When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 189 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

Chapter 189 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

It's no wonder that although An Xia doesn't go back to Qiao's house very often, she always puts her personality there. In addition, she has a clear understanding of other people's hearts, and when she speaks, she talks about them In her heart, and when she speaks, she is tactful, but she can be heard clearly, and she never points out their mistakes in person.

But Qiao Hanwan was not like this. If someone did something wrong, they would just yell at him directly. It would be better if Qiao's father and Qiao's mother were present.

In this way, compared with An Xia, Qiao Hanwan is naturally completely lost. It's just that she is still the eldest lady of the Qiao family for a day, and she can continue to be the master of the Qiao family for a day, so she has the right to disrespect the people below. He yelled mercilessly.

But I don't know if An Xia's luck is not very good, or Qiao Hanwan is tired from playing outside, so Qiao Hanwan, who was basically invisible in broad daylight in the past, stayed at home obediently for the first time today. Accompanying Joe's father and mother in the back garden drinking tea and chatting, it's like a happy family.

However, this kind of scene only happens once or twice when An Xia and Qiao Junting are not at home. In the rest of the time, as long as Qiao Junting and An Xia are at home, Qiao Hanwan's status is simply transparent. pitiful.

As for why Qiao Junting loved Qiao Hanwan so much in the past but now treats her like a stranger, it can only be said that Qiao Hanwan did it himself. An Xialai, you must know that An Xia is Qiao Junting's own sister, even though she has been separated for many years, how can he tolerate being insulted by Qiao Hanwan like this.

In fact, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that once Qiao Junting happened to overhear Qiao Hanwan's outrageous words because of socializing, but because of An Xia's return, there were also regulations on the amount of Qiao Hanwan's pocket money. Although it is less than the unlimited pocket money before, it is indeed a lot.

Coupled with An Xia's return, Qiao's father and Qiao's mother obviously loved An Xia more than her, and even his elder brother loved An Xia more, so Qiao Hanwan was naturally uncomfortable, so in front of her friend's Mian'er cursed An Xia for dying early.

It would be understandable for her to curse An Xia and Qiao Junting because An Xia robbed her of her position in the Qiao family, but what happened next made Qiao Junting completely chilled.

Because Qiao Hanwan not only cursed An Xia to die early, but also Qiao's father, mother, and his elder brother died together, so that all the property of the Qiao family would belong to her alone.

The parents who loved and raised her could cruelly curse her to die as soon as possible, just to get the Qiao Group. I have to say that her heart is really snake-hearted!

It is true that from that time on, he cut Qiao Hanwan's pocket money in half again. Qiao Hanwan would naturally not agree to the pocket money being halved, so whether Qiao Hanwan was at home or in the Qiao Group, he would He quarreled with Qiao Junting directly, but Qiao Junting always gave her an ear, and when the quarrel was over, she would still go her own way.

Of course, Qiao's father and mother didn't care about this matter. After all, the son is the person in charge of the family now, and they are getting older, so they are naturally concerned about such small things as how much pocket money to Qiao Hanwan. I won't ask.

What's more, An Xia has never used a penny of the black card they gave An Xia, but her expenses will definitely not be small, and Mother Qiao knows this best.

I still remember that on Christmas day one year, she and An Xia went shopping in the mall together. You must know that even a handkerchief for people like them is worth at least four figures, not to mention other things, which can easily cost one hundred thousand. Yes, but that day she left in a hurry and didn't bring anything with her, so An Xia paid for everything she bought.

I saw hundreds of thousands, millions or even tens of millions of accounts. An Xia just swiped her card and left without blinking, using her own money.

At that time, Mother Qiao felt that every time she went shopping with Qiao Hanwan, although Qiao Hanwan paid most of the bills, the cards Qiao Hanwan swiped were all her supplementary cards, no matter how many Qiao Hanwan swiped. It won't hurt, because she didn't earn it from her own work, so she is naturally a little unhappy in her heart.

It's like the dove who didn't know how to be grateful after the dove occupied the magpie's nest.

But when Mother Qiao asked An Xia where the money came from, An Xia just smiled and replied that the money was her salary from working in the United States. As for what kind of job can have such a generous salary, An Xia did not say clearly , just saying that all her money comes from 'regular' channels.

But when Mother Qiao learned that An Xia had earned all these money by herself over the years, and then saved it, as long as she thought of An Xia treating herself badly for saving so much money, Mother Qiao's heart felt as if it had been stabbed. It hurts like a prick.

You have to know how much time, energy, and knowledge it takes to save so much money. Although she said that she was raised by her adoptive parents, Mother Qiao was worried that the family who adopted An Xia was not a good person and would make her happy. An Xia did what she shouldn't and couldn't do.

Moreover, An Xia didn't even blink her eyes when she swiped her card to pay, as if these millions or even tens of millions of money were like hundreds of dollars in An Xia's eyes. Not all adoptive parents in the world are so generous to their adopted daughters, even when their biological children are by their side.

It's just that Anxia still knows everything about big international brands, and it's still the kind of big brands that can't be bought with money. Looking at the clothes that Anxia wears every year when she comes back, she knows that maybe that's the case. The family members are really good to An Xia, but they have never had the chance to meet them, and An Xia doesn't seem to have any plans to let them meet.

Of course, Qiao Hanwan didn't know these things. If she knew that An Xia had a very good life even if she didn't go back to Qiao's house, she would definitely want to tear An Xia to pieces right away.

Although she saw An Xia and Ye Kelan together, she knew they were rich, but Qiao Hanwan had always regarded An Xia as Ye Kelan's follower, so that she could get unwanted things from others. .

To be honest, in the past four years, Qiao Hanwan has lived a good life except that her pocket money is much less than before. After all, she has a boyfriend. Although he does not treat her wholeheartedly, at least he spends a lot of money. Let her be as carefree as before when her pocket money is reduced by half.

(End of this chapter)

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