When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 218 Don't die, don't die!

Chapter 218 Don't die, don't die!
Liu Wangshu recalled that when he saw Qiao Anxia for the first time, he felt that Qiao Anxia was astonishing, as if Qiao Anxia was the fairy who floated down from the nine heavens, he could hardly believe his eyes, and did not dare to move his eyes He stared straight at Joan Anxia, ​​not daring that there would be such a beautiful woman in this world. At that time, he wished he could take Joan Anxia back and make her cry. Whether he has the lust or lacks the guts, he can only talk about the rare photos of himself as comfort.

But now when Qiao Hanwan said that there is a woman more beautiful than Qiao Anxia in this world, Liu Wangshu couldn't believe it, as long as he thought of the property of Qiao's family, S city and even the whole city When the Z country can walk sideways, he can have these two beauties at that time, so he is a little bit excited, and suddenly feels that the decision to keep Qiao Hanwan was correct, and he also feels that the 50 flowers are worth it .

Seeing Qiao Hanwan pitifully pulling her sleeves, Liu Wangshu felt that she looked much more pleasing to the eye at this time, and when she saw the wound on her face, she gave Qiao Hanwan a very distressed look. He got up, gently helped Qiao Hanwan to settle on the chair, and poured a cup of warm water to Qiao Hanwan, and then went to find ointment for reducing swelling and pain.

After finding the ointment, Liu Wangshu went back to Qiao Hanwan and sat down, looking at the finger prints on Qiao Hanwan's face and the blood stains at the corner of her mouth, she said distressedly: "Tsk tsk, look at this pretty little face. It’s all because I was a bit ruthless at the time, but you too, why didn’t you tell me earlier that you still have a chance to get most of the property of the Qiao family? I’m so rude to you.”

Qiao Hanwan twitched the corners of her mouth far-fetchedly, what do you mean she didn't tell him earlier?It was obvious that he slapped her as soon as she entered the door before she even had time to open her mouth, but now the villain is the first to file a lawsuit, it is really shameless.

Disgusted all the time, Qiao Hanwan didn't dare to provoke Liu Wangshu again, she was afraid that Liu Wangshu would hit her, it really hurt too much, so she could only please her with a forced smile: "It's all my fault, and I didn't give you any advice beforehand." You explained clearly, which made you misunderstand me and make you so angry. I really feel sorry for you, but fortunately, the truth has been revealed now, can you forgive me for my mistake? "

Liu Wangshu squeezed some ointment into the palm of his hand, kneaded it evenly with both hands, and then gently rubbed it on Qiao Hanwan. While applying the ointment, he said softly, "It's okay, as long as you remember today's lesson, you won't lose it in the future." It’s fine to do it again, and you know that my hand strength is relatively strong, if it happens again, I guess you will at least be beaten into a concussion by me.” When he said this, there was an obvious tone Complacent, it seems that he has a sixth-degree black belt or something very powerful, and he can beat all opponents in the world.

Originally, her face was very painful, and it was even more painful when Liu Wangshu, a person who didn't know the severity, helped her apply medicine to Qiao Hanwan. Let Liu Wangshu do whatever he wants.

After finally waiting for Liu Wangshu to wipe off the medicine, I opened my eyes that were watery from the pain. I saw that I was leaning on Liu Wangshu's chest pitifully, with a vicious light in my eyes and said: "Wangshu, I know You are the most powerful, and the person you are looking for is also the most powerful, but I am still a little uneasy, so can you give me a gun, and I can make them submit at that time, so there is no need to pay so much It's over, do you think it's okay?"

Qiao Hanwan's idea is that as long as she has a gun, not only Ye Kelan and An Xia can be controlled by her, but she can also get rid of Liu Wangshu by the way, and she can also put the blame on Ye Kelan and An Xia. body, then she can run away with a huge sum of money.When the time comes, everyone she hates will be gone, and she will still have a fortune that can never be spent in a lifetime. Don't be too happy when you think about it.

Liu Wangshu lowered his eyelids to look at Qiao Hanwan who was leaning on his chest, and the corner of his mouth slightly curved. He could actually guess what Qiao Hanwan was thinking, but so what?Could it be that he is a big man or a taekwondo black belt six-dan master, he will be afraid of a weak woman?Even if she has a gun in her hand, he can also have a gun. Whoever shoots first at that time must be himself, a person who is used to guns, who can kill Qiao Hanwan with one shot first.

"Okay, I'll just give you a gun when the time comes, and I'll teach you how to use a gun, so that you don't know how to use it when you really need to shoot it." He said very intimately Kissed Qiao Hanwan's hair, and touched Qiao Hanwan's body irregularly with her hands. It's not that Qiao Hanwan has experienced it before, so she naturally knew what Liu Wangshu was going to do next, so she obediently let Liu Wangshu Do whatever she wants with herself, as long as she can endure these few days, no matter who she is will be trampled under her feet.

Ye Kelan drove back to Qiao's mansion. It was already 05:30 in the afternoon. Fortunately, An Xia hadn't come back at this time, otherwise An Xia would be very surprised why she came back later than herself when she left first Ye Kelan, who can help her hold An Xia and even make An Xia happy, will be friendly to him, and I feel more and more that Nangong Yi has no money, but He's a nice person, and he must help him more in the future, at least making him and An Xia more compatible.

Just now when I came back, I saw Mother Qiao coming in from the back garden. When she saw Ye Kelan, she hurriedly walked over with a smile. Seeing that An Xia was not behind Ye Kelan, she asked worriedly, "Kelan, where is Xia Xia going?" Why haven't you come back yet?"

Ye Kelan was taken aback, as long as she thought of the way Nangong Yi looked at An Xia at that time, she would feel happy for An Xia. If they really got married in the future, they would definitely be an enviable couple. of.

She smiled and said jokingly: "Auntie, I may be a little unlucky, so I happened to run into Xia Xia with a personal matter, and I was too embarrassed to be there to watch, so I came back one step ahead of her. They should leave some space. But Xia Xia should be back soon at this time, but even if she doesn't come back tonight, it's okay, anyway, she is very safe and happy now, so Auntie doesn't have to worry. "

(End of this chapter)

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