Chapter 303 Intimate Tranquility

"Nuannuan, since we are a family now, there should be no secrets between family members. So I will tell you the truth now, the reason why I don't like you is because of what you did to my mommy four years ago. The attitude is really bad. But now things are almost in the past. Seeing that your attitude towards my mommy is not bad, I will treat you a little bit better. If you dare to treat me again in the future If my mommy has a bad attitude, no matter if you are Xiaomo's wife or not, I won't let you and your family have a good life, understand?" Ye Hailan explained why herself with a smile With such an attitude towards Nuannuan, I also hope that she can correct herself after knowing what is in her heart.

At first, I heard that the reason my sister-in-law didn't like me was because of my attitude towards Mommy four years ago, but she hadn't come home at that time, so how did I know that she had a bad attitude towards Mommy?And she felt that Mommy had no chance to tell her. How did she know these things?

Ye Feimo coughed uncomfortably, and explained: "Nuan Nuan, although my sister is not at home, she knows everything about the house, although there are some things we didn't tell her personally, and there are some things we don't even know, but My sister must know it clearly, so you don't have to wonder who told her."

Wen Nuan was even more surprised, if she didn't say anything, how could she know?Is it possible to really count your fingers?

"Don't tell me, I really count by pinching my fingers, and I know a lot of things that I probably shouldn't know." Ye Hailan smiled as if I knew everything. Look to the warmth.

Wen Nuan asked in a daze: "Is my sister really good at counting? Then I know the truth four years ago."

Ye Hailan raised one hand and stroked her hair lazily with her index finger, raised the corner of her mouth, and replied ambiguously: "Nuan Nuan, if the truth you knew four years ago is the truth, then how do you treat my mommy?" I can forgive."

"What was the truth four years ago?" Wen Nuan asked impatiently.

Ye Hailan said with an inscrutable smile: "Believe me, you wouldn't want to see the truth four years ago." I will choose a suitable day to announce it to the public, but it will definitely not be now.

"Sister, what is the truth? I know you must know, but why haven't you told us all this time?" Ye Feimo asked eagerly. He is Ye Tianyu's second uncle. I hope that this scapegoat will always be carried by Ye Tianyu.

Ye Hailan closed her eyes, and there was only one sentence: "The secret of the sky must not be revealed!" This sentence is the most annoying sentence in many classic TV dramas. When you arouse everyone's interest, but finally tell others that the secret of the sky cannot be revealed, If it weren't for the fact that Ye Feimo couldn't beat Ye Hailan at all, Ye Feimo would probably stop the car now, drag Ye Hailan out of the car and beat him up severely.

Ye Hailan is very satisfied with the current effect. The more she wants to know the result, the more explosive it will be when she knows the result. Just wait and see, how much the Wen family will regret treating the Ye family like that when they know the truth. And God is always fair, the Ye family has been wronged so much, they will always get some compensation, even if it's just to show off their grievances and make Ye Tianyu stop taking the blame!
Ye Hailan just arrived at Ye's house after saying that, and Ye Feimo also parked the car. Ye Hailan opened the door and got out of the car, because Ye Feimo and warm curiosity had been successfully aroused. She was in a good mood at the moment, and at the same time, she was thinking about what kind of wedding gift she should give to Wen Jing and Fei Di's wedding.
"Daddy, mommy, brother and sister-in-law, I'm back!" Ye Hailan opened the door and greeted Ye Chen, Cheng Anya and others who were sitting together inside, and walked towards Ye Chen with a smile.

Although Ye Hailan is also a mother now, she will always be a child who can't grow up in front of Ye Chen and Cheng Anya, and she will hold Ye Chen's arm and lean on Ye Chen's shoulder as soon as she sits down. and Ye Chen was happily feeding Ye Hailan fruit with Ye Hailan's favorite fruit in his hand.

Ye Hailan told Ye Chen and others what happened on the set today, and this group of protectors naturally praised Ye Hailan for doing a good job without hesitation.

Originally, the daughters of his Ye family were reluctant to yell loudly, but now an outsider yelled indiscriminately. Fortunately, it was because they were not there, otherwise they would definitely give him a good meal, and then gave him He was fired, and by the way, another banning order was issued, so that he would never even think about directing plays again for the rest of his life.

Nuannuan, who looked at the family's shortcomings, couldn't help but think of what they did when her mother hurt Ye Tianyu four years ago, and what Ye Hailan said in the car just now, made her suddenly feel that she had been a child for four years. It was really too much before, if one day they really found out that they had misunderstood them, and they had always been so kind to themselves, then she would really feel guilty to death.

But after all, the truth now is what they know. She thought that even if she wanted to feel guilty, she would have to wait until the day Ye Hailan revealed the truth.

Ye Hailan was content to eat the fruit that Ye Chen fed, and after looking around, she found that none of the children were at home, so she asked suspiciously, "Where are Tianyu and the others? Why aren't they all at home?"

Ye Ningyuan explained: "Baby and Yu Mo took Xia Xia and Nangong Yi out. Tianyu didn't want to go, but was dragged out by An Ning and Tian Cheng. Now the five adults and two children should all be together. Play crazy!"

"I guess An Ning will drag Tianyu up as long as she sees a good-looking girl. Didn't she always talk about finding a wife for Tianyu and a cousin for her?" Xu Nuo smiled. Said.

Ye Hailan nodded, and said in agreement: "Well, our Tianyu looks so good-looking, it must please girls very much, maybe it won't be long before my brother and sister-in-law can be sister-in-laws."

"That's right, don't look at whose grandson he is, how can he not please girls?" Ye Chen said proudly.

Cheng Anya glanced at Ye Chen in disgust, and said disdainfully, "That's why there were so many flies working tirelessly around you when you were young?"

When Anya said this, everyone suppressed their laughter. After all, Ye Chen is an elder. If he laughed at this time, how sad Ye Chen would be!Originally, Ye Chen couldn't hold his head up in front of Cheng Anya because of the incident when he was young, but now if the children laughed at him again, he would feel like jumping off the building.

(End of this chapter)

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