Chapter 313
"That's right, brother. After all, the things that my aunt and I have to deal with later are things that you should deal with. You must remember to send sister Jinyi back safely, and you must not let us down!" Ye Kelan blinked at Ye Tianyu, indicating that you know what I mean.

Jun Wuyou also slid off the chair and ran to Ye Tianyu and said like a little adult: "Brother, you must treat sister Jinyi well, and don't let others have the opportunity to bully sister Jinyi." Jinyi smiled sweetly, "Sister Jinyi, if my brother bullies you, you can tell my mommy. My uncle and aunt are reluctant to beat my cousin, but my mommy is very willing."

Jin Yi has been made nervous by the members of the Ye family in the past two days. Why is everyone looking at her so strangely? Why does she always have a feeling that they want to swallow her up? ah?
Ye Hailan smiled and patted Jinyi on the shoulder, "Jinyi, just like An Ning said, if Tianyu dares to bully you, tell me, my brother and sister-in-law don't want to beat him up, but I'm willing to be an aunt. Okay, Not much to say, eat slowly, remember to call me or send me a message when you go back to report your safety. Have you written down my phone number?"

Jinyi nodded, and replied obediently: "Well, I have written it down, and I will definitely send a text message to Auntie to report that she is safe when I go back."

Only then did Ye Hailan nodded in satisfaction, and when it was over, she made a face to Ye Tianyu, signaling that he must not let down the heart they broke for him.

Although Ye Tianyu knew that they were all for his own good, and was very grateful for everything they had done for him, he still ignored Ye Hailan's eyes and pretended not to see them. He was no longer a young man who knew what to do If you want to do it, you don't need your aunt to hand him over like a child.

"You don't have to pay attention to what they say, but my aunt is right in one thing, you must eat more, although girls your age like to stay slim, so they eat very little, or even nothing. You have everything to eat. But I see that you have been exercising, so you shouldn't pay too much attention to your diet!" Ye Tianyu gave Jinyi some delicious and low-fat dishes.

Jinyi was chewing on the shrimp that Ye Tianyu had just picked up for her with serving chopsticks, and replied inarticulately: "I usually eat well, and every meal I eat a bowl of rice, vegetables and meat Yes, I will still be hungry in the afternoon, and then I will eat fruits and snacks. It is because I eat unscrupulously, so my current weight is on the heavy side for those girls who love beauty." He said somewhat dissatisfied She blushed with embarrassment, and she didn't know if it was because she ate the food that Ye Tianyu personally made for her or because there were only her and Ye Tianyu in a box in Nuo Da.

Ye Tianyu raised the corner of his mouth and laughed heartily, and turned his head to look at Jin Yi, "Do you know that Ke Lan can eat a lot, you saw it just now, she kept eating when you were talking to my aunt. It's the same at home, basically as long as she is free, she will have something to eat, and my dad dotes on her very much, so there are a lot of cakes, biscuits and other things made by him at home, Kelan doesn't care if she will gain weight after eating, she just eats without any pressure, even if you can't stop her, you will know how much she can eat in the future."

Jin Yi looked at Ye Tianyu in surprise, "How is it possible? She looks so thin, even though she has been eating."

"She has sports..."

"Auntie, do you think my brother and sister Jinyi are having fun?" Ye Kelan asked doubtfully as she walked slowly with her chin propped up.

Ye Hailan cast a disgusted glance at Ye Kelan, leaving only one sentence: "Are you stupid?" After finishing speaking, she entered the private room next door, where Ye Chen, Cheng Anya, Ye Ningyuan, Xu Nuo, and Gu Yu were sitting. Mo, Nangong Yi, An Xia, and Ye Tiancheng, except for Ye Feimo's family who did not come because of family reasons, all members of the Ye family have basically arrived. Take it home, but it's okay to take a look at it from a distance, so they ran to the private room next to them to order a table of dishes in order to take a look at the future granddaughter-in-law and daughter-in-law, although the taste is indeed not as good as Ye Ningyuan Yes, but you can eat it when you are in a good mood.

But Ye Kelan really ate a lot like what Ye Tianyu said. She ate next door for a while, and now that she came here, she still ate without hesitation. It seems that she really didn't care about her figure at all. Worry about.

An hour later, Ye Tianyu and Jinyi finally finished eating, Ye Tianyu naturally had to send Jinyi back in person, and Ye Chen and the others in the private room next door also finished eating, but they had no intention of following them so low , went straight back home, as for the development of the two of them, it all depends on Ye Hailan.

Perhaps it was because the two of them had already talked about the same thing in the hotel just now, so after getting in the car, both of them shut their mouths at the same time. In order to make the atmosphere in the car less awkward, Ye Tianyu played a softer song , he intuitively felt that Jin Yi would like to hear it, because Jin Yi seemed so gentle.

This time, instead of driving directly to the downstairs of Jinyi's dormitory like last time, it stopped at a place about 10 minutes away from Jinyi's dormitory. Did she send it back to the bedroom?Why did you stop the car here?

"Let's get out of the car and go for a walk. We ate a lot just now, so treat it as a way to digest food." Jin Yi looked at Ye Tianyu suspiciously, and Ye Tianyu had already given the reason.

"Jinyi, what do you think of me?" Ye Tianyu put Jinyi between him and the car after he opened the car door to let Jinyi get out of the car, looking straight at Jinyi's eyes very seriously ask.

Jin Yi was so frightened by Ye Tianyu's sudden question that she swallowed her saliva, her hands hanging by her sides were tightly clenched into fists due to tension, and even her breathing was a little short, but she just didn't know what to do. Answer Ye Tianyu's question.

"No matter what kind of mentality you have towards me, I know that I fell in love with you when I first saw you. Although I also know that we have only known each other for two days, this side is just the third time we met , It's very abrupt to say that, but I'm sure I already have you here." Ye Tianyu pointed to his heart and said firmly, "It has nothing to do with your family or your appearance, I only know that I, Ye Tianyu All I want is you, Jinyi!"

(End of this chapter)

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