When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 191 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

Chapter 191 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

'Crack', before Qiao Hanwan finished speaking, she was slapped by Qiao's mother who was so angry that her chest hurt. This slap was merciless, because Qiao Hanwan's face was swollen and she didn't say anything. Even the corner of her mouth was already bleeding, and Qiao Hanwan covered her face with one hand, looked up at Mother Qiao who beat her with teary eyes in disbelief, you know she is Mother Qiao's favorite She held it in her hand for fear of flying away and held it in her mouth for fear of melting. Now she beat her because of an outsider. How could she bear it?
Father Qiao and Mother Qiao naturally didn't dare to do anything, but that doesn't mean that An Xia didn't dare to do anything either. She stood up directly, looked at An Xia with tears in her eyes, pointed at An Xia and cursed: "It's all your fault, It's all your fault, bitch. If it wasn't for you, then I would be the only princess of the Qiao family. It's all because of you. Why didn't you die? Why didn't you die outside all these years and never come back? "After speaking, I reached out and wanted to slap An Xia.

Just when Qiao's father and mother thought that Qiao Hanwan would hit An Xia, they saw that An Xia easily grabbed the hand that Qiao Hanwan was about to hit her, and stood up slowly. , looked at Qiao Hanwan and asked in bewilderment: "Why are you still not good at learning? I have already told you not to mess with me, don't mess with me, but you challenged me again and again My patience, if the tiger doesn't show its power, you really think I'm a sick cat?"

After finishing speaking, she used some strength to shake off Qiao Hanwan's hand, but she grasped her strength very well, so Qiao Hanwan didn't move her footsteps, and it was just a little unsteady. She still looked calm, and she didn't hit Qiao Hanwan, but what she said next made Qiao Hanwan, Qiao's father, and Qiao's mother almost drop their jaws in shock.

I saw An Xia took a step closer to Qiao Hanwan, and said with a smile: "Qiao Hanwan, do you really think you can compare with me? If it weren't for the fact that you have brought me more than ten years when I was not at home. If your parents were happy, I would have kicked you out of Qiao's house on the day I returned home.

Don't think that I dare not do that. Believe it or not, even if I kick you out of this house now, Mom and Dad will never blame me, because you did it yourself. "

Speaking of this, the corners of An Xia's mouth curled up, and the smile on his face grew even bigger, "Do you want to know why? Because you are not the biological daughter of your parents at all. If it wasn't because I was taken away by the enemy, you wouldn't have It would be impossible to have the opportunity to occupy my position and still speak loudly to me!
Also, don't think that I don't know about the things you did four years ago, and don't expect me to be raped and raped by them four years ago. To tell you the truth, the reason why I dare to accept your invitation is that It proves that there are people around me who you don't know are secretly protecting me.If I really get hurt, do you think you can escape?Do you think I won't repay you double? "

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother looked at each other in surprise. It has been so many years, and afterward, they also silenced or sent some of the former lovers to the country. In addition, the power of the Qiao family is now It's not a problem if you want to erase everything from the past.

But why does An Xia know about this now?Qiao's father and Qiao's mother were puzzled. If they wanted to do this, they could only be stronger than Qiao's group.

But An Xia was only four years ago, and now she is 22 years old. She is still so young, how could she become stronger than the Qiao Group?
Pointing at An Xia, Mother Qiao stammered and asked, "Xia Xia, these things have been going on for so many years. If the person concerned didn't know about it back then, no one else would have known about it. Are you How do you know?"

An Xia smiled, looked down at the tip of her shoe and crossed her arms with her chest, and said in an inscrutable way: "I want to know, so I know."

Father Qiao shook his head, and said in disbelief: "Xia Xia, it's not so easy to know about this. Tell me, when did you know that Han Wan is not our biological daughter?"

An Xia took two steps in the direction of Qiao's father, then raised her head to look at Qiao's father, and said with a faint smile: "From the moment I knew you were my biological parents, I knew that Qiao Hanwan was not you at all. My biological daughter. I think my brother should have known about this matter when he knew of my existence. In order to confirm his own guess, he even went for a DNA test, but my brother probably hasn’t told you yet. !"

Qiao's mother only knew to look at An Xia. She couldn't believe that An Xia knew so much, more than she knew as a mother.At least she didn't know that Qiao Junting also knew that Qiao Hanwan was not his own sister, but she still kept silent in front of her, pretending that she didn't know anything and that nothing happened.

Father Qiao just sighed when he looked at An Xia, and then said with a sigh: "I originally thought that as long as we didn't tell you, you would never know about it. Who knew that you already knew about it. Dad also watched If it wasn't for what Han Wan said just now, you wouldn't have made it this far. But no matter what, Dad hopes that you won't be disappointed with Mom and Dad!"

Mother Qiao was really disappointed with Qiao Hanwan. No matter how much she satirized An Xia in the past, she never disappointed her. She even treated her like a child who was ignorant. I didn't expect that she would say that about An Xia just now. After he beat her, he said such vicious things, and he still wanted to beat An Xia.

Although she doesn't know what kind of work An Xia has been doing these years and how she knew about those things back then, Mother Qiao believes that no matter what An Xia does, she will never be like Qiao Hanwan.

All of a sudden, Mother Qiao seemed to have figured out everything. At the beginning, An Xia left in such a hurry, and then she only came back every year on New Year's Eve or Spring Festival. Forgive me, why didn't she know before that An Xia didn't want to confront Qiao Hanwan, making it difficult for the old couple to behave.

It turned out that An Xia would rather not come back for their own sake!It's so sensible and considerate.

In fact, An Xia didn't come back because she was busy. Even if there was a rest time, it would be a day at most, and the time on the plane alone was not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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