When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 192 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

Chapter 192 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

It's just that Qiao's mother didn't think so at this time, she just blindly pushed the fault on Qiao Hanwan, and her daughter was always thinking of being a parent for them.

"Xia Xia, mom is sorry for making you wronged. Mom will never let you be wronged again, ah!" Mother Qiao stepped forward to hug An Xia sadly, and patted her on the back in distress.

No matter how stupid Qiao Hanwan is, she should be able to tell that what An Xia said to Qiao's father and Qiao's mother at this time are not lies at all, they are all true. She is not the biological daughter of the Qiao family at all, nor is she Miss Qiao's family, she is just the adopted daughter of Qiao's family, I don't know what kind of status she used to be in the public eye! ?
Haha~ Now Qiao Hanwan really feels that she is so stupid. It turns out that An Xia knew that she was not the biological daughter of the Qiao family. On her side, even though she has been in front of her parents for so many years, she is always inferior to An Xia, and every time she provokes An Xia first, and although An Xia's counterattack is a bit too much, it is still But it's just to return to the body of the person in the way of the person.

She was so stupid. Looking back now, she felt that she was really stupid. When she fell out of favor and when An Xia was not at home, she didn't repair the relationship between her parents and brother, and she was still happy outside.So much so that when the truth came to light, she realized that her parents who loved her could beat her, even so hard.

And An Xia actually endured herself all the time. It turned out that it was because An Xia knew her true identity four years ago or more, and the reason why she was allowed to be arrogant and domineering was just for the sake of Let her lose face today.

"I'm really stupid... I thought you guys would ignore me since An Xia came back, I thought you were just angry with me, and it would be fine after a while, but I didn't expect... I'm not your biological daughter , This is the real reason! Hahaha... I'm so stupid!" Qiao Hanwan raised her head and laughed, but crystal tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

After all, she is the daughter I have raised by my side for so many years. Although her words and actions are unsatisfactory, she always says some difficult words to hate An Xia. For this, Mother Qiao, as a mother, naturally stands on the side of An Xia, her biological daughter. As a result, he didn't care so much about his adopted daughter Qiao Hanwan.

Not only that, because An Xia was taken away by her enemies when she was so young, so Qiao's father and Qiao's mother felt that they owed An Xia as parents, so much so that they saw An Xia who was five or six years older than An Xia in the orphanage. Only when Qiao Hanwan was very similar, Father Qiao and Mother Qiao insisted on adopting her, and transferred all the love that should have been for An Xia to Qiao Hanwan.

Even if they adopted Qiao Hanwan, from another perspective, it can be said that they regarded Qiao Hanwan as An Xia, gave her everything that originally belonged to An Xia, and made her grow up lovingly.

But even so, Qiao's father and Qiao's mother never gave up on finding their own daughter. Qiao's Group's ability to become a large listed company today has a lot to do with An Xia's disappearance.

These days, if you want to find a baby who has been stolen in an organized and disciplined manner, it is simply a dream. At that time, Qiao's Group was just a small company with no more than ten people including the chairman and sweeping aunt, but in order to be able to With more financial resources and influence to find An Xia, Qiao's father is not willing to go into the sea, and has made Qiao's group to where it is today.

As Qiao's father's business grew bigger and bigger, he knew more and more people, and the better the relationship, the greater the possibility of finding An Xia.

Finally, they finally found their biological daughter when their daughter disappeared for 17 years. Although the biological daughter was found, the old couple never forgot to care for their adopted daughter Qiao Hanwan, even for Qiao Hanwan who was already at that time. Wanwan's biological daughter lied, saying that Qiao Hanwan was her twin sister.

Now, thinking back carefully on what An Xia said when she came home for the first time, Mother Qiao felt that if An Xia hadn't cared about their feelings and Qiao Hanwan had been filial by their side for so many years instead of her, she might have died a long time ago. When Qiao Hanwan spoke so rudely for the first time, An Xia would reveal Qiao Hanwan's identity to the public without any scruples.

But even if An Xia no longer cares about Qiao Hanwan's mood, it doesn't matter, after all, Qiao Hanwan asked for it herself, but she has thought about it, even if Qiao Hanwan knows her identity by then , as long as she is still willing to call her mother and correct her mistakes, she will forgive her. After all, it took a hundred years to cultivate the same boat, and I don't know how many years it took to cultivate the relationship between mother and daughter.

Mother Qiao looked at Qiao Hanwan, who was sitting on the ground crying out of breath, and felt a little distressed. After all, she has been her daughter for almost 20 years, so how could she not feel distressed?After all, she couldn't bear it, she sighed silently: "Wanwan, as long as you are willing to apologize to Xia Xia sincerely, we will still accept you. You are still our daughter and Xia Xia's sister."

Qiao Hanwan was still laughing, she was laughing at herself being stupid, so she didn't know whether she had heard or not heard Qiao's mother's words, but no matter whether she heard or not, she had already made a decision in her heart, that is If the Qiao family had her, there would be no An Xia, and if there was An Xia, there would be no her!

But at that time, she was still the "biological daughter" of Qiao's father and Qiao's mother, although An Xia was too, but in terms of time, she spent more time with Qiao's father and mother than An Xia. Naturally, her relationship with Qiao's father and Qiao's mother is much stronger than that of An Xia and Qiao's father and mother.

She thought that even if she put forward such a condition, she would win in the end, but now she knows that no matter how many years she has been in Qiao's family, no matter how deep her relationship with Qiao's father and mother was before, how much they are Dote on her, as long as An Xia comes back, she will be nothing.

Because blood is thicker than water, no matter how deep the feelings are, it cannot compare to the same blood flowing.

Therefore, Qiao Hanwan conceded in the match that was doomed to be lost before it even started. Although she was not convinced, she lost in the end, and she lost.Even if she is homeless from now on, she will never give in to An Xia. If she wants to be servile like a person who has robbed her of everything, she will never do it!

(End of this chapter)

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