When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 225 Don't die, don't die!

Chapter 225 Don't die, don't die!
Qiao Hanwan got up early the next morning. Although she didn't finish her dinner last night and was tossed about by Liu Wangshu, a man who didn't know how to sympathize with others, she didn't sleep all night, but Qiao Hanwan still got up, because of this Only then will she look more haggard, and Qiao's mother will love her even more when she sees it.

Where in the world are there parents who don't love their children?Although Qiao Hanwan is only the adopted daughter of Qiao's family, and she did do something wrong before she left home, after all, Qiao's mother has been Qiao Hanwan's mother for 20 years, so she naturally has feelings for Qiao Hanwan, the adopted daughter, although she does not There were many visits to Qiao Junting and An Xia, but there were more or less. She had an accident and had a hard life, so she, the adoptive mother, naturally felt distressed.

So Qiao Hanwan paid attention to the fact that Qiao's mother is easy to soften her heart. She changed into a relatively simple outfit early in the morning, and her waist-length hair was casually loose. Because her hair hasn't been properly combed for two days, it looks still. Some messy.Her upper body is a simple white shirt, and her lower body is matched with a pair of ankle-length jeans. Instead of her favorite high heels, she wears a pair of flat shoes. The total cost of her whole body does not exceed 500 yuan. Qiao Hanwan would not even take a look at these cheap clothes in the past, not to mention wearing them on her body because of being pitiful now, it is really difficult for Qiao Hanwan to be cared for carefully The thin skin and tender meat are gone.

It was only 06:30 in the morning, and Qiao Hanwan had already arrived at the gate of Qiao's mansion. The reason why she came here was because she knew that Qiao's mother had a habit of getting up on time at six o'clock every morning and running for half an hour. Yes, I still don't like to run in the open space of the house, I have to run out every time, and Qiao's father is worried about Qiao's mother, so he will also run with Qiao's mother, and it becomes a habit over time, except for the rain Besides, I will come out for running at other times.

Qiao Hanwan looked down at the time, knowing that it was time for Qiao's father and mother to come back, so she tried her best to make herself look a little more pitiful. It was already pitiful enough to stand alone at the gate. Coupled with the obvious gauntness on her face, it looks even more distressing.

Sure enough, at 06:30, she saw Joe's father and Qiao's mother running over side by side, talking and laughing, perhaps because they only had eyes for each other, and she really had no sense of existence, so Joe's father and Qiao's mother They haven't noticed her yet, and Qiao Hanwan is also trying to make Qiao's father and mother notice her, so she has been moving unnoticed to the place where Qiao's father and mother are about to run.

Perhaps because of Qiao Hanwan's persistent movement, Qiao's father and mother, who were concentrating on talking to each other, finally saw her, and slowly slowed down and stopped in front of her.

Qiao Hanwan raised her head slightly to look at Father Qiao and Mother Qiao, her face no longer had the previous arrogance, but a sad face, looking at Father Qiao and Mother Qiao with some warmth, before Father Qiao and Mother Qiao responded When he came over, he knelt down in front of them with a 'plop', raised his head to look at them and said pear-like rain: "Dad, Mom, I've thought a lot these two days, and I know I shouldn't say those things to An Xia Yes, I made An Xia angry and made you sad, I know I was wrong, I will apologize to An Xia and ask for her forgiveness, but before that, can I ask you to forgive me first, okay?"

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother had no intention of never forgiving Qiao Hanwan. As long as Qiao Hanwan realized her mistake and apologized to An Xia for the rude words she said before, it didn't matter whether An Xia was willing to forgive her or not. Parents will forgive Qiao Hanwan. After being a daughter for 20 years, she also has deep feelings. After all, raising a pet now has feelings, let alone a living person.

As for An Xia, they believe that An Xia is so considerate, even if it is for the sake of the two of them, they will definitely forgive Qiao Hanwan. Qiao Hanwan, and if Qiao Hanwan stopped picking on An Xia's egg noodles, they believed that the two sisters would always live in harmony.

After Qiao's father and Qiao's mother looked at each other, they looked down at Qiao Hanwan and said seriously: "Hanwan, do you really know that you are wrong? I want to hear your truth!"

Qiao Hanwan watched Father Qiao bit her lower lip uncomfortably, as if she had made up her mind, and said with tears in the corner of her eyes, "Dad, I really know I was wrong, and I will never do it again. I will say those things to An Xia. I know that I am not your biological daughter, but after all, you have always been my parents since I can remember, but suddenly another An Xia came, and you put your previous love All my love and care has been transferred to An Xia, and my brother is also like this, I gradually feel that I have become dispensable in Qiao's house."

"I have always been the eldest lady of the Qiao family, and the whole family loves me extremely. Now that An Xia has returned and has taken away everything that originally belonged to me, I am naturally a little uncomfortable and angry. I think It was An Xia who robbed my parents, mother and brother, that's why I hated her so much, and that's why I targeted her everywhere and picked on her. "

Speaking of this, Qiao Hanwan covered her mouth sadly and began to cry in a low voice, she looked so pitiful. "Dad, Mom, because at that time I didn't know that everything that belonged to me belonged to An Xia, that's why I talked to An Xia like that, just to make An Xia unhappy and not so happy. But I didn't What I thought of was that it wasn't An Xia who robbed me of everything, but I was the one who robbed An Xia of everything from the very beginning, but I still didn't know what to do, which made my parents sad. I'm really sorry for your kindness in nurturing me , I hope you can forgive me for my mistakes based on my ignorance and my love for so many years, I promise I will change it in the future, okay?"

Seeing Qiao Hanwan like this, Qiao's mother couldn't help but pulled Qiao Hanwan up distressedly, raised her hand and gently wiped away the tears on Qiao Hanwan's face, and said with relief: "Oh, since you are You already know that you made a mistake and go home. Xia Xia is a sensible and good child, and she will definitely forgive you. Although you are not our biological daughter, after all, we have been in love for so many years, and we have long regarded you as a child. Our biological daughter. From now on, you can no longer be like that day, An Xia is your sister, you have to treat your sister well in the future, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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