Chapter 253 Nothing Has Changed
Jing Nan has been hugging Ye Kelan to the living room outside his room. Although he looked so calm just now, his heart has already boiled. Thought he was dreaming, no matter how painful the wound is now, and when he hugged Ye Kelan just now, he could clearly feel the body temperature of Ye Kelan, so he can be sure that Ye Kelan really came back, not him In a dream, this Ye Kelan is not a ghost either.

Because he was so excited that he couldn't say a word, Jing Nan, a big man, wept with joy at Ye Kelan. He raised his hand a few times but still didn't know what to say. Ke Lan hugged Ye Kelan into her arms, hugged Ye Kelan tightly, and said with a choked voice: "Ke Lan, is it really you? Are you really back? The you in my arms are not a clone." Man, it’s not like I’m dreaming, is it?” She already had the answer in her heart, but Jing Nan couldn’t help asking, she wanted to get the answer from Ye Kelan’s own mouth, maybe only then would she believe it. Everything is true.

It's just that before Ye Kelan came and spoke, An Xia and Fang Luo had already opened the door. Fang Luo wanted to hug Ye Kelan when she was outside, but she didn't want Jing Nan to take the lead. After running on Liu Jie, she hurried over, but she didn't expect Ye Kelan to be hugged by Jing Nan, Fang Luo naturally quit, after all, Ye Kelan belonged to them all, not Jing Nan's, why should he Want to monopolize Ye Kelan?
So Fang Luo directly expressed her dissatisfaction with Jing Nan with actions. After pulling Jing Nan away from Ye Kelan, she took Jing Nan's place and hugged Ye Kelan into her arms, acting like a baby in disbelief. Asked: "Ke Lan, is this really you? When I saw you just now, I couldn't believe it was really you. We all saw you dead four years ago, but we didn't expect you to die now. He came back unexpectedly, what is going on, can you tell us?" He let go of his arms and looked at Ye Kelan's face distressedly.

Ye Kelan raised her hand to brush Fang Luo's long hair, and pinched the baby fat on Fang Luo's face along the way, um~ it feels really good, it's still exactly the same as it was four years ago.The corner of his mouth curled up, and he smiled slightly: "It's because I miss you so much, and I also feel that you all miss me, so even if I am in the sky, I will leave and come back to see you non-stop!" Although this Most of the words may not be true, but as long as Ye Kelan can come back intact, it will be a great joy.

Just as he was talking, Fang Muxing also came. As soon as he entered the door, he ran towards Ye Kelan, but instead of hugging Ye Kelan, he held Ye Kelan's hand and looked up and down. Dudu said: "It's okay, it's okay, there is no disability, there is no disfigurement, the face is still so smooth and delicate, and it is still the beautiful Ye Kelan in my mind before. It is really Amitabha , God bless you!"

Others may not have heard what Fang Muxing said clearly, but Ye Kelan heard it. Although she only knew the general meaning, she still looked at Fang Muxing with some dumbfounding and asked, "Mu Xing, are you beeping?" What are you talking about? We haven't seen each other for so many years, can you talk to me properly so that I can hear more clearly?"

"Oh..." Fang Muxing raised his eyes and looked straight at Ye Kelan. Ye Kelan saw her reflection in Fang Muxing's small and red eyes. Fake, even though she couldn't hear what Fang Muxing said just now, Ye Kelan still raised her hand and held Fang Muxing's face, pouted and said cutely: "Okay, okay, no matter what you said What, I know that what you said is all about me, don’t you? I’m already very touched that you have this kind of heart, so let’s forget about the things you muttered just now that I couldn’t understand, but in the future you can Be sure to let me hear you clearly!"

After finishing speaking, he grinned at Jing Nan and Fang Luo again: "Okay, you two don't cry, I am very happy to be back, why are you crying?"

Fang Luo raised her hand to wipe the tears on her face, and sobbed, "I didn't cry, I just cried with joy. It's because of you. If it was someone else, I wouldn't even shed a tear. "

Ye Kelan laughed out loud, and when she put away her smile, she was very moved and said: "Okay, I know, it was my fault just now, please forgive me, okay? I promise I won't say that again in the future Already, okay?" As he spoke, he put two fingers up against the hair above his ears as if swearing.

Fang Luo pouted her mouth and nodded heavily, holding Ye Kelan's arm, the little bird leaned on Ye Kelan's shoulder and began to cry: "You know what? When you're not around, I almost Every day in the past, I would cry alone in the room, and this place becomes so deserted without you, I am not used to it, it is better when you are here, it is so lively! But now it’s alright , You are back again, let our No. [-] terrorist organization finally regain its vitality, you are the source of vitality of the entire No. [-] terrorist organization, so we cannot do without you. You are not allowed to leave in the future!"

Ye Kelan patted Fang Luo's fluffy hair in a good mood, and said with a smile, "Oh, I know, I know, I won't leave you guys in the future, okay?" Xixi said: "I didn't eat at noon, and I didn't eat anything at night. I just woke up and met Jing Nan's ex-girlfriend, and then I had a fight with her. I'm really hungry now." Yes, can you show kindness first and let me catch up with me after I finish my meal, that way there will be a lot of time!"

An Xia, who had not opened her mouth to act as the background wall, also said expressionlessly: "Yes, can you give us something to eat first? We are all hungry, and we didn't show consideration for us. We didn't even let us sit. We only know how to sit." Standing there reminiscing about the old days, you don’t know how to care about people. Why don’t you learn from Jingnan? You know that we just got up and didn’t have dinner, so we went to cook without saying a word. This is the new three good men in China, you guys You must learn more. Especially Fang Muxing, you have to learn more from Jing Nan, otherwise you will definitely not be able to find a wife in the future, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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