When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 199 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

Chapter 199 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

An Xia could directly feel the warm temperature of the honey water in her hand, and could clearly see how sweet this cup of honey water was, although she knew that Nangong Yi might not like to eat or drink sweet things, because most men She doesn't like sweets, but she still wants to see Nangong Yi drink something that she can't accept.

Handing the honey water to Nangong Yi considerately, said with a smile: "Drink this glass of honey water, it will make you feel less uncomfortable when you wake up tomorrow."

Nangong Yi glanced at the sweet honey water, and then at the gentle and virtuous An Xia with a smile on her face, although she really didn't like sweet drinks as An Xia expected, even if it was honey water. I really don't like it, but in order to make An Xia happy, it is also so that I can make trouble for no reason when I am drunk, and then take the opportunity to eat An Xia's tofu. After all, no matter what a drunk person does, it is unconscious. Even if you want to blame it, you can't blame others.

Nangong Yi blinked and blinked because of drinking too much wine, his eyes became a little unclear, and then directly changed from holding An Xia's hand tightly to tightly hugging An Xia's waist, with his head still leaning on An Xia's shoulder , pouted and shook his head like a baby and said: "I don't want to drink, don't drink, if I drink, I will fall asleep, and I won't be able to see you when I fall asleep."

An Xia was speechless for a while, feeling that Nangong Yi used honey water as a sleeping pill. He really dared to think that even if he thought that way, it was impossible for his subordinates to bring him sleeping pills. You must know that drinking and taking sleeping pills cannot be taken together. If one is not careful, it is probably not worthwhile to be unable to wake up in this life!
An Xia was afraid that Nangong Yi would always think it was a sleeping potion, so she couldn't pour it directly into Nangong Yi, so she could only comfort her: "It's just honey water. After you drink it, you won't feel so uncomfortable tomorrow. If you're afraid that it's something else If it’s something, I can take a sip to show you first, and you can drink it when I’m fine, okay?”

Looking at Nangong Yi while talking, Nangong Yi wanted to shake his head and veto it, but An Xia looked at him with eyes that could not be rejected. He reckoned that even if he was drunk, if he said something he didn't want, An Xia would just drop him Regardless of his, didn't he just leave him in a foreign country with nostalgia four years ago, since it was okay four years ago, it's still okay four years later.

In addition, Nangong Yi knew that it was honey water, so he shook his head because he didn't like drinking it, not because he thought it was a sleeping pill.

Therefore, under An Xia's power, even if Nangong Yi doesn't like drinking sweet water, he has to reluctantly nod before drinking it, because An Xia's words have reached this point, if he doesn't agree, then It's not good, but he still leaned on An Xia's shoulder, pouted his lips lightly and nodded unwillingly and aggrieved.

Seeing that Nangong Yi nodded, An Xia also nodded in satisfaction, and took a sip of the honey water in the cup in front of Nangong Yi, and smacked her lips in satisfaction after drinking it, because the honey was really put a little Too much, it tastes sweet and delicious, An Xia nodded lovingly and said, "I've already drank it, and you saw it too, so hurry up and drink the rest!"

As he spoke, he signaled Nangong Yi to raise his head with his eyes so that he could feed Nangong Yi with water. In fact, An Xia wanted Nangong Yi to let go and drink water by himself, but Nangong Yi looked up even though he looked up. He got up, but the hand holding his waist became tighter, obviously wanting to let him feed him.

An Xia looked at Nangong Yi, and Nangong Yi also looked at An Xia, with a posture of letting go if you don't feed me and I won't drink, and An Xia thought that since she was here, she would do it for him. He thought about his body, so he could only feed Nangong Yi the water in the cup resignedly after sighing speechlessly and looking up at the sky.

After drinking the water, Nangong Yi's head rested on An Xia's shoulder again, as if his own head had grown on An Xia's body, and he refused to lift it up again, his mouth was full of sweetness It's just that Nangong Yi didn't like sweets since he was a child, so he always felt uncomfortable in his mouth, but these were given to him by An Xia for his own good, so the sweetness in his mouth now The taste made him feel less unacceptable.

"It's getting late, go home and rest, okay?"

Nangong Yi nodded and muttered, "Okay, I want you to go back with me."

An Xia sighed helplessly, then nodded and said: "Okay, okay, just together, I can send you back, but after sending you back, you must sleep well without distracting thoughts, and then don't care about my going or staying, agree ?"

Nangong Yi nodded, but didn't speak, because he knew that he would definitely not let An Xia go, so even if he nodded now, it didn't mean anything, after all, he was drunk, and a drunk person How could it be true.

Seeing that Nangong Yi nodded, An Xia was also relieved. Although she knew that no one at home would know that she had sneaked out, it would be a bit bad if Mother Qiao found out, so An Xia would be with her. Nangong Yi had agreed in advance, so that it would be bad if Nangong Yi didn't let her go later.

Of course, An Xia knows that if she really wants to leave, Nangong Yi will not be able to stop or dare to stop herself. Although she can't or dare not stop herself, An Xia also knows her heart Yes, in case Nangong Yi pretends to be pitiful or something and softens his heart, he still won't be able to leave.

So it's better to talk about this matter in advance, but An Xia didn't think at this time that the words of drunk people cannot be believed. Although there is a famous saying that speaks the truth after drinking, this is only a small number of people. Like An Xia, she became more and more sober when she was drunk, but her body couldn't bear to control her mind, but she could still control her mind.

An Xia helped Nangong Yi up, and most of Nangong Yi's body weight was on An Xia's body. If it wasn't for the practice, he would have been crushed by Nangong Yi, but this state is not How long did it last? After An Xia opened the door, someone helped An Xia to support Nangong Yi on the other side. Although someone supported the other side, Nangong Yi could move his body weight to the other side, but for An Xia, He still tugged on her hand vigorously, afraid that she would run away.

An Xia was definitely going to share the same car with Nangong Yi, so she couldn't drive the car she drove away by herself, so she handed over the car keys to Nangong Yi's bodyguards and asked them to drive the car to Nangong Yi's At home, and then send Nangong Yi back by himself, and then go home by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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