Chapter 306 Intimate Tranquility

Because they drove out in two cars, Ye Kelan and Gu Yumo got into the back seat of the other car. When she looked over, a girl she had never seen in the other car was looking at them. She waved hello to her with a bright smile, and she smiled slightly as a response.

After Jinyi got in the car, she really seldom talked, mostly Jun Wuyou said it alone, and the three of them listened, and they didn't know if it was because Jun Wuyou was too excited or she was like this usually, so she watched it in another person. When the boys older than her had closed their eyes and fell asleep, she didn't feel sleepy at all, talking non-stop along the way.

"An Ning can only be so talkative when she sees someone she likes." Ye Tianyu's sudden explanation made Jin Yi's heartbeat speed up inexplicably.

"That's right, An Ning likes Sister Jinyi very much, does Sister Jinyi like An Ning?" Jun Wuyou admitted generously, and asked if he liked her by the way.

"You've said this many times." Ye Tianyu directly punctured Jun Wuyou.

Jin Yi turned her head and looked at Jun Wuyou tenderly, and said with a smile, "An Ning is so cute and sensible, of course sister Jin Yi likes An Ning very much!"

After getting the answer, Jun Wuyou smiled happily, and said triumphantly, "I knew that sister Jinyi likes An Ning." After finishing speaking, he cast a glance at Ye Tianyu, who was driving seriously, and changed the topic, "Then sister Jinyi likes An Ning." Don't you like An Ning's brother? Brother An Ning is very pitiful. Both sisters have boyfriends, but my brother doesn't have a girlfriend yet. Sister Jinyi sees that my brother is so good-looking, dedicated, and rich. Bad habits, does sister Jinyi like my brother?"

"An Ning, if you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will throw you out of the car!" Ye Tianyu roared.Even if you want to say it, you don't need to say it in front of him, do you know that it will be embarrassing?

Jun Wuyou looked at Ye Tianyu and said stubbornly: "Brother, An Ning is also for your own good. Sister Jinyi is so good, if someone snatches you away, you will be sad alone?"

After speaking, he looked at Jin Yi with a smile on his face, "Sister Jin Yi, can you tell An Ning quietly, An Ning promises that she will never tell her brother." Jun Wuyou stared at Jin Yi with big wet eyes. Yi, eager to know the answer.

The backs of Jinyi's ears were already red, Ren she never thought that Jun Wuyou would be so outspoken, this is the first time she and Ye Tianyu have met, and they haven't seen each other for half an hour, even if Whether she fell in love with Ye Tianyu at first sight or Ye Tianyu fell in love with her at first sight, then there is no need to ask this question in front of the two of them!Isn't this intentional to keep both of them from stepping down?

"Jun Wuyou, shut up!" Ye Tianyu yelled, and now he even called out her name, probably really angry.

He knew that Ye Tianyu was embarrassed, and he also saw that Jinyi was embarrassed, so he called him by his first name, Jun Wuyou.

I saw Jun Wuyou snorted arrogantly, put his hands on his waist, and pursed his mouth to express his anger and muttered: "An Ning is also for the good of my brother and sister Jinyi, but you don't appreciate it." , An Ning is angry, don't bother with your business anymore, hum!" After finishing speaking, she closed her eyes angrily and didn't look at them, but she was a child after all, so she really fell asleep after a while.

After Jun Wuyou fell asleep, the car immediately became quiet. Ye Tianyu and Jin Yi also felt very embarrassed. No one spoke for a while. Jin Yi leaned on the car window and looked outside. Good reason, so even if you lean your head against the car window, you don't feel any uncomfortable feeling. This is really the difference between the rich and the poor!
Originally, Ye Tianyu was very sorry to send her back to school, but Jin Yi felt even more sorry when she saw another car following her. She sat up straight and looked at Ye Tianyu and asked stupidly: "Tianyu, Are your sister and brother-in-law following us?"

Ye Tianyu didn't look at the rearview mirror, but looked ahead and nodded, "They've been following us all this time, why didn't you know until now?" Ye Tianyu tilted his head and glanced at Jin Yi with a smile.

Jin Yi nodded in a daze, she was a little surprised, she felt that only Ye Tianyu could do such a small thing as sending her back home, why did so many people go with her, this is not a waste of everyone time.

Seeing that Jin Yi was obviously shocked, Ye Tianyu said half-jokingly: "Maybe they think it is necessary to see where our benefactor lives, anyway, my sister is going to stay in City A, and her friends in City A There are not many, so I will drop by now to see where you live, and if I have time in the future, I can make an appointment to go out together."

"But I don't think your sister looks like a sociable person, how could she have no friends?" Jin Yi asked suspiciously.

Ye Tianyu explained with a slight smile, "My younger sister has been studying abroad since she was a child, and she has very little time to return to China, so she has very few friends besides the peers of the friends who made good friends with the elders. One is She doesn't want to get acquainted, the second one is that there are really very few people who make her pleasing to the eye and have common topics to talk about. My sister is more picky."

Jin Yi nodded, and asked again: "Then how did you know that she would come to me and become friends with me?"

"Perhaps you can please her." Ye Tianyu glanced at Jinyi, and said seriously: "My sister makes friends mainly to see if she is pleasing to the eye. If she is pleasing to the eye, she can follow you. It means. If she doesn't like you, even if you talk to her again, she won't talk to you. "

"That's really my honor." Jinyi said half-jokingly. She also knew how a person like herself could fall into the eyes of these rich ladies living in the upper class. Maybe the reason why she sent her back this time was to see For An Ning's sake, otherwise, at most, he would just send her a check and send her away, and he probably wouldn't even say a word of thanks.

Jinyi is still a sophomore student, so the dormitory is for sure. Originally, Jinyi wanted Ye Tianyu to put her at the school gate, and she could just walk back by herself. After all, the two children in the car were already asleep. , It is better to let the child go home to sleep earlier and sleep better.What's more, Ye Tianyu's car is indeed too eye-catching. If Ye Tianyu is really allowed to send her in, she may be busy tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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