When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 226 Don't die, don't die!

Chapter 226 Don't die, don't die!
Qiao Hanwan wept with joy, pursed her lips and nodded heavily, "Mom and Dad, I know, I will treat An Xia well in the future, and I will never let you down. I must be your caring little padded jacket." That's what I said in the book, but what I think in my heart is: You can rest assured, I will let you go to hell before you are disappointed, and your precious daughter and son, I will let them go to hell after suffering After the ** and torture, I will go to hell with you, and then everything in the Qiao family will be mine alone. How about it, I am caring enough as an adopted daughter, right?
Because of the 20 years of raising Qiao Hanwan, Qiao's father and Qiao's mother thought that they still knew Qiao Hanwan very well. They thought that Qiao Hanwan was crying and confessing his mistake now, so they felt that Qiao Hanwan really knew that he was wrong. Yes, knowing your mistakes can make a big difference. Father Qiao expressed his satisfaction with this, and said softly: "Okay, seeing that you are not doing well these days, go back and take a good bath, change your clothes, and then come down to eat Or you can eat in your room, take a good rest after eating, look how haggard you are, look how distressed your mother is!"

"I'm sorry, I made you worry, I will definitely rest well, and I will never let you worry about me again." Qiao Hanwan who said this sentence seemed to be a different person, a rare likeness Talking so considerately now, it's just that these words are not Qiao Hanwan's sincere words, but just a play to make Qiao's father and mother believe in her. ?
Qiao's father and Qiao's mother felt that Qiao Hanwan had become a lot more sensible after experiencing this accident, and the old couple were also very relieved. Until today, they have never regretted their decision to adopt Qiao Hanwan.Now their biological daughter is back, and their son is so capable. Although the adopted daughter knows that she is not their own, she has accepted this fact and continues to be their daughter. The daughter also has an extra daughter, which is the happiest thing.

"Come on, let's go home!" Mother Qiao took Qiao Hanwan's hand and walked towards Qiao's mansion with a smile on her face. I'm afraid that Qiao's mother will not be able to stand still when she is so happy.

It is unshakable for Ye Kelan and An Xia to get up at five o'clock every morning and start exercising, but because Ye Kelan has been held in the hands of Gu Yumo for the past four years, she is not allowed to go out. The gym can be used for Ye Kelan to exercise, but Ye Kelan is used to running outside, so it is still very uncomfortable to be interrupted in such a stuffy environment indoors.

So as time passed, Ye Kelan stopped exercising every day, but in order to maintain her figure, she endured physical discomfort and exercised two to three times a week.But even if she wanted to exercise, she wouldn't get up too early, she would only be able to exercise for an hour or two after breakfast and Gu Yunmo went to work.It can also be said that Ye Kelan usually exercises without Gu Yumo present, because she doesn't like to let Gu Yumo see how she is exercising. If she is exercising freely under the sky, then naturally there is no problem of.

But An Xia didn't know all this, so before the chickens started crowing, An Xia couldn't wait to go to Ye Kelan's room next door to give Ye Kelan a warm wake-up service like a hotel.

Although Ye Kelan hasn't woken up so early for four years, it doesn't mean that Ye Kelan can't get up and stays in bed. When An Xia came to call her, she quickly regained her senses. When he got up, he didn't even look like he was lying in bed at all, he just got up like that.

Because Ye Kelan hasn't run in the morning for too long, so this time An Xia is very considerate and only proposes to run for an hour, but she didn't expect that when they came back from the run, they saw Qiao Hanwan and wondered if they had taken the wrong medicine Suddenly dressed in plain clothes, they stood in front of the gate of Qiao's mansion. Ye Kelan and An Xia's eyes were particularly poisonous. Although they were a little far apart, they could still tell at a glance that the clothes on Qiao Hanwan's body added up. It was not more than 500 yuan, and his face was so haggard, as if he had not slept all night and had done something very hard all night.

In view of the fact that the recent days are indeed a bit too boring, Ye Kelan and An Xia looked at each other, and then both pursed their lips and nodded as if they were about to watch a good show. The place where Qiao Hanwan can hear her words clearly and not be noticed by Qiao Hanwan. In fact, even if they stand far away from Qiao Hanwan, they can still see what they say. After all, there is a language in this world called Lip language, the two of them are pretty good at learning, the reason why they want to get closer is because they can ensure that they will not be discovered by Qiao Hanwan and others, and they are really too lazy to stare at Qiao Hanwan's mouth. translation.

It didn't take long for them to see Father Qiao and Mother Qiao running over from right in front of the gate. After talking for a few words, Qiao Hanwan actually knelt down with a plop, and said in such a manner like Father and Mother Qiao I'm sorry, and I promise to apologize to An Xia, and treat An Xia like her own sister in the future, I just hope they can forgive her, and then she can go back to Qiao's house.

Ye Kelan and An Xia were also convinced, they could do such a shameless thing, since they wanted to leave Qiao's house desperately back then, don't come back shamelessly now!It's just that when An Xia heard that she was about to have such a weird and crazy sister, she said that she would reject it, which was really unacceptable, because she couldn't help but think about how she treated her before, and then look for opportunities Beat her up.

It's just that if Qiao's father and Qiao's mother are willing, she, as a daughter, naturally has no objections. After all, as long as Qiao Hanwan can disappear when she is alone or become a transparent person, she will definitely not refuse Qiao's father and Qiao's mother are saving face. After all, her father and mother have forgiven Qiao Hanwan now. As a junior, she really has no position not to forgive Qiao Hanwan, otherwise she will be generalized by Qiao Hanwan soon. Good deal.

Seeing Qiao's mother walking in contentedly holding Qiao Hanwan's arm, An Xia didn't feel unhappy at all. On the contrary, she knew that Qiao Hanwan's purpose was definitely not just to return to Qiao's house. She was looking forward to What is Qiao Hanwan's next step? I just hope that she won't be too low. It won't be fun at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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