When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 197 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

Chapter 197 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

But he has seniors and juniors, and there are wives and younger siblings in between. He is the only pillar in the family. If he can't find a job with a better salary than this, what will he do to support his family?

So let's just let An Xia be calm and calm, he doesn't believe that he can't deceive people with his penetrating tongue.

So he burst into tears, and said out of breath while crying: "Miss An, I don't know what happened between you and my boss, but our boss's stomach is really bad. It’s all because of too much drinking and I went to the hospital with stomach bleeding. That’s good. I don’t know what stimulated me, but now I’m drinking again. If I go to the hospital with stomach bleeding again, I probably have to lie down and get out of the hospital! Woo Woo..."

Knowing that there will be stomach bleeding and drinking alcohol is really courting death, but it seems that part of the reason for courting death is because of her. She doesn't want to contaminate a life for no reason, and the other party's howling is really too ugly. She really can't hear it. When I went down, I could only stop it and said: "The dog can't spit out ivory! Send me the address!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly, wearing the home clothes on his body and the casual shoes on his feet Just took the car keys and went out. ?
The man's speed was also fast. An Xia had already sent the address before he walked out of the house. After glancing at the address, his pace still didn't speed up. He still kept walking in the courtyard, and went to the garage unhurriedly. .

It only takes half an hour from Qiao's mansion to Nangong Yi's drunken bar. Fortunately, the traffic is not so congested now, so An Xia still rushed to the bar after half an hour.

As soon as An Xia stopped the car, she saw a man in a black suit trotting towards the place where she parked, who had been watching at the door, with a flattering expression on his face, as if he was about to get out of the car It's the emperor Lao Tzu, so I can't be negligent.

In fact, in their minds, Nangong Yi is not their emperor. As for An Xia, a person who dare not even neglect Nan Gongyi, they naturally want to pay An Xia a tribute!

An Xia just stopped the car at this time, turned off the engine, and before she got out of the car, someone opened the door for her, and said very coquettishly: "Miss An, you are here, please come in quickly , the boss is still waiting for you inside."

An Xia didn't pay attention to this man's obvious flattery and flattery. She just locked the car and let him lead her away. After all, she has met many people like this. If everyone wanted to talk to her, wouldn't she be exhausted long ago!

This is a high-end bar, the decoration is very luxurious, even the toilet is resplendent and magnificent.There are five floors in the bar, and the reception on the first floor is from some well-to-do families. Even so, it is not affordable for ordinary people to come in. After all, the wine here is not cheap, even a bottle of mineral water That is three to five times more expensive than mineral water in other bars, let alone others.

The second and third floors are all private rooms, but the guests they receive are different. The second floor receives some guests who need to be quiet but also high enough. After all, the fees for these private rooms are not cheap. If If you don't have that much money, you can only have fun with everyone on the first floor.Of course, the guests on this floor are much richer than those on the first floor, and most of them are the middle managers of the company and some civil servants from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

To put it bluntly, the third floor is not accessible to ordinary rich people. After all, every consumption must be in seven figures. This is only including drinks, not including the room fee. No The person who is not particularly rich will choose this place. Of course, if the real rich person doesn't care about the one hundred thousand.

The fourth and fifth floors are the rooms. If someone is drunk or wants to do other things, the fourth and fifth floors are naturally the best choice, but staying on the fifth floor for one night is better than living on the fourth floor. The price for a one-night stay is ten times more expensive. Just like that, the fourth and fifth floors are also overcrowded. If you don’t make an appointment in advance, it’s really hard to find a room.

The person who greeted An Xia directly took An Xia into the elevator and went up to the third floor. Also, with Nangong Yi's current net worth, the money was affordable, so An Xia was not surprised, and calmly followed the leader. walking forward.

After getting out of the elevator, An Xia saw about seven or eight people hovering at the door of the private room diagonally opposite to the elevator. They were all dressed in clear black suits, and they all looked distressed at the people behind them from time to time. That private room.

You don't need to guess, An Xia knows, it is probably because Nangong Yi felt that their voices persuading him not to drink was a bit annoying, so he threw them all out, but they were more or less worried about Nangong Yi's body, so they did it. From time to time, I will look around the door, but I dare not go in.

Maybe in order for someone to stop Nangong Yi from drinking, he secretly stole his mobile phone and called her, and then put the mobile phone in place while delivering the wine, so as not to let Nangong Yi suspicious.

So now when An Xia appeared in front of them, they all showed the feeling that their hearts had finally returned to their stomachs, and they all looked in awe of An Xia. It's the savior, I'm afraid they will kneel down and worship him if they are serious.Fortunately, she has a thick skin, otherwise she would definitely not be able to collapse right now.

Under the watchful eyes of each of them, An Xia walked over steadily step by step, held the doorknob in his hand, took a deep breath, and opened the door, but he did not approach the person sitting on the sofa inside. By then, An Xia had already smelled a strong smell of alcohol, which made her frown.

An Xia frowned not because of the smell of the wine, but how much Nangong Yi drank to have such a strong smell of wine. If he drank like this, he would die sooner or later. He didn't care about his body at all?
But fortunately, Nangong Yi didn't drink anymore, just lying on the table and muttering something, because he drank too much, so he couldn't speak clearly.

The bodyguards who watched An Xia go in at the door one by one finally knew what the woman their boss had been thinking about all this time looked like. They had to admit that she was really a beauty. Forgive them for their lack of culture. I don't know how to describe An Xia. beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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