Chapter 304 Intimate Tranquility

"Daddy, don't be sad, you will always be my daughter's favorite daddy." Ye Hailan patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and comforted him solemnly.

Ye Chen looked at Ye Hailan contentedly. Sure enough, the daughter is the father's little padded jacket. At this time, only the daughter is the most caring. Unlike sons, they all marry wives and forget their father and mother. Ye Ningyuan It was because he had already forgotten his parents before he married a wife, and Ye Feimo never cared about his parents.

I don't know if it's because Jun Wuyou found a suitable partner for Ye Tianyu, so Ye Kelan called back and said that he wouldn't go home for dinner, but no matter what, as long as the children are willing, it's fine.

Speaking of having nothing to do today, the few of them have not been together for four years because of work, and now the two girls have their own homes, and he has become a single So at this time his younger brother and his little cousin came to accompany him because they felt that he was alone. The younger brother was okay, and he held his hand honestly. Where he went, he followed him. where.

But the little cousin is different. Along the way, she bouncing around and looking at the faces of other girls' faces, and she nodded when she saw a better-looking girl, but she just nodded, and then ran away again. Jun Wuyou didn't even give a glance to those who didn't look good, just ran past them.

Ye Kelan quietly approached Gu Yumo's ear and couldn't help whispering in a whisper: "This cousin is awesome, I know her cousin is broken in love, so now I'm looking for a beauty for her cousin!"

"I really like this kid!" Gu Yunmo concluded.

Jun Wuyou seemed to have heard their conversation, and trotted all the way to Ye Kelan and Gu Yumo's side, raised his hand and pulled Gu Yumo's clothes and said softly: "I like you too!" Said to Ye Kelan: "Sister, don't be jealous, An Ning also likes her." Then, without looking back, she went on to find a beauty for Ye Tianyu, but Ye Tianyu, who was holding Ye Tiancheng by the hand, felt a little disappointed turned red.

Sure enough, grandma shouldn't have allowed my aunt to be with her often, otherwise his cute little cousin wouldn't be so open-minded now, and looking for beauties for him is really unacceptable!
An Xia on the side looked at Jun Wuyou with love bubbles in her eyes, if it wasn't because Nangong Yi was hugging her tightly at this moment, she would have run to Jun Wuyou and hugged him for a long time. It's over. ?
This is how Jun Wuyou looks at the beauties in the past. Whenever she sees a girl who is a little more pleasing to the eye, she will stare straight at the face and figure carefully, because she is a child, and she is tall. Jun Wuyou is very cute, so these girls will not be angry, and some girls even stopped to strike up a conversation with Jun Wuyou because of her cute appearance, and some even gave her candy and chocolate to eat.Although Jun Wuyou is young, she has inherited some of Ye Hailan's hooliganism, so she made every girl who struck up a conversation with her very happy, and she was reluctant to leave when she left.

However, according to Jun Wuyou's search for a needle in a haystack, I don't know when I will find a satisfactory person to choose.

Jun Wuyou naturally does not only look at her appearance, but also her internal knowledge and knowledge, so even Ye Kelan and An Xia feel that some girls are good looking, standing beside Ye Tianyu Jun Wuyou, who was considered a match, was unmoved, so time passed slowly, and Ye Tianyu and others kept watching Jun Wuyou from the sidelines, until they could no longer bear Jun Wuyou's unwavering gaze. When the girl passed by her, Ye Tianyu strode over directly and hugged Jun Wuyou with one hand, and ordered Jun Wuyou not to come out again in the future to embarrass her face.

Although everyone was not tired, they were too bored and really couldn't afford to go home for dinner, so they had dinner at a restaurant here before going back.

Just after walking out the door, the little girl Jun Wuyou ran away from them with lightning speed, and then left their sight at an extremely fast speed. Avoid them.

Now that Jun Wuyou is missing, Ye Tianyu and the others are naturally in a hurry to find them separately. Although everyone except Nangong Yi knows that Jun Wuyou is different from ordinary people, even if he is alone, there is no danger, but after all, she As a child, even with the power of gods and ghosts, it is impossible for adults to completely cope with emergencies like adults.

A few people almost searched the entire shopping mall, even all the toilets and safe passages, but they didn't see Jun Wuyou's shadow at all, which drove Ye Tianyu and others crazy. If she couldn't find Jun Wuyou, she would be so scared to spend the night alone outside, would she cry?
They didn't dare to think about it at all, so they could only search the mall again, and then went out to look outside the mall. At this time, they saw Jun Wuyou came back, and beside her was a man in light clothes. The long-haired girl in the purple dress with a gentle smile looks so pretty from such a distance.

And at this time, Jun Wuyou also lowered his head, as if I made a mistake, please forgive me, let the girl hold my hand and walk towards them slowly.

Just seeing the girl's face, Ye Kelan and An Xia already knew that this girl must be the beauty Jun Wuyou found for Ye Tianyu. They had to admit that although Jun Wuyou was young, she looked like a beauty. Ye Tianyu's vision is still very good, not to mention very beautiful from a distance, but also very good-looking when you walk in, and she is also a beauty with a plain face. The two of them looked at each other. Although they don't know what Ye Tianyu was thinking, she They both thought that this girl was really beautiful, and she was a good match for Ye Tianyu.

When Jun Wuyou saw Ye Tianyu, he let go of the hand held by the beauty, trotted all the way to Ye Tianyu, and said softly: "Brother, I got lost just now, and it was this beautiful sister who brought me back. , you have to thank your pretty sister!" Jun Wuyou turned around and pointed at the girl behind her.

Ye Tianyu said seriously to Jun Wuyou: "I'll take care of you when I go back!" After speaking, he stood up and thanked the girl who had already walked over: "Thank you for sending my sister back. I owe you a favor, and if you need it in the future, I will definitely repay you. By the way, I am Ye Tianyu, nice to meet you." Ye Tianyu stretched out his hand as he spoke, and looked into the girl's eyes There seems to be no waves at all.

(End of this chapter)

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