When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 194 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

Chapter 194 Kicked Out of Qiao's House

As for what Qiao Hanwan said just now about whether I was a lover for a rich man abroad or something like that, that is simply nonsense. May I ask, is there any rich man who can afford a prodigal lover like me?

Even if there is such a rich man, even if he is willing to give everything for me, it depends on whether I am willing or not!

You know, if he has the opportunity to support me, then he will gain far more than what he has lost now. Based on this calculation, he has earned. "

An Xia did not belittle others, and what she said was the truth. Even if she is the Suzaku of the number one terrorist organization, the richest people in this world would like to marry An Xia back. One is An Xia. She can make money by herself, and the second is that An Xia is still a senior member of the No. [-] terrorist organization. Marrying her means she has the backing of the No. [-] terrorist organization.

You must know that the No. [-] terrorist organization is still the target of the international anti-terrorism organization in private. Not only is it powerful in force, but it also has elites from all walks of life. Maybe you have offended the No. [-] terrorist organization without you knowing it. So they can basically walk sideways in the world. With their help, it means that you also have the capital to walk sideways. Why not do it?
Although An Xia said so, Mother Qiao still worried and asked again: "Did you really not do anything illegal? Xia Xia, listen to my mother, this illegal thing is untouchable, if it is light Parents who are a little heavier can spend money to settle it, but if they are heavier, they will be shot! You must not do those things!"

An Xia smiled playfully, approached Qiao's mother and said half-truthfully, "Don't worry, mom, even if I really did something illegal, those people in the lounge can't do anything to me, otherwise how could I be so carefree?" How about going home comfortably?"

Qiao's father exclaimed: "What you have done all these years can't really break the law?! Do you know what the consequences of your actions will be? You will be shot!"

An Xia waved her hand indifferently and said, "It's okay, didn't I appear in front of you in peace now? Anti-terrorists have chased me for so many years, and I haven't seen a finger touching me. What are you afraid of? "

Father Qiao pointed at An Xia worriedly and angrily, unable to speak for a long time. Finally, Mother Qiao couldn't stand it any longer. She pulled Father Qiao's hand pointing at An Xia, rolled her eyes and said with a little disgust: " Is your daughter teasing you? Do you take it seriously? Look at the delicate skin and tender flesh of your daughter. The only thing she can do is her unreasonable mouth. If she really does something illegal, she will be safe and sound. Are you going home? The older you get, the more you can’t figure it out.”

Joe's father wanted to say something, but before he could speak, Qiao's mother interrupted him again, "Okay, okay, stop talking, my daughter must be tired after sitting on the plane for so long, let her take a good rest. Take a rest, you go shopping with me." Then he looked back at An Xia and said distressedly: "You are tired too, go back to your room and have a rest, ah!"

An Xia nodded obediently, watched her parents leave, drank the rose tea in the cup when she couldn't see her parents' backs, then stood up with a sigh, and said as she walked, "I'm telling the truth, why is there no one here?" Trust me?"

She didn't think about it carefully, how could people believe her expression that looked so obvious that she was joking just now, they would definitely think that what she said was all played by them, and An Xia's face was too deceiving So even if what she said was true, Qiao's father and Qiao's mother would firmly not believe her words.

That's right, what pair of heartless parents would believe that what their lost and recovered child did was illegal, even if it was true, as long as the facts were not in front of them, they would not believe it, even if it was true one day Putting it in front of them, they may also be subconsciously unwilling to believe it.

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother walked out together arm in arm. After getting into the car, no one said a word, but both of them seemed to be preoccupied. How could they not know what it was for? It's for Qiao Hanwan.

They were sitting in the car, and at most 2 minutes after the car started, they saw Qiao Hanwan who was staggering. This is halfway up the mountain, so how could there be a taxi appearing, plus Qiao Hanwan? She left Qiao's house in a huff without taking it with her. She had to hike down the mountain, and drinking cold water on her back would clog her teeth. It's easy to talk about not having money, but who can I find for help if I don't have a mobile phone?
So now Qiao Hanwan can only stagger forward alone. She is delicate and expensive, and she starts to pant after walking a few steps. In addition, she is wearing high-heeled shoes, if it is not because of now If there was still a breath of air in her stomach, she would have been too tired to walk.

It's just that it's still very distressing for Qiao's father and mother to see her such a pitiful appearance, but since they have already said their words, if they go back on their words, they will not have the dignity due to elders!

In addition, she was at fault for this matter in the first place, if they bowed their heads first because she looked pitiful now, wouldn't Qiao Hanwan be even more lawless and sneer at An Xia in the future.Then can they manage it in the future?
Perhaps because Qiao Hanwan knows a little bit, as long as she makes a mistake, she just needs to pretend to be pitiful. After all, although she is only an adopted daughter, anyone who raises a kitten or puppy will have feelings, let alone a human being.At that time, she can win their sympathy by pretending to be pitiful, and they will forgive her. At that time, she will not need to apologize, and no matter what happened before, she can write it off. What is there against it? what!

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother obviously knew this, so when Qiao's father saw Qiao Hanwan, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. After all, Qiao's mother is a woman, although she also felt that Qiao Hanwan made a mistake But she still couldn't bear to see Qiao Hanwan like this, but she just took a few more glances, and then gave a few words to the bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat.

Father Qiao obviously heard it too, but he didn't react at all. As always, he closed his eyes and fell asleep, as if he didn't hear anything outside the window.

And Qiao's mother obviously felt much better after giving instructions, and she leaned on the back of the chair with peace of mind and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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