When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 200 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

Chapter 200 Since I'm in Love with You, I Won't Let You Go

An Xia thought so, but Nangong Yi obviously didn't think so. From the moment he was willing to give his mobile phone to his subordinate, to when his subordinate called An Xia, Nangong Yi made up his mind that no matter what tonight, he would not let him If An Xia left, it would be fine to keep An Xia behind. In a word, An Xia won't be able to leave tonight.

When they arrived at Nangong Yi's house, An Xia was a little surprised by the scene in front of him. The house was a bit bigger than the Qiao's mansion, so he had to secretly raise his head to look at Nangong Yi who was already a little out of his mind. In just four years, Nangong Yi has lived in such a big villa from one or two bedrooms. He really knows how to make money. This really surprised An Xia.

But she was not surprised for long, because she knew that no matter how capable and powerful Nangong Yi was, he could not surpass her idol, Ye Ningyuan, the second-generation leader of the first terrorist organization!

You know, this is the real legend. She dares to bet that no one in this world can compare to Ye Ningyuan's abnormality, otherwise she wouldn't have bluffed a group of mafia bosses around at a young age. Then I admired this god-like genius from the bottom of my heart.

After not being surprised, An Xia thought of another point, that is, rich people like women no matter how old or young they are, and the more beautiful they are, the more they like them. If they live alone, they usually have several women at home. So after An Xia arrived here, she became a little curious. Could there be a real woman in such a big house? If she accidentally offends Nangong Yi's favorite, what will she do when people retaliate against her?
In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble to the emperor, An Xia had already thought about what to say in her heart, but An Xia didn't see any suspicious women appearing until she sent Nangong Yi back to the room. Does this mean that They were all asleep, so she didn't see it?

But An Xia doesn't bother to care about these things. If Nangong Yi really likes other women, it's okay, then she doesn't have to worry about leaving him behind four years ago. After all, it's over, and she has too. Nangong Yi has been compensated, and now that Nangong Yi already has other women, she can retreat without any pressure.

But what she didn't expect was that she sent Nangong Yi back to the room, but when she and Nangong Yi walked into the room, the door was closed from the outside, as if to prevent her from escaping, the door was also closed. The outside was locked, and An Xia was so angry that she wanted to scold her.

However, there is still a dead man on her body. Even if An Xia is angry, she will throw Nangong Yi on the bed. Doing half of the work is not her style, but what she didn't expect is that she threw Nangong Yi on the bed. It's over, I didn't expect that I would be brought to bed by Nangong Yi.

She wanted to get up, but Nangong Yi hugged her tightly, no matter how much An Xia struggled, she couldn't get away from Nangong Yi's clutches. In the end, An Xia could only stare angrily at Nangong Yi's sleeping face after he succeeded. I just don't know why, but I fell asleep after staring.

It was only after An Xia fell asleep that Nangong Yi opened his eyes and looked at An Xia. He was still hazy when he was drunk, his eyes were extremely clear, and he carefully adjusted An Xia's posture with a look of pride after he succeeded. , to make her sleep more comfortably, and loosen the arms around An Xia a little bit, this is on the premise of ensuring that An Xia can't break free from her embrace.

Early the next morning, An Xia opened her eyes in a daze. Her biological clock was always on time, so she knew it was five o'clock in the morning without looking at the time. Looking around, it was obvious that this was not her room in the base. , nor his own room in Qiao's house.

It was only when she turned her head and saw Nangong Yi next to her that all her thoughts came back. After sorting out her thoughts about why she appeared here, she moved, but Nangong Yi was asleep now. , but his hands still tightly bound her tightly. Apart from moving her body a little, she really had no other choice.

What's the matter, Nangong Yi also slept all night, and the wine had already woken up, An Xia didn't care about anything anymore, she reached out and slapped Nangong Yi's face mercilessly, she couldn't believe it Even if Nangong Yi fell asleep like a dead pig, even if she slapped Nangong Yi's face like a pig's head, she would wake Nangong Yi up!

The wish to photograph Nangong Yi as a pig's head did not come true, because after only a few shots, Nangong Yi opened his eyes with great difficulty, and was visibly startled when he saw An Xia's face in front of him, and then turned An Xia moved her head towards her chest, and then the emperor said in a daze, "Am I dreaming? Why did I dream of Xia Xia? Well, don't worry about it, just hug Xia Xia and sleep for a while."

He said that he was about to fall asleep, but how could An Xia allow Nangong Yi to fall asleep? He stretched out his hand and mercilessly pinched the soft flesh on Nangong Yi's waist, and the pain hit his brain. Now Nangong Yi was completely awake, he Looking at An Xia in his arms very aggrieved, he didn't know what he did wrong to make An Xia pinch himself so hard, he didn't even need to look to know that his waist must be bruised, hiss ~ It's really ruthless to start!

Nangong Yi grinned and covered his waist, and looked at An Xia's blinking eyes with wet eyes, not to mention how pitiful it was, but An Xia would not be confused by Nangong Yi, and sat up neatly without any hesitation. After hesitating, he pointed at Nangong Yi and shouted loudly: "You liar, you have agreed that as long as I send you back, you will let me go. What's the matter if you don't let go after sending you back?" ?!" After shouting, An Xia didn't care what happened to Nangong Yi, she just moved Nangong Yi's body to the side, and planned to stand up and leave here without looking back.

But what An Xia didn't expect was that Nangong Yi had dragged her down before she stood up, and fell directly on the soft bed behind her. If she hadn't noticed that Nangong Yi had such a backhand Then he wouldn't throw his head down and buzz, but before An Xia's eyes widened, he saw Nangong Yi turning over and pressing on her body, her legs were firmly pressing An Xia's, and her hands were also tightly He clasped An Xia's hands together and imprisoned him on the top of An Xia's head. His body pressed An Xia to such a degree that An Xia could not move much except for the parts above the neck. Unable to move, he could only stare at Nangong Yi angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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