Chapter 308 Intimate Tranquility

"My boyfriend is a rich man, and I just want to walk sideways. What can you do to me? Let me tell you, my boyfriend is the son of the director of University A. If you dare to mess with me again, believe it or not, I will let my boyfriend I will fire you all, and I will let you cry and there will be no place to cry!" Zhen Ai looked at Xie Shanshan and Jinyi arrogantly, with a look on his face that I am not afraid of you, and there is someone behind me, what can you do to me.

Xie Shanshan's fiery temper can be serious once it comes up, but she is also fortunate that she has a good friend like Jin Yi who often pulls her away to tell her not to break up with others. After all, there are people behind them, and they are just children of working-class families. It is possible for people to fight for a family and win, but it is definitely impossible to fight for a second life.

Since you know you can't win the fight, why do you need to humiliate yourself?

In the end, this matter was settled after Zhen Ai went to bed with a proud face and Xie Shanshan was dragged into the small living room by Jin Yi, otherwise, according to Xie Shanshan's fiery and protective temperament, the life teacher would probably be called up. At that time, it would be fine for her to be the school director's son and girlfriend, but if the two of them had no background, they might be punished.

"I just can't bear her superior look, but it's just a family like ours, why are you so rampant now? Huh, what kind of eyes do those men who look at her look like, even if they are covered with makeup Even she is not half as good-looking as you!" Zhen Ai had already fallen asleep, and Xie Shanshan was still complaining angrily to Jin Yi.

Jinyi held Xie Shanshan's hand and comforted, "Okay, everyone has their own way of living, and we have our own way of living."

Xie Shanshan breathed out, opened her mouth and waved her hands, her tone was not very good, "Okay, okay, I won't talk about her anymore." Then her face changed, and she approached Jinyi sullenly, "Jinyi, tell me the truth Me, is the guy who took you home today the owner of the Pagani car or the Bentley car owner? Or maybe both car owners are interested in you and then sent you back together? But I’m curious, which car are you taking? what?"

Jin Yi looked at Xie Shanshan, who was smiling with a perverted face, and thought hard, but besides knowing that the two cars should be worth a lot of money, she really didn't know the brand of the car and how expensive it was.

"Is there any difference between those two cars?"

Xie Shanshan looked at Jin Yi with a look of resentment, "Do you know, just take the two cars just now as an example, the cheapest Bentley car is worth eight figures, let alone Let’s talk about that Pagani. If the number doesn’t exceed eight digits, I’ll screw my head off and give you a kick. You saw it just now. When Zhen Aiguang heard the name of the car, he got up so excitedly and lay down on the window. I checked it, and even ignored the mask on my face, do you think the car is not expensive according to Zhen Ai's behavior? I guess even her boyfriend's rich father didn't drive such a good car!"

"Is that an exaggeration?" Jin Yi asked with a still ignorant expression.She really didn't think that the family of Xiao An Ning she saved so carefully was actually so rich. She thought it was just a little bit of assets, and the car she drove would not exceed a million at most. Who knew that she would cry after knowing the truth It's all about to fall.

Xie Shanshan pursed her lips into an exaggerated arc and nodded heavily with her eyes closed, "Yes, I won't tease you with this kind of thing. But I'm also curious, how did you Where did you find such rich people? Are they tall, rich and handsome? Do you have any photos? Can you take me to see it sometime?" Xie Shanshan's eyes were full of $, and she wished she could go and see Jinyi Encounter immediately rich and handsome people.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jinyi lay down on the table in frustration, "I just helped them bring their lost sister back to them, and they saw that it was already so late, and they were afraid that it would be difficult for me to come back alone. Safety is also out of their good intentions, and they sent me back to thank me for helping them take care of my sister, not what you think." Standing up with his tired body, he looked at Xie Shanshan and said wearily: "Okay , It’s getting late, you go to bed first, I’m going to take a bath. Remember, you must go to bed early, and you have class tomorrow, I don’t want to wake up a dead pig like you tomorrow morning.” ?
After finishing speaking, Jinyi went back to the room to get her pajamas, and then went to the bathroom. For a working-class child like Jinyi, University A had to study hard and rely on scholarships and parents’ savings to pay tuition, because parents work It's also quite hard work. Although her tuition fee already has a scholarship, it's still a lot of money, so Jin Yi will write manuscripts to make money to pay for her living expenses when she is free, and she will save for herself when she has extra. When paying tuition fees in the coming year, I can help my family share a little.

After entering the bathroom, Jinyi inadvertently remembered the face she saw today, then shook her head angrily, and cursed secretly: "Jinyi, what are you thinking about? It's impossible for him to be with you, can you know him?" It's just because you helped them find their sister. They sent you back just to thank you. What if they have their phone number? But it's just to thank you. I thought they would mean something to you Is it? Don't think so much, you should study hard!"

After Jin Yi finished scolding herself, she secretly felt sad for a while before she started to take a bath, but that face was still in her mind, and she couldn't get it out of her mind.

Because of today's incident, Jinyi didn't have the time to write a manuscript tonight. She could only pick up her phone and check to see if there were any interesting Weibo posts that could make her forget that face for a while, but what she didn't expect was that she When I picked up the phone and turned on the screen, I found a text message from a person named Ye Tianyu: Jinyi, I am Ye Tianyu, thank you again for helping me take care of An Ning today, if I have time, I will treat you to dinner, please don’t refuse Oh me!Good night!Ye Tianyu(^_^)
As soon as Jin Yi saw this text message, she was already smiling. This was before seeing the content. After seeing the content, Jin Yi was ecstatic, but she still had a sense of proportion, because Xie Linlin and Zhen Ai Du has already rested, no matter how happy she is, she will not disturb their rest, perhaps because Jin Yi's temperament has always been so quiet, no matter what happy or sad things she is A person secretly happy, secretly crying, never tell others, let others be happy with her or comfort her.

(End of this chapter)

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