Chapter 300 Intimate Tranquility

So he thought that based on his relationship with Nuan Nuan, it would be no problem for him to scold this brash woman. After all, he had never heard of when the Ye family had such a character. There are traces of their photos and videos, but she has never appeared on them.

Moreover, although Ye Feimo will not obey Nuan's words, at least he will not care about him because of Nuan's face, and this woman's face is like that of a mistress, and now she is still in front of someone else's wife It's really shameless to hold someone's husband's arm in front of her!
Poor Ye Hailan is misunderstood as a mistress who destroys other people's families because of her good looks, coupled with her young appearance, she looks only 20 years old. It's really sad enough!

"It's not up to you if I get my turn, it's up to him." Ye Hailan pointed at Ye Feimo beside him and said coldly, then turned his eyes to Ye Feimo, and his tone softened a little He said, "Little Mo, tell them if what I say counts!"

Ye Feimo glanced at Ye Hailan and said loudly: "Okay, after packing up now, we will stop filming for a day tomorrow. You are also lucky. Tomorrow will be a day off for you. As for the director, you don't have to continue filming." Well, I am small in the Anning International Temple, and I can't accommodate this big Buddha like you, so I went to the finance department to settle your salary, and you won't be needed for plays under Anning International in the future."

As soon as this was said, the people present were in an uproar. Wen Nuan knew that it was Ye Feimo's sister, so she wasn't too surprised, and she didn't go up to rescue the director, because she knew that the director's care for her was just because of She is the wife of the president of An Ning International, not because she is warm, so it is better for her not to get in touch with this kind of person who is stalking, and the person he is offending now is Ye Feimo's sister Ye Hailan, what is that like? For a character, she even dared to screw Ye Feimo's ear, and Ye Feimo didn't dare to fight back, so he could only let her screw it. If it wasn't fear and respect from the bottom of his heart, what was it?
"Your president's words have already been said to this point, why don't you hurry up and wait for me to treat you to dinner?" Ye Hailan asked quietly.

The director looked at Ye Feimo beggingly, but he didn't look straight at him at all. In desperation, he could only beg for Nuannuan, hoping she could say something nice for him.

Although Cai Xiaojing is Nuan Nuan's manager, and although her husband has a good relationship with Ye Feimo, she still doesn't know about Ye Hailan, so she leans close to Nuan Nuan and asks in a low voice, "Nuan Nuan, Who is that woman? How can she speak so domineeringly that even Mr. Ye dares to give orders. Could it be the mistress between you and Mr. Ye? Look at how crazy she is..." If it wasn't for being being held Ye Feimo wouldn't dare to do this even if he spoils him!

Before Cai Xiaojing could finish speaking, she was covered by Nuan Nuan and booed a few times to signal her not to talk nonsense. Seeing that Cai Xiaojing had calmed down, she calmly explained: "She is Ye Feimo's older sister. The kind of a parent’s sister. And I don’t know why, but I’m a little afraid of her. Not only I am afraid of her, but Ye Feimo is also afraid of her. So if you see her in the future, be polite to her, and she is considered a It’s not very warm, so there’s no harm anyway.” After speaking, seeing the director looking at him pleadingly, Wen Nuan could only bite the bullet and walk towards Ye Hailan and Ye Feimo with a faint smile, and even if it was She went, but she didn't dare to ask for mercy.

Seeing Nuan Nuan approaching, Ye Feimo took two steps forward and asked softly, "Nuan Nuan, are you tired today?"

Warm smiled and shook her head, then looked at Ye Hailan behind Ye Feimo and shouted a little restrainedly: "Sister, you are here." During this period, she didn't even give the director a look, because she really didn't dare.

Ye Hailan nodded, hummed softly, and said lightly: "Since you are done with your work, go and change your clothes quickly, and remove the makeup on your face, don't let mom and dad Wait a long time, you know?"

"Understood." Wen Nuan replied obediently, and raised his eyes to look at Ye Feimo, and Ye Feimo silently looked at Ye Hailan after feeling the warm eyes, and the eyes clearly said: Where is my wife? be there.

Such subtext naturally couldn't escape Ye Hailan's eyes, and suddenly felt that Ye Feimo, who was heartless and careless, had the appearance of a reluctant little daughter-in-law today. Although he was a little shocked, he still waved his hands like He opened his mouth like chasing a puppy and said, "If you want to follow, you can go. That's your wife. If you follow your wife, what else can I say?"

"Didn't you tell me to listen to you!" Ye Feimo looked at Ye Hailan and said it reluctantly, then left here holding warm hands.

"Get out!" Ye Hailan roared at Ye Feimo's back. Although Ye Feimo didn't look back, his pace was obviously much faster.

Well, as soon as this was said, everyone present knew that Ye Feimo, who had always been fearless, was most afraid of his sister. It was hard to accept the news suddenly, but seeing Ye Feimo in When his sister was so obedient in front of him, he suddenly felt that the old man's old saying that people who do evil will be rewarded is the truth!

Cai Xiaojing finally met the person Ye Feimo was afraid of, so she hurried forward and said, "Hi Miss, are you tired or thirsty? Why don't you just sit and rest for a while and drink some water?" ?”

Ye Hailan pursed her lips and looked at Cai Xiaojing, the corners of her mouth slowly raised, and said gently: "You don't have to be so polite to me, just call me Hailan, sister Xiaojing."

"You know me, Hailan." Cai Xiaojing's look of surprise was absolutely amazing, but her speed of seeing the wind and steering wheel was really fast enough, making it unmatched.However, Ye Hailan didn't think it was unusual, on the contrary, he liked Cai Xiaojing quite a bit. After all, a talent who could get Cheng Anya's attention would definitely not be too annoying.

"I know, my mommy told me about you." Ye Hailan explained.

While talking, he reached a position that seemed comfortable to sit on, but Ye Hailan took the water that Cai Xiaojing handed over after sitting down, but Ye Hailan didn't drink coffee or milk tea, so he kept holding it I didn't take a sip in my hand.

"What do you think of my proposal just now?" Ye Hailan looked at Cai Xiaojing and asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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