yi so aggressively just now, because she was wronged!
After all, if what she said was really like that, maybe she thought she would be able to gain a firm foothold in front of him.It's just that what I said just now seems to have hurt him again. We only met twice, but both times it was her who hurt him. I really feel a little uncomfortable!

But what can be done about this?Since everything has already been done, and you don't know what will happen next, you can only wait and see.

Nangong Yi's car drove An Xia all the way to the door of his house. After watching An Xia enter the door, he drove back to report to Nan Gong Yi.

When An Xia returned to Qiao's house, the servants of Qiao's house greeted them warmly. Basically, everyone had a smile from the bottom of their hearts. You can count them, but 90.00% of the people in this Qiao family really like Qiao Anxia, ​​the second lady, not to mention all of them, even in their attitudes towards Anxia and Qiao Hanwan. The respect that comes from the heart, while the other is only the respect on the surface.

(End of this chapter)

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