When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 196 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

Chapter 196 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

An Xia approached to see his face clearly, but she didn't expect that what she saw would be Nangong Yi from four years ago. She wanted to wake him up, but no matter how she shouted, she couldn't wake him up. She wanted to find someone to go He, but no matter how loudly she spoke, they seemed to be unable to see her.

She is like a wandering soul, she can see all of them, but they can't see her, no matter how much she cries, no one can see or hear her, and she can only look at Nangong Yi went from dying to not breathing.

At this point in the picture, An Xia finally woke up. The sun had already set, and the golden sunset was shining in the room. It was unbelievably beautiful, but An Xia was covered in cold sweat. She was still a little afraid of the scene. If Nangong Yi had really experienced this back then, even though he didn't die in the end, it was still a bad experience, and all this was thanks to her, how could she feel at ease?

Without reaching out to touch her back, An Xia could feel that the clothes on her back were completely wet. She didn't like this rush of sweating, so she frowned and went to the bathroom to wash off the cold sweat on her body, and then changed into a new suit. Clean home clothes went downstairs.

At this time, Qiao Junting had already come back from get off work. Seeing An Xia coming down, he gave An Xia a big hug, and hugged An Xia in circles for several times before letting An Xia down.

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother naturally smiled when they saw the relationship between the two brothers and sisters so well, but An Xia saw that although Qiao's father and Qiao's mother were smiling, there were other things mixed in the smile, which didn't seem so special. pure.

But as long as they don't say anything, she will act as if nothing happened. After all, she is still disturbed by the dream just now. If that thing really happened, she really dare not imagine Nangong Yi How did he get here back then? He also hated himself at that time!

He hated himself for not keeping his word and abandoned him.Four years later, he blamed all his mistakes on him. If it was her, she would definitely hate him too.

It is enough for An Xia to think about these things in her own heart. She will not be so stupid as to be known to everyone. Although Nangong Yi is now worth over [-] million yuan, after all, the black history of the past still exists. They knew what Nangong Yi had done to her, and then they would definitely teach Nangong Yi a good lesson.

Although An Xia knew that Nangong Yi was now a successful person with money and power, after all, he was one of those people who got rich overnight. If he wanted to fight against a family with a rich background like the Qiao family, his chances of winning were really slim.

It is also to give Nangong Yi a slightly more peaceful life, so even if she wants to tell them about this matter in the future, it will have to wait until she accepts Nangong Yi wholeheartedly. After all, Nangong Yi will be their son-in-law at that time. , If you don’t look at the face of the monk, you must also look at the face of the Buddha!

After dinner, An Xia accompanied her parents to watch the [-] o'clock file. The channel under Anning International is currently broadcasting a drama of the era of palace fighting starring Nuan Nuan. Before the broadcast, it was already a huge hit. It was the ratings champion of the same period that day, and it even broke the ratings for a time, becoming a new generation of ratings myth.

Mother of Qiao naturally also likes this drama very much. Every night, she has to wait in front of the TV to watch the drama. She didn't take An Xia with her. Now that An Xia has come back, she just grabbed An Xia's hand to keep her from leaving. Mother Qiao is so obsessed with this TV series, she vowed to turn her daughter into it too. fans.

It's just that although An Xia can also watch dramas, she is not obsessed with them, and she will not follow the crowd to like this TV drama because there are many people. She watches dramas rationally, although every time she watches dramas She is very devoted all the time, but she belongs to the type who forgets after reading it and doesn't mention it afterwards.

Just as An Xia was watching, the phone she had been holding vibrated. She had a habit of turning the phone to silent when other people were concentrating on something. , and then hold it in your own hand, if you put it on the table, it will definitely make a harsh sound, and it is not good to disturb others.

An Xia frowned slightly when she saw the caller ID on the phone. When she retracted her hand being held by Qiao's mother, she also raised the vibrating phone to indicate that she had a call to answer, then stood up and left here while answering the call. Pick up the phone and go back to your room.

Although An Xia answered the phone, she didn't speak. She just waited quietly for the other party to speak, but the expected voice did not appear. Instead, a strange, anxious but polite male voice appeared, "Excuse me Is it Miss An Xia'an? Our boss has been drinking all the time, and we can't stop him, and he keeps calling your name. If you know our boss, can I trouble you to come over? Our boss's The stomach is not very good, I am afraid that he will have stomach bleeding sooner or later if he drinks like this. Uh... If you feel that it is inconvenient to drive here by yourself, we can come and pick you up. Look, is it okay?"

May I?An Xia guessed that if she couldn't reply to him, he would probably be talking endlessly, and she was sure that this number belonged to Nangong Yi. After all, people who knew that her name still used Nangong Yi's number really couldn't find the number. Of the three, the second one is none other than Ye Kelan.

If it is possible, An Xia reckons that it will be too late to save her when she comes back tonight, what should her parents do if they suddenly remember the ward rounds and see that she is not in the room?But An Xia can easily get over this problem, it's not just a matter of two pillows.

It's just that An Xia didn't answer the other party's words. One minute had already passed, making the people over there think that An Xia had fallen asleep or hadn't been listening for a long time, so he spoke again tremblingly: "Miss An, are you still there?"

An Xia just hummed softly and didn't speak.

The people over there were in a hurry, and they were already in a hurry, but they didn't expect that they were calm and calm, as if nothing had happened. This made him, the younger brother, really panic.

The boss just ordered that if you don't trick people over, then he won't have to work under him anymore, right?If you can't do this well, what's the use of him?

(End of this chapter)

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