Chapter 301 Intimate Tranquility

Cai Xiaojing didn't remember what Ye Hailan suggested just now, so after raising her head and thinking about it for a while, she looked at Ye Hailan in confusion and asked in a low voice: "Did you say something to me just now?" ?”

Ye Hailan blinked her eyes. She yelled so loudly just now that no one heard her at all. Ye Hailan felt that she was about to be made to cry by Cai Xiaojing. What about being smart?Could it really be because you haven't recovered after giving birth, and you are still in the first three years of pregnancy?
However, Ye Hailan was depressed, and she still said to Cai Xiaojing seriously: "Didn't I ask Xiaomo to fire the director just now, and the filming of this movie hasn't finished yet, and I think Lin Ning should continue Finish filming this film, do you have any objections? After all, this film has been filmed so much and requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Wouldn’t it be a pity to stop like this, so I want to continue filming with another director? Of course, it doesn’t matter if Lin Ning feels that the filming is almost halfway done and he doesn’t want to take it, we can start over and shoot according to Lin Ning’s wishes, what do you think?”

?Cai Xiaojing knew that Lin Ning's temperament would definitely not accept such a half-way film, but since everyone talked about it, it would be bad if she refused.Besides, although she and Lin Ning are husband and wife, they have different ideas after all, so even if she agrees, it is still unknown whether Lin Ning will agree, and she has to give the Ye family a big deal. Miss face, she is even afraid of Ye Feimo, a character who is not afraid of anything.

"I can promise you to talk to Lin Ning about this matter, and even persuade him well, but I can't give you an accurate answer if he agrees or not. After all, he is still very principled, and I He may not necessarily listen to what you say, so sometimes he may refuse even for your sake. I hope you don't have too much hope, lest when you get more hope, you will be disappointed. The bigger it is." Cai Xiaojing smiled and expressed her position, but Lin Ning was out of her control, she could persuade her, but she couldn't make the decision.

How could Ye Hailan not know what Cai Xiaojing was thinking, so she nodded with a smile, and we both hooked Cai Xiaojing's neck like we knew each other very well, and asked with a smile: "Sister Xiaojing, tell me honestly, No matter whether Lin Ning agrees to take over this mess, you will never give up, and you will always stand on the same front with me and Anning International?"

Cai Xiaojing nodded heavily, and said politely: "Hai Lan, don't worry, which of us is with whom, I will definitely stand on the same front with you, and I will definitely die!" gesture.

Ye Hailan withdrew her hand, nodded with great relief, and said, "Okay, since you've already said that, then I'll tell you! Because the director of this play is going to be changed, so you must be Knowing your husband's temperament, he definitely won't like to pick up other people's leftovers. If this movie is going to be re-shooted, you should remember to communicate with the actors and let them shoot the scenes that were shot before. One side. Remember, money is not a problem, if someone doesn't want to, let's kill them with money, understand?"

There was no fluctuation on Cai Xiaojing's face, she uttered a few monosyllables from her throat, nodded silently, and then compared the gap between herself and Ye Hailan, it really was a world away.

It's a wayward person to spend money, unlike her, it takes a long time to buy a piece of clothing with five digits, but even if it is seven or eight digits or nine ten digits in the blink of an eye. Without even blinking, there really is a huge difference between the rich and the poor!

However, this heavy topic was quickly pulled away by Cai Xiaojing in a few words. After all, the topics of conversation between women are always clothes, bags, cosmetics, etc. Cai Xiaojing is a woman, so naturally it is unavoidable. After getting acquainted with Ye Hailan, she began to ask about Ye Hailan's maintenance methods, "Hailan, although you are actually a few years older than Mr. Ye, it seems that people believe that you are Nuan Nuan's sister. How do you take care of it, can you teach me?"

"I've never taken care of myself. Unless I wear a little makeup on some important occasions, I always keep my face bare." Ye Hailan said with a smile on her lips, she was telling the truth.

Cai Xiaojing didn't believe it, she reached out and touched Ye Hailan's face, she really didn't have that kind of foundation feeling, not even a touch of skin care products, it was as delicate and tender as a child's skin, which could make women all over the world envy Dead, already 35 years old, looks like 20 years old at most, it is really amazing.

"But your skin is really good. If you say that you haven't taken care of it, I really don't believe it!" Cai Xiaojing was telling the truth, especially after she touched Ye Hailan's skin with her own hands.

Ye Hailan smiled half-truthfully and said: "Maybe it's because I'm in a good mood and get enough sleep, so even if I don't take care of myself, I look young. There is another possibility, that is, maybe God sees my growth She is very beautiful, she belongs to the kind that overwhelms the country and the city. I want to see me more, and I want the world to see this beautiful person in this world. That’s why I don’t want me to grow old, lest I never be prettier than me. It’s because God made me look so young and beautiful at 35 years old!”

Cai Xiaojing was dumbfounded. Although she had seen many beauties, and some of them looked like a little girl at a very old age, this was only after makeup and photoshopped photos. As soon as she saw a real person It is simply ruined, all kinds of ugly.

She is still as good-looking as Ye Hailan. Although I haven't seen the photos, I already think she is very beautiful just by looking at the real person, and when she is still beautiful, she is simply a blockbuster in action!

Cai Xiaojing can guarantee that as long as a man sees Ye Hailan, he probably won't take his eyes off it. Look, at least nine out of ten men around here are staring at Ye Hailan, and the only one who doesn't is because of him. She was shy and didn't dare to look directly, but the shutters of the mobile phone and camera in her hand had already been pressed against Ye Hailan's face or back. After it was over, I felt a sense of emotion, what is the real 360°C infinite Dead end beauty, here it is!
(End of this chapter)

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