When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 219 Don't die, don't die!

Chapter 219 Don't die, don't die!
Mother Qiao nodded knowingly, it's fine if An Xia doesn't come back now, she happened to have something to say to Ye Kelan, so she took Ye Kelan's hand with a smile on her face and walked gently towards the direction she came in just now , and said amiably while walking: "Ke Lan, Auntie Xia Xia heard from our family that you and her grew up together, so can you tell Auntie Xia Xia how you have been in these years? Every time Auntie asks Xia Xia She said Xia was very good, but as a mother, she had never heard of it from others, so she would naturally feel a little unbelievable, so Auntie thinks that you have been together for so long, and you will definitely know whether Xia Xia has been doing well these years ,Is it right?"

Ye Kelan smiled and nodded, and asked, "What does Auntie want to know? If I know, I will definitely tell Auntie."

Mother Qiao nodded in satisfaction, looked into the distance, smiled and sighed, "Actually, it's nothing, I just want to know how she has been doing these years, whether she has been bullied, and the parents she has always respected." Who are the parents, what do they do, why is there such a great charm that our family, Xia Xia, would rather stay abroad and be busy all day than go back home and help her family business?"

"Auntie, do you want Xiaxia to come back now?" Ye Kelan looked at Qiao's mother and said firmly, "But I'm afraid that Auntie will not be able to achieve her wish. After all, Xiaxia has been very concerned about her current work and work over the years. The staff in the company are quite familiar and understanding. She has worked hard for so many years to get her current position. In addition, she has gradually gained some prestige in the company. If she is allowed to come back at this time , I guess it is unlikely. But she is 22 years old this year. If she is willing to retire earlier, she may be able to drop all the jobs after waiting for more than ten years. At that time, Xia Xia can also be with her Auntie."

Seeing that Qiao's mother still had some doubts, Ye Kelan continued to lobbied, "As for what Auntie asked about why she would stay abroad so desperately, I think it's because she likes that atmosphere and doesn't want to part with the people and things inside, so she will continue to stay. Yes. If my aunt forces Xia Xia to leave, she probably won’t be happy, so instead of making Xia Xia unhappy, it’s better to let Xia Xia work happily until she retires at the age of 35 or six. Besides, Xia Xia is not too young now, and it's time to fall in love and get married. If one day she gets married and has a few more children, she will definitely stay at home for a long time, so the days will be fast day by day It's over!"

Mother Qiao thought about it too. If An Xia got married by then, she would definitely go on her honeymoon. If she had a baby on her honeymoon, she would definitely have to go home to raise a baby. She must not be allowed to do work or the like. , even if you want to do it, you have to wait until the confinement period. If An Xia thinks that the child is still young and is reluctant to leave the child, then he can stay at home for a longer period of time.At that time, if the future son-in-law works harder to make An Xia pregnant again, then he can stay for another year or more.

If one child is not enough for An Xia to stay in S City to care for her husband and raise her children, then two children and a husband can definitely allow An Xia to stay in S City with peace of mind!After all, as long as a woman has a child, she will think about the child. At that time, she may not go to work for the sake of the child. Even if she still has to go to work, she will be reluctant to leave for too long. Isn't it true that she will meet An Xia then? In a word, Mother Qiao would be happy when she thought that An Xia could stay at home for a long time.

Then I thought it was wrong, what if An Xia had an office romance for her?Isn't that all the more reason to stay abroad!Mother Qiao couldn't let this happen, she held Ye Kelan's hand a little harder, and asked anxiously, "Kelan, do you know if Xia Xia likes someone? Or what does she like?" What kind of type, you tell auntie, auntie wants to help Xiaxia find a few good candidates, and take her to go on a blind date tomorrow!..."

Ye Kelan stared straight at Mother Qiao's resolute appearance and pursed her lips, listening to her read the names of the young talents in S City while asking her own opinion, waiting for Mother Qiao to find out after reading all the names. When someone missed someone's name, Ye Kelan reminded him: "Auntie, I think you can ignore those people, isn't there a president of YX International who just came back from abroad a few days ago? You can arrange for him to go on a blind date with Xia Xia, maybe you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

Mother Qiao looked at Ye Kelan in surprise, and asked in surprise, "Really?"

Ye Kelan nodded and said with a smile: "Xia Xia was with him last night. Oh, yes, and this afternoon."

Mother Qiao was taken aback for a moment, then stood up in surprise and asked loudly: "What you said is true? Xia Xia actually stayed with a man all night!"

Ye Kelan looked at Mother Qiao and nodded in a daze. She didn't think there was anything surprising about An Xia's incident, but it was a matter of unmarried men and women, so there was no need to be as surprised as Mother Qiao!

Seeing that Ye Kelan nodded, Mother Qiao turned around and walked back quickly, yelling like ghosts and wolves, and yelled, "Old Qiao, don't worry about your daughter, it's all over. Another man spent the night alone..."

Qiao's mother has already forgotten about her son's affairs when she is concerned about her daughter's affairs. She planned to hold Ye Kelan to have a good chat today, and by the way, share her son's benefits with Ye Kelan Let's talk, Ye Kelan and An Xia were good sisters originally, wouldn't it be better if they could kiss Ye Kelan and make Ye Kelan An Xia's sister-in-law?

So, Qiao's mother wanted to pull Ye Kelan to sell her son, but what she didn't expect now was that An Xia hadn't come back, and she was told that An Xia had spent the night alone with a man, which was different from her son's. Things are more important than the daughter's affairs, so I left the son's affairs in front of the daughter's affairs first, and left Ye Kelan here alone.

Seeing Mother Qiao's startled look, Ye Kelan involuntarily curled the corners of her mouth, but soon the smile on her face had disappeared, leaving only sadness on her face, and she separated from Gu Yumo After a few hours, she began to miss Gu Yunmo.

Open the phone that I have been holding in my hand all the time, and look at the photos inside. In the phone, basically nine out of ten photos belong to Ye Kelan, but now there are nine out of ten photos. They were all of Gu Yumo's, either a photo of Gu Yumo and her, or a photo of her and her family or a photo of her alone.

(End of this chapter)

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