When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 220 Don't die, don't die!

Chapter 220 Don't die, don't die!
Ye Kelan flipped through the photos about Gu Yumo on the phone one by one. Although she was locked up by Gu Yumo at that time, every photo of her and Gu Yumo in the phone showed her face They are all smiling, and they are all in the eyes.

Although Ye Kelan had no freedom, relatives, or friends at that time, she had Gu Yunmo. For her, as long as she knew that her family members were healthy and safe, she could live in a place where Gu Yumo was alone. The situation is still satisfied.

Now she has returned to her family and friends, but without Gu Yumo by her side, Ye Kelan's life is incomplete, so she has to put everything in front of her and Gu Yumo All the obstacles are eradicated, and the first one is Adele.

An Xia is living like a year right now, it's all Ye Kelan's fault, why give the two of them a world if they have nothing to do?Now Nangong Yi is looking at her intently. The love in her eyes makes her a thick-skinned person a little embarrassed. I really don't know who Nangong Yi learned the ability to discharge everywhere.

An Xia really couldn't bear the way Nangong Yi looked at her. Although they were relatively speechless at this time, An Xia thought that as long as she could appear in Nangong Yi's sight, it would be regarded as a great face to Nangong Yitian. , so now Nangong Yi didn't seem to intend to stop his loving eyes from looking at himself, and reminded uncomfortably: "Can you stop looking at me with that kind of eyes? It will make me feel very uncomfortable Yes, there is a feeling of wanting to run away from you immediately."

Having said all that, An Xia thought that Nangong Yi's eyes should be a little restrained, who knew that he just looked at her and replied solemnly: "I'm sorry Xia Xia, I didn't know that my eyes made you feel uncomfortable, But as soon as I see you, I can't help but want to look at you with this kind of eyes. If you are not used to it, I don't mind if we meet often so that you can get familiar with my eyes." After the end, she was very considerate He asked, "What do you think of this method?"

An Xia looked at Nangong Yi expressionlessly, and after a while she was speechless and raised her forehead. How could she meet a man who doesn't like oil and salt?Is this really because people are unlucky, so they will get stuck between their teeth with cold water?

But fortunately, Nangong Yi's eyes just made her a little uncomfortable, not to the point of running away, and it will be over after a while, maybe as Nangong Yi said, after a few more experiences, she will get used to it It's over.

An Xia was obviously taken aback when she had this idea again, and asked herself strangely, how could she have such an idea?Could it be that, as Ye Kelan and Nangong Yi said, her affection for Gu Yunmo had unconsciously turned into admiration?

Huh~ This idea is too scary, An Xia quickly stopped, but since Ye Kelan can see that she has feelings for Nangong Yi, then maybe she really fell in love with Nangong Yi without knowing it, After all, the authorities are obsessed with the bystanders!
Besides, she has [-]% confidence in Ye Kelan, so Ye Kelan said that she has feelings for Nangong Yi, maybe she really has feelings, otherwise she would not take care of Nangong Yi when he was drunk It was night, and at the same time, Nangong Yi was feeling faintly sorry for this man because he got drunk.

Also, in the past four years... An Xia has never forgotten that this man appeared in her life, and even gave him the greatest help during Nangong Yi's entrepreneurial period.Invest in him, find a business for him, remove all potential dangers for him, and even personally help him with the name of the number one terrorist organization, let them know that behind this man who has nothing behind him is actually the number one The most powerful backing of terrorist organizations!

So much so that until now, she is the largest shareholder in XY International, and she is also the person Nangong Yi is most grateful to in his life. Of course, her identity has always been a secret, and no one knows that she is the one behind Nangong Yi. Even Nangong Yi himself didn't know about the woman.

But these things are all she is willing to do, she is willing to do for Nangong Yi.So, did he enter her heart when she first wanted to do something for Nangong Yi?
Thinking of this, An Xia took a deep breath, as if she had made some kind of decision, and asked seriously: "Nangong Yi, let me ask you, what is the most important thing in your heart." Her body slightly Leaning forward, pointing at Nangong Yi, he said solemnly: "I'll give you time to think about it, and tell me when you understand it, I want to listen to the truth!"

Nangong Yi looked at An Xia and smiled slightly, shook his head gently, put his hands together on the table, looked at An Xia and said seriously: "Xia Xia, I don't need you to give me time to think about this matter. I've thought about it a long time ago, the most important thing in my life is my heart." He pointed at An Xia, and said word by word: "And you are my heart, without you, I would be Without a heart, if a person does not have a heart, then it is no different from death!"

The heart is the only organ that can beat in the human body. If it doesn't beat, then the person will die.Now Nangong Yi compared An Xia to his own heart, so if he lost An Xia, he would have no heart, and it would be no different from death!

An Xia stared at Nangong Yi blankly, without moving for a while, not even blinking her eyes, she knew very well that what Nangong Yi said was the truth, if she told the truth even by one person or If you can't tell the lies, then what she has learned all these years is in vain, and she simply has no face to live in this world and embarrass her teacher.

An Xia pursed her lips and nodded, looked at Nangong Yi's soft voice, and replied lightly: "I see." After saying this, An Xia stood up slowly, and left here without looking back.

At this time, what she was thinking in her heart was that as long as Nangong Yi came to chase her before she got in the car, she would promise to be with him and stay by his side for the rest of her life, and never let him look at her back alone. sad.

Nangong Yi thought that An Xia would say something, but he didn't expect that An Xia would just reply "Got it" lightly, and then leave here without looking back. This move of An Xia made Nangong Yi's heart flutter again. It hurts, he doesn't know what he said wrong, which made An Xia ignore him again.

(End of this chapter)

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