When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 193 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

Chapter 193 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

Qiao Hanwan raised her head, with tears streaming down her face, she looked at Mother Qiao with a sarcastic smile, but she didn't say anything when she arrived, but the hand holding the chair trembled, and her legs seemed weak, but she finally stood up , before she staggered out, she turned her head and gave An Xia a hateful look. If eyes could kill, then An Xia would have died thousands of times under Qiao Hanwan's eyes.

Seeing that Qiao Hanwan would rather leave Qiao's house than apologize like An Xia, Qiao's father became angry, and shouted at Qiao Hanwan's back: "Qiao Hanwan, if you don't apologize for what you just said today like An Xia If you don't, then you will never go back to this family, and never use a penny from this family again!"

Qiao Hanwan didn't take these words of Qiao's father seriously at all. She is not someone who can't live without Qiao's family. She has so many good friends and she has a boyfriend. She doesn't believe it. If she really had no money to spend, they really wouldn't care about her, after all, she was very kind to them back then.

Because Qiao Hanwan had this guarantee, she didn't take what Qiao's father said seriously at all, and staggered away from Qiao's mansion without looking back.

I just don't know how long she can last with her backbone? !
An Xia didn't feel very happy watching Qiao Hanwan's leaving back, but what she said just now was really too ugly. If she didn't teach her a little lesson, she really didn't know how high the sky is and how big the earth is. thick.

Just seeing Qiao's father and mother's expression of concern, An Xia's mouth curled up indistinctly, and she said softly, "Don't worry, Mom and Dad, she will come back obediently after staying outside for a month." After all, her cronies and friends are only friends with her because she is the eldest lady of the Qiao Group. If one day she is not the eldest lady of the Qiao Group, then those people who used to have a good relationship with her will not Continue to get along with her. After she has tasted the warmth and coldness of the world, she will know that it is better to stay at Qiao's house, and she will definitely come back when the time comes. "

Mother Qiao patted An Xia's hand and sighed, "Why don't I know her temperament, but what she said just now really made me very angry, even if it's a stranger who has never lived before, she doesn't have to do that Tell others!"

Father Qiao also echoed angrily: "That's right, don't think that I don't know why you don't like to come back to this house these years. It's probably because of her unrestrained words! Now that I say that about you, I feel angry when I think about it. If she is still here now, I will definitely give her a few big mouths."

An Xia shook her head helplessly. Although it is true that she hates Qiao Hanwan very much, it is not because of Qiao Hanwan that she seldom goes home, because people like Qiao Hanwan have never lived in front of her. After a few moves, she would be so angry that she would jump, and she also knew that her father, mother and brother would speak for her.The more she can't understand herself, the more she sneers in front of her, not to mention she still sneers regardless of the occasion, the sooner it will prove that her status in Qiao's family will be worsened day by day.

Since she was going to die, why did she stop her?And this is her home, she can go back if she wants to, and if she doesn't want to go back, she doesn't want to go back, why should she, an insignificant outsider, decide whether to stay or not?
An Xia asked resentfully: "Father, no matter what, when I was not by your side, she was the one who made you laugh and laugh by your side. Although I don't like her, she just went out by herself. Not to mention that she didn't bring any money, just because the society is mixed with good and evil, don't parents really worry about her safety?"

Mother Qiao sighed, stretched out her hand to hold An Xia's hand, and said, "If she could understand the general situation, she wouldn't be what she is today. Let her go out and experience the hardships in this society. If you know how powerful you are, you will gain a lot of wisdom from a pit, let's see if she dares to be like this again in the future."

Father Qiao also said: "What your mother said is that she is already an adult, and it is time for her to go out and practice hard. When she really knows that she is wrong, let her go to the company to help Junting, and Junting will take care of it alone. You don't want to come back to help such a big company, so she can only be the best candidate." She shook her head helplessly as she said that, with a look of resentment.

An Xia smiled knowingly. After all, they still couldn't let go of Qiao Hanwan, otherwise they wouldn't have allowed Qiao Hanwan to be ridiculed so many times before. Qiao Hanwan is willing to come back one day to apologize to her, and then she can still return to Qiao's family, and she will still be the young lady of Qiao's family.

The Qiao Group is nothing worth mentioning to An Xia. Whoever will be the person in charge of the Qiao Group in the future will not matter to her, but Qiao Hanwan must not be the person in power. , even if one day she is, she can easily pull her down from that position.

An Xia's hands slowly clenched into fists, and the expression on her face was still calm, but she heard Qiao's mother's question, "Xia Xia, out of trust in you, so my mother has never said anything over the years. I didn't ask you what you did all these years, but since Hanwan has mentioned it today, you should tell mom honestly, what exactly do you do?"

After Qiao's mother asked this question, Qiao's father couldn't wait to agree: "Yes, Xia Xia, just tell us, so that we can rest assured. Last time I heard your mother say that you went to the mall with me, once If you spend hundreds of millions of dollars without blinking your eyes, what kind of job can give you such a generous salary?"

An Xia smiled, but was not in a hurry to speak. She just took a sip of the rose tea in front of her, put the cup on the table, and then said unhurriedly: "Don't worry, Mom and Dad, my salary So there are so many, it is also because of my high position in the company, and although I have no shares in the company, but because of my hard work, I have a lot of dividends at the end of the year. In addition to my own I also have a profitable industry under my name, so even if I spend tens of millions at a time when I return to China, it’s nothing.

After all, when I was abroad, I spent more than this amount, let alone tens of millions, even if it was [-] million, I would not even blink my eyes.By the way, the [-] million is still in US dollars.

(End of this chapter)

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