Chapter 252 Nothing Has Changed
To Jing Nan, Fang Luo, and Fang Muxing, Ye Kelan was a princess or a goddess, so how could she be defiled by ordinary people?Even if that person is Jing Nan Xi'er's girlfriend, it's not allowed. Fang Muxing and Fang Luo don't need to intervene, but Jing Nan can't stop Liu Jie from being disciplined. He immediately threw Liu Jie's hand away and said sternly: "Liu Jie, don't go too far. This matter is your fault, please apologize to her."

Naturally, Ye Kelan smiled proudly at Liu Jie, and then waited triumphantly for Liu Jie to apologize to her. If it wasn't for Ye Kelan's cute outfit that made this apology seem a little joyful, probably This apology must be very serious.

But Liu Jie is not the kind of person who can do whatever you ask her to do, and Jing Nan used to be used to Liu Jie, and regarded her small temper as another kind of cuteness of her, and treated those people she bullied in the past. He didn't say anything, but sometimes he would privately give some compensation to those who were bullied by Liu Jie, and Liu Jie couldn't let Liu Jie know, otherwise Liu Jie would definitely have a big fight with him.It's not that this kind of situation has never happened in the past, but every time Jing Nan compromised and acted according to Liu Jie's wishes. Sometimes he was clearly right, but he still had to apologize to Liu Jie first. This is how Jing Nan got used to her spoiled temperament, so this time Liu Jie naturally acted in accordance with the previous style.

Jing Nan, who used to do things according to her will, now actually speaks for others, Liu Jie is naturally very uncomfortable, and now she doesn't save Jing Nan any face, pointing at Jing Nan's nose and scolding: "Jingnan, I'm your girlfriend, you don't help me but you actually help this foxy girl, do you still want that face of yours?"

After scolding Jing Nan, he was still angry, then turned around and pointed at Ye Kelan's nose and cursed angrily: "You really are a coquettish girl, don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't seduce a man for a day, if you lack a man, go find it yourself, Don't come to seduce my man. If you think you can't find a man, I can help you too. Is ten enough? But judging by your seductive appearance, I don't think ten is enough, you need twenty... ..."

"Pa", Liu Jie was stopped by a particularly loud slap before she finished speaking. That's right, the person who hit her was the Jing Nan who doted on her very much. There was no other reason, but Liu Jie offended Ye Ke Lan is still the type who looks for trouble when nothing happens.

"Liu Jie, I don't care what you did before, that's because I was willing to indulge you and pamper you, but now I don't want to, you just stay where the hell is cool!" Jing Nan was also in a hurry. You must know that Ye Kelan is not only the little princess of the Ye family, but also their little princess. They are usually reluctant to say a harsh word. Now that Liu Jie scolded her, can Jing Nan not be angry? ?Coupled with Liu Jie's unreasonable troubles in the past, Jing Nan naturally wanted to break up with Liu Jie when he became angry.

From then on, the bridge returns to the bridge, and the road returns to the road, so chic.

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Ye Kelan, and said gently with a smile on his face as if he was a different person: "It's so late, you probably haven't eaten yet, go to my room and I'll cook for you. OK?"

Seeing Liu Jie being beaten, Ye Kelan blinked her big eyes in a good mood, first nodded cutely to Jing Nan, and then said to Liu Jie as if she had discovered some new land: "Oh! How can you now?" What a pity, without Jing Nan's protection, those people you offended before would definitely not let you go easily, this will trip you up openly and secretly, I really don't know how you will continue to stay In the No. [-] terrorist organization!" After finishing speaking, he swaggered and held Jingnan's hand, and together with Jingnan, without looking back, he accepted Jingnan's invitation and didn't care about his current girlfriend, so he knew to go to Jingnan The room went. ?
Although why do women make things difficult for women, but after all, Liu Jie offended Ye Kelan, so Fang Luo also said, "Well, if Jingnan used to say this, maybe she wouldn't say anything, but you shouldn't have offended me now." This time, Jing Nan is determined to break up with you, so don't cry like Jing Nan begging you not to break up, because then he will hate you even more." After finishing speaking. Afterwards, he smiled coldly, and followed Ye Kelan and Jing Nan in a good mood, although he folded his arms around his chest and raised his head and looked ahead.

An Xia didn't like Liu Jie in the first place, especially when she relied on being Jing Nan's girlfriend, sometimes she even ignored her. An Xia was a person who had revenge. Because of Jingnan's face, sometimes it's okay to turn a blind eye and close one eye, but now Jingnan is obviously really going to end with Liu Jie, so it doesn't matter whether it is a gentleman's fault or not. Said bluntly: "I'll give you one day to move your things to where you should live, or don't blame my ruthless subordinates!" After she finished speaking, she also left here, she was looking for something to eat Well, I didn't eat much on the plane, and I'm so hungry now, if I don't eat any more, I think she will faint from hunger.

Fang Muxing is a man, and he is a very gentleman. He still has some compassion for a beautiful woman like Liu Jie, but it depends on who this beautiful woman offends.

Although Liu Jie is no longer his good brother's girlfriend, Fang Muxing still said to Liu Jie earnestly: "Jing Nan told you a long time ago that you should be cautious in your words and deeds. Can’t remember? It’s okay now, he doesn’t want you anymore, and you used to have a lot of grievances, and there will definitely be people who bully you by then. Sigh, it’s so sad!” The conversation suddenly changed, “But this is all yours I found it, and I can’t blame others. I’d better do it myself in the future!”

Liu Jie didn't expect that she just offended a new vixen, but she broke up with her boyfriend all of a sudden, and insisted that the person who offended her was her offending someone else, and now he also Don't let yourself go, and let her move out of this floor.

Why?She should have lived on this floor, she is Jing Nan's girlfriend, this is a fact that can never be changed.

No, she doesn't want to move here, as they said, there are too many people who offended her before, so if she really moves now, wouldn't it be as if they admitted indirectly that they had been given by Jing Nan? Dumped, if they knew, they would definitely not let me go, then how could I continue to stay in the No. [-] terrorist organization without Jing Nan's protection?

(End of this chapter)

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