Chapter 310: A Family God Assists

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Kelan was already waiting downstairs in Jinyi's teaching building. A luxury car is already quite eye-catching, and the driver of a luxury car is a beauty who is even more eye-catching than a luxury car. Well, the rate of turning heads is naturally 120%. No matter the students or the teachers, they all turn their heads back and even stop to watch without hesitation.

The teachers and students in this school have all seen rich people, and they have seen a lot of luxury cars. The reason why they stay here so curiously is because the owner of this luxury car is a very beautiful woman. Not the usual man, so these teachers and students were very curious, so they stopped to see who in the school did this Hao know?Maybe you can also know that apart from the female students of University A being taken care of by local tyrants, who among the male students will have the honor of being taken care of by such a beautiful girl.

Ye Kelan doesn't mind other people looking at her or her car, as long as you don't come up to strike up a conversation with her, and don't delay her pick-up, even if you stick your eyes on her body, she might smile and put your eyes on her. Take it off and throw it under your feet and step on your feet.

Before Jin Yi walked down the stairs, she felt that today's students were a little strange. In the past, they would leave after class without stopping. Why did they stop here today? This is about to cause a traffic jam. Now Why do people have no sense of public morality at all.

But when Jinyi saw that the culprit who caused the traffic jam was waving happily to her, she silently scolded herself: What are you thinking about?

Jin Yi only felt that Ye Kelan was already shocked when she came to her, but Xie Shanshan who was beside her was more shocked than Jin Yi, her mouth was so surprised that an egg could be stuffed in it, and love bubbles appeared in her eyes , "Wow, this car is amazing, was Jinyi waving to you just now? When did you meet such a handsome friend?" If it wasn't because she was afraid that she couldn't control her excitement, she wanted to go up and touch both of them. In such a mood, she immediately rushed up to touch the car all over.

Jin Yi looked back suspiciously and asked, "I don't see any difference between that car and the one she drove last night. Why, is this car expensive?"

Xie Shanshan gave Jin Yi a blank look, and then continued to say with love bubbles in her eyes: "So, this car can be worth the two cars from last night, and there are two more Bentleys, Bentley Market The lowest price is 500 million."

Jinyi was unmoved by the first few words, she just nodded her head ignorantly, and Jinyi was really surprised when she heard the last two more Bentleys and the lowest market price of a Bentley, which made her even more surprised. What was surprising was that the owner of the car came towards her with a smile on his face. Jin Yi said inwardly that she was sorry, but he had no choice but to hold her hand very affectionately.

"Sister Jinyi, it's boring for me to go shopping alone, can you go shopping with me?" Ye Kelan said with a smile that could not refuse.

Jinyi was about to refuse, but Ye Kelan seemed to know what she was going to say, and interrupted her with a smile, "Sister Jinyi, I know you don't have classes now and until night. Yes, I’m idle anyway, so you can go shopping with me. My brother must have told you that I have very few friends in China, and they are all busy, so they don’t have time to accompany me. If it weren’t for In this way, I won't bother you, so you can go out with me, okay? I promise to send you back before eight o'clock in the evening, and I won't delay your rest, okay? "

"Go, go, Jinyi, just go, you must have fun!" Xie Shanshan said with a smile on her face, and snatched the book and backpack from Jinyi's hand "I'll take your things back for you. You will never lose them. Just go and play with peace of mind. Remember to come back early." These words were for Jin Yi, and at the same time, they were also for Ye Ke Lan listened.

Ye Kelan glanced at Xie Shanshan gratefully, and knew what she meant. She knew that she was doing it for Jin Yi's good. While feeling lucky that Jin Yi had such a friend, she also remembered her face. If something happens, I can help. At the same time, I hold Jinyi's hand with one hand, and Jinyi's arm with the other hand, and are leading her to the seat of my car, beeping. He said pitifully, "Yes, sister Jinyi, do you really have the heart to watch me go shopping in the shopping mall alone?"

While speaking, Ye Kelan had already opened the car door, and Jinyi was in a difficult position to get out of the car. They had already talked about this point, and even opened the car door for her in a 'condescending' manner.In addition, Xie Shanshan has already agreed to help her take back her backpack and books, if she refuses again, it will be embarrassing to others, she can't do such a thing.

Ye Kelan was secretly glad that Jinyi was tricked into getting into the car, and quickly trotted into the car, started the car smoothly, and drove out steadily, leaving Xie Shanshan to look at the exhaust fumes sprayed on the car's butt foolishly.

Zhen Ai came down slowly from the teaching building at this time, but she happened to see Jinyi getting into a luxury car, and also saw Xie Shanshan, a silly girl standing here, looking at the butt of the car, so she couldn't help but walk over Asked: "Whose is that luxury car? Since when did Jin Yi have such a proud friend?"

Xie Shanshan didn't like to hear these words, and immediately looked at Zhen Ai with a stern face and mocked: "Can you only allow Miss Zhen to have a few rich friends, and Jin Yi is not allowed to have one?" Do you have rich friends? Don’t you think that someone is better than you? What kind of mentality do you have? You are quite beautiful, how can you have such a vicious heart, really!” Xie Shanshan said disdainfully She glanced at Zhen Ai, then snorted loudly, and then strode away, perhaps because she finally managed to hit Zhen Ai, who claimed to be the most beautiful school girl in A University, so Xie Shanshan was in a very good mood.

But Xie Shanshan didn't expect that Zhen Ai is not only a person who can't see others better than her, but also a person who holds grudges. Xie Shanshan speaks badly to her again and again, and she will definitely not make Xie Shanshan feel better if she holds grudges like that.

At this time, Xie Shanshan, who was laughing heartlessly, didn't know that Zhen Ai hated her because of the few words she just said, and a disaster that belonged to Xie Shanshan came quietly.

Ye Kelan looked ahead and drove seriously, but she could always feel the uneasiness coming from her side, she smiled and turned her head to look at Jinyi, "Sister Jinyi, you are so restrained because of you Are you afraid of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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