Chapter 312
"What are you doing there, go in!" Ye Kelan took Jinyi's hand and walked in, explaining to her as she walked, "Actually, today my aunt, An Ning's mother, wants to invite you After dinner, in order to thank you for taking care of her daughter, let's go shopping together after dinner, shall we?"

Jin Yi nodded blankly, didn't you just say that you wouldn't lie to me?Sure enough, you can't believe everything rich people say. If you believe everything, you are a veritable fool.

Seeing Jinyi like this, Ye Kelan knew that she must be slandering herself, so she smiled a little embarrassedly, "I didn't mean to say that my aunt invited you to dinner, you have to trust me."

Jinyi looked up at Ye Kelan and nodded without hesitation, "Oh..." It's just that the smile on her face was a little too fake.

Jinyi looked at the luxurious decoration here, and when they walked by, basically every waiter would respectfully call Ye Kelan "Miss Ye". Let every service staff passing by in a five-star hotel respectfully shout out that this identity is definitely not to be underestimated. What kind of people did she know because of An Ning!
As soon as the door of the luxurious box was opened, Jun Wuyou rushed towards Jinyi with a smile on his face, raised his head and called sweetly: "Sister Jinyi." Then he seemed to have just seen Ye Kelan, and called "Sister" After that, he took Jin Yi's hand and went in, leaving only Ye Kelan standing at the door alone.

Ye Kelan silently rolled her eyes towards Jun Wuyou's back, she thought she would be flattering, but she didn't now cooperating with a four-and-a-half-year-old kid who was better at flattering than her, this really made her That fragile glass heart shattered all over the place!

"Mommy, this is sister Jinyi. It was sister Jinyi who took me to find my elder brother and sister last night." Jun Wuyou briefly talked about the process of getting to know Jinyi, and then turned around and introduced Jinyi with a smile. Said: "Sister Jinyi, this is my mommy. I didn't lie to you, my mommy is really beautiful, right?"

Jin Yi nervously nodded to Jun Wuyou. She didn't know what to say for a while, but saw Ye Hailan stood up with a smile and held her hand, and said gratefully: "Jin Yi, thank you Ah, my daughter is good at everything, she just has the right idea, she runs around with nothing to do, and doesn’t know the way back. Fortunately, you watched her that day, otherwise, if she was kidnapped by human traffickers or people with bad intentions, I would I'm so anxious, thank you so much." I was so excited that I wanted to bow to Jinyi to express my gratitude, but this bow would definitely not last.

Because Jinyi will definitely stop Ye Hailan from bowing, after all, Ye Tianyu thanked her last night, and Ye Hailan thanked her today, so let's forget about bowing or something!

"It's okay, it's okay, auntie, you don't have to be so polite, it's just a matter of raising your hands, I believe everyone who sees this situation will help, you don't need to thank me anymore. And they all thanked me last night You already sent me back to school, so you really don’t have to thank me today.” Jin Yi said with a smile.

Seeing Jinyi's insistence, Ye Hailan couldn't say anything more, and after pulling Jinyi to sit down, she looked at Ye Kelan and said in a gentle voice: "The food can be served."

"Jinyi, do you have a boyfriend now, or is there someone you like?" Ye Kelan just stood up and was about to call the waiter, when she heard her aunt ask such a private question, in front of a first-timer Is it really okay for someone you meet for the first time to ask such a question?

Jin Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then replied obediently: "I don't have a boyfriend yet."

Ye Hailan was overjoyed, "Really? If you don't have one, it's fine if you don't. It just so happens that our Tianyu doesn't have a girlfriend, so what do you think of our Tianyu?"

Jin Yi looked at Ye Kelan, hoping that she could help her out, but Ye Kelan kept poking her phone with her head buried, and never raised her head to look at her.When she looked back at Ye Hailan, she really felt that Jun Wuyou was her own, and if anyone dared to say that it wasn't her own, she would definitely get mad at that person without hesitation.

Ye Hailan looked straight at Jin Yi, "Jin Yi, you don't have to be embarrassed, just tell me, Auntie promises, Auntie will never tell anyone." She held up three fingers beside her head Make an oath on your head, but a person like Ye Hailan who is not afraid of the sky and the earth can simply ignore the consequences of being struck by lightning if he breaks his oath.

"Sister Jinyi, my brother is so handsome, if you don't like my brother, it really proves that you have no vision." Jun Wuyou also interjected at the right time.

Ye Hailan was excited now, "Look, even An Ning knows that her brother is well. If you don't know how to cherish it, if you are snatched away by another woman someday, you can cry somewhere!"

Jin Yi was almost confused by this mother and daughter, aren't they rich?Shouldn't wealthy families look down on children from ordinary families like them?And if you invite her to dinner today, shouldn't you warn her to keep her away from Ye Tianyu after throwing her another check?Why are you so affectionate to her and encourage her to chase after Ye Tianyu? What's going on?

Is the reason why rich people are rich in the final analysis because they think differently from ordinary people?

Jin Yi is really confused now. ?
As the dishes were gradually served, there were several more waiters than usual because Ye Hailan and the others were distinguished customers, but most of them wanted to see what this Miss Ye family who had been separated for many years looked like. , but in the end Ye Hailan saw that the dishes were ready, so she directly ordered all the waiters in the box to retreat, and if she didn't call them during the period, she was not allowed to come in to disturb them.

Although the waiter would not disturb them, Ye Tianyu came in when Ye Hailan and Jinyi were chatting happily. When Ye Hailan saw Ye Tianyu coming, he hurriedly asked him to sit next to Jinyi, who happened to be Jinyi's. On the right hand side, so that Ye Tianyu can just pick up vegetables for Jinyi, no matter whether Ye Tianyu will pick up vegetables for Jinyi or not, Ye Hailan thinks so.

From Ye Hailan's point of view, Ye Tianyu and Jinyi still look like a couple, and I don't know if it's because of a coincidence, so Ye Hailan's phone rang at this time, saying that there is something urgent that Ye Hailan must go over Yes, Ye Hailan hung up the phone in a lack of interest, and then looked at Jin Yi disappointedly, "Jin Yi, I'm really sorry, because I have something to do at the moment, so Ke Lan and I have to go first, you and Eat well, Tianyu, remember, you must eat enough, and you can’t lose weight like other girls, understand?” After speaking, he looked at Ye Tianyu both as an exhortation and a threat, " Tianyu, after you finish eating, remember to send Jinyi back safely, if you let me know that you didn't send her downstairs to her school dormitory, I won't punish you when you come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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