Chapter 305 Intimate Tranquility

The girl waved her hand indifferently, and shook Ye Tianyu's hand with a smile on her face, "Hi, I'm Jinyi, nice to meet you." When she retracted her hand, she continued: "It's okay, I think An Ning is alone. There is a pitiful person standing outside, so I brought her to you, if someone else needs help, I will be obliged. This is just a little effort, you don't need to be so polite. "

Jun Wuyou raised his head, looked straight at Jinyi with big watery eyes, pouted his mouth very reluctantly and said: "If you want it, sister Jinyi, let my brother thank you properly, Otherwise, my brother will be very sorry, and I will come with him. I am so cute, sister Jinyi just said that she likes An Ning, why don't you want to see An Ning now? An Ning likes Jin Yi very much Sister, I want to see Sister Jinyi again!" What is called a divine assistant, Jun Wuyou is all.

"Why do adults talk about children?" Ye Tianyu looked down at Jun Wuyou and criticized gently, "This child is a little too lively, if it causes you any trouble, don't take it to heart, she Still young, not sensible." When Ye Tianyu said this, his face was blushing and his heart was not beating, although Jun Wuyou was indeed young, but if he was ignorant or something, it would be against his will.

"Brother, have you found An Ning?" Ye Kelan anxiously took Gu Yumo's hand and trotted over. When he saw Jin Yi, he couldn't help but sigh secretly. Her brother is so worthy, and he looks like a little white rabbit, he can do whatever he wants.

When Ye Kelan saw Jun Wuyou, he squatted down and criticized anxiously and angrily: "Why are you running around all by yourself? Do you know that there are a lot of human traffickers now, if it wasn't for your good luck, they would have sold you to a ravine , when the time comes, you won’t be able to find anyone to cry.” Ye Kelan is not trying to scare Jun Wuyou, this kind of thing will really happen, but it won’t happen to Jun Wuyou.

After standing up, Ye Kelan looked at Jinyi suspiciously and asked, pretending not to know anything, "Who is this lady?"

Ye Tianyu turned his head and stared at Ye Kelan without a trace, then turned around and introduced to Jinyi first: "This is my sister Ye Kelan and my brother-in-law Gu Yunmo. This is Jinyi, she was the one who gave An Ning to you just now. Sent it back."

Ye Kelan nodded in a sudden realization, and quickly reached out to hold Jinyi's hand, "Thank you so much. We were almost dying of anxiety when An Ning disappeared. Fortunately, you helped us bring her back. Thank you so much."

Jinyi pursed her lips and smiled slightly, and took her hand back. She didn't like being held by people she just met, although the girl in front of her was very eye-catching.

"It's okay, I believe that no one can bear to see such a cute little girl crying pitifully outside without finding her family. Well, it's getting late, I should go, goodbye .”

Jinyi said that she turned around and was about to leave, but Ye Kelan and Jun Wuyou held Jinyi's arm and hugged Jinyi's waist in a daze to prevent Jinyi from leaving here, but this posture made the two behind her All the men were speechless.

"Sister Jinyi, you can't leave. You don't know my brother's phone number. I don't know your phone number. How can you let my brother thank you then!" Jun Wuyou was naturally surprised when he saw that Jinyi was leaving. If you refuse, you can leave if you want, or you can leave the phone behind!Although it is not difficult to find her phone number, wouldn't it be too deliberate to come to her door hastily?
Ye Kelan also echoed: "Yes, yes, we must thank you for this matter, and you must leave your phone number for me. Then it is not safe for you to go back as a girl at this late hour, just right We came here by car, let us take you back, and you can leave your phone on the road, or we all don't leave!" Said Ye Kelan's hooligan temperament was completely exposed in the end, If they don't give you their phone number, you still won't let them go. Even if you want to leave, you have to send them back in person. What a weird thing!
Jinyi was held in a daze by two girls, one big and one small, and she refused to let her go. She was very surprised. Didn't she do a good deed because of her little effort? Didn't they thank her already? So this matter It's almost over, why are you still holding her and not letting go?

Do you really want to thank her grandly again?
Although she is not a child of a wealthy family, she still knows a little about luxury goods. Just judging from the clothes these people wear, she knows that they must be either rich or expensive. She is just a child of an ordinary family. Girls, don't dare to climb high.

So, "Thank you for your kindness, but this is really a trivial matter. You have already thanked me, so there is no reason to thank me again. Let me go!" hand, but obviously felt that her hand was not heavy, why couldn't she pull it away?
"Sister Jinyi, An Ning is so cute, doesn't Sister Jinyi want to see An Ning again?" Jun Wuyou was on the verge of crying. It was so hard for her to see a beautiful sister with a good heart and a good heart. How could it be so easy? Why did she just leave like this?
"Sister Jinyi, it's because of An Ning's accidental loss that you came home so late. What if Sister Jinyi meets a bad guy by accident? Why don't you let my brother and An Ning send you back? See Seeing sister Jinyi, you can get home safely and An Ning can go home with your brother in peace. If sister Jin Yi doesn't want to, then An Ning won't be able to sleep tonight. Sister Jin Yi really wants to see An Ning sleep worryingly. Don't you?" It's most useful when a cute little girl says these words to a kind-hearted girl, after all, this is an era of looking at faces.

Seeing Jun Wuyou was about to cry, even if Jin Yi didn't want to associate with these rich or expensive people anymore, she really couldn't bear to see Jun Wuyou cry, so even if she was reluctant, she would He still agreed to Jun Wuyou's request and asked them to send it back. By the way, when he went to the parking lot, he exchanged the phone number with Ye Tianyu, and also told Ye Tianyu the address he was going to.

Jin Yi was not too surprised when she saw the car of Ye Tianyu and others. After all, she had already guessed that the identities of this group of people were unusual, so she got into Ye Tianyu's car calmly and got in with her. There were also two children, Ye Tiancheng and Jun Wuyou, in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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