Chapter 309 Intimate Tranquility

Just like now, she is obviously happy from the bottom of her heart, and she really wants to share this joy with her alone, but she still restrains herself, because she knows that no matter whether it is joy or sadness, it is only suitable for her to bear it alone , others will never be able to truly understand her mood.

So now Jin Yi went to bed very happily, and then hastily replied Ye Tianyu a text message, which was nothing more than telling Ye Tianyu that she was free on Saturday and could attend the appointment.

Although she has conflicts with Ye Tianyu because of her family status, as long as she can meet Ye Tianyu again, just one meeting is enough, even if it is time for a meal, a cup of coffee, or just a word It doesn't matter the time to talk, as long as you can see him again, it will be a perfect end to your first love that died without a problem!
Jinyi grinned silently and happily, but her eyes were already red, and she was not easily moved, but because she was not good enough for him, she had to die without a problem. It's ridiculous, so many people who chased her before She didn't like any men, and now she finally fell in love with someone, but found that she was not worthy of him at all.

Look, who did God let go?Now her retribution has come!It's really self-inflicted!

Jinyi shed tears silently, and fell asleep slowly, because her biological clock is very punctual, she wakes up at six o'clock every morning, she has the habit of getting up early and running, so when she looks in the mirror, she sees her eyes When it was swollen like a walnut, she scared herself, but she hurriedly used the ice cubes in the dormitory to cover her eyes. She didn't want everyone to know that she was crying, so she gave up the time to run. It's sad Apply to her eyes, but fortunately, she didn't cry for long, so after about 10 minutes, her eyes could not see the traces of crying.Seeing that it was still early, Jinyi packed herself up and went out for a run, but it was just a little less than usual.

Ye Tianyu, Ye Kelan and others also have the habit of running in the morning, but today is different, Ye Kelan and Gu Yumo run together, An Xia and Nangong Yi run together, they are all young couples, he is not alone It’s better to be a light bulb together, so I ran alone.

I don't know if it's fate, but he actually saw a muffled Jinyi running towards him with earphones on his head. Ye Tianyu stopped his steps slowly after confirming that the person was Jinyi, and looked straight at Jinyi. Yi buried her head and got closer and closer to herself, wondering if she had something on her mind, so she bumped into him, and then she recovered and raised her head to say sorry to him.

But when Jinyi saw that it was him, she was obviously stunned, she looked at Ye Tianyu's face foolishly and didn't say a word.

"Are you surprised to see me?" Ye Tianyu asked with a smile.

Only then did Jinyi come to her senses, took two steps back in embarrassment, and stammered, "No, I just felt a little surprised to meet you here. After all, I've been running here for two years, but I've never seen you before!"

"Maybe it's because you didn't know me at that time, so you didn't notice me as an ordinary person." Ye Tianyu looked at Jinyi and teased, but then said seriously: "But it's very strange that you haven't seen me before." It's a normal thing, because I rarely go back to China."

Rarely return home?Doesn't that mean that she will rarely have the chance to see him in the future?She was just glad that he was also running here, even if she didn't have the chance to meet her in the future, she could secretly watch her here, but now it seems that she doesn't even have the chance to secretly watch him.Jinyi nodded in frustration, and forced a smile: "Oh, I think you should be about the same age as me, so are you studying abroad?"

Ye Tianyu shook his head, and said half-jokingly: "I don't go to school, I'm at work. Because my job is quite special, I need to travel frequently and travel all over the world. Although I'm only in my early 20s, I've almost I have traveled to all the countries on the planet, and I even have the opportunity to visit the cannibals a few times, but I am lucky that I was not cooked and eaten by them, nor was they detained for food storage.”

The voice became smaller and smaller, and the figures of the two people became farther and farther away. Ye Kelan tilted his head and looked at the backs of the two people in doubt, "Ah Mo, what do you think of these two people? As An Ning said, Jin Yi is likely to be my future sister-in-law?"

Gu Yunmo nodded and looked at Ye Kelan, "Has your brother ever done this to other women before?"

Ye Kelan shook her head, and continued to tilt her head to reflect carefully, "Except for Wen Jing, it seems that there is really no one else I know."

Gu Yunmo came to a conclusion, "Then maybe she is really your sister-in-law, after all, the backs of her and your brother look so matching."

Ye Kelan tugged at Gu Yunmo's arm in surprise, "If that's the case, then I will try to curry favor with Jinyi in the future, and I must make the relationship between her and my brother better than that between her and my brother. In this way, if my brother dares to bully me in the future, I will let my sister-in-law treat him, and let him sleep in the study alone!"

Gu Yumo was completely speechless by Ye Kelan's temper that had already started to rudder before the wind, but even if he was speechless at this time, Ye Kelan was still his beloved, and all her advantages and disadvantages In his eyes, they are all so beautiful, and he thinks that Ye Kelan is an advantage except for the advantage of being able to steer without wind, which is not considered an advantage.

So how could Ye Kelan and Gu Yunmo not love Ye Kelan who is full of good points?

"I'll go with you." Gu Yumo said firmly, his wife's words were holy intentions, but Gu Yumo's body was fully displayed.

Ye Kelan pinched Gu Yumo's face happily, and tiptoed to kiss Gu Yumo, and then she couldn't even close her eyes from laughing, "Ah Mo, you are so kind, from now on it will be the two of us I won't worry that you will look at other women after living in two places, I love you so much, do you love me?"

"Love~" Gu Yumo looked at Ye Kelan seriously, "I love you the most, you are my heart, without you, I would die, how could I not Love you? As for other women, forget it, you are the most beautiful woman in the world, not even your aunt can compare to you. I already have such a beautiful wife as you, how could I see more of those How about a crooked melon cracking a date?"

(End of this chapter)

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