Chapter 315
Jinyi stood on tiptoe and looked, the corners of her mouth were already close to her ears. It's not that she hasn't received roses before, she has received more flowers than this one, but she has never received any. This time he smiled so happily, "Thank you, I like it very much."

"Well, as long as you like it." Ye Tianyu sighed and said, "I really hope that I can walk here by accident with you." Whitehead!"

Jinyi just laughed and didn't speak, but she responded silently in her heart: Well, yes, we can definitely make it to the old age!

The original two to ten minutes journey made the two of them walk for four and ten minutes, which doubled the time. When they were saying goodbye, Ye Hailan made a phone call in confusion. It was for Ye Tianyu.

"Auntie." Ye Tianyu called out lightly, although he had tried his best to control the joy in his tone, but who is Ye Hailan, even if you pretend to be like you, don't try to hide anything from her.

"Tianyu, I think you are very happy now!" Just when Ye Tianyu was about to admit it, Ye Hailan spoke again, "Forget it, I won't talk to you, you give Yiyi the phone, I will tell her .”

Ye Tianyu responded, and handed the phone to Jin Yi, "It's Aunt."

Jinyi took the phone and called softly, "Hello, Auntie."

Ye Hailan was not happy to hear this address, "Auntie is your name?"

"Auntie?" Jinyi called out tentatively, and Ye Hailan was so happy because of this, she nodded and praised repeatedly: "Good boy~ When will you come to have a meal with Tianyu at home, your grandparents and daddy mommy I've been looking forward to seeing you all day!"

Jin Yi looked up at Ye Tianyu begging for help, and said falteringly: "Auntie, will this be too soon? I... I'm not ready yet."

"You don't need to prepare any gifts, as long as you are here, you don't need to bring anything. There is nothing missing at home, only you are missing. You don't have to be afraid, we are very kind, no I will bully you, so you come to my house to have a meal. You should have time this Saturday, and then you will come back to eat with Tianyu, and you can also recognize the door by the way. Okay, let’s make it so Okay, I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first, and you two can continue to live together." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone in such a simple and rude manner without giving Jinyi a chance to interject.

Jinyi stared blankly at the words that Ye Hailan had hung up on, and looked up at Ye Tianyu pitifully with her lips pursed. Seeing that, she was about to cry, but Ye Tianyu felt very distressed.

"Did my aunt ask you to go home for dinner, and identify the door by the way?" Ye Tianyu said straight away.

Jin Yi nodded adoringly, it really is a family, they are all so impatient!
Ye Tianyu smiled, "Since my aunt has already said it, let's go. Anyway, you have time this Saturday. You can stay for one night after going home for dinner, so you can experience what it's like to be in your in-law's house, huh?"

Ye Tianyu has already said that, and Jinyi can't refuse anymore, "Okay, I promise you. But if there is anything I don't do well or wrong, you can tell me."

"Understood." Ye Tianyu took the phone and put it in his pocket, handed a large bouquet of roses to Jin Yi, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "I will definitely not send you so many roses in the future, even if you can't hold them." Moved."

Jinyi was amused by Ye Tianyu's childishness. Others were eager to give him more face, but what he cared about was whether he could hug these flowers. Ye Tianyu, who is so caring, is now hers. Think about it I feel so happy!

Jin Yi pointed to the dormitory building, "Then I'm going up, be careful on the way."

Ye Tianyu waved his hand, "Go up, I'll watch you go up before leaving."

Jin Yi also waved her hand, pursed her lips and smiled, and finally returned to her dormitory after three steps and one turn. This time, she went directly to the balcony, watching Ye Tianyu downstairs waving her hands.

Ye Tianyu raised his mobile phone to signal for a moment, and it was connected as soon as he put it to his ear, "I'm here, you go back quickly, this time I will watch you go."

"Of order." After finishing speaking, he looked up at Jinyi again, and then strode away. In Jinyi's eyes, this smooth and flowing back is handsome in capital letters. The back is so handsome, isn't the front more handsome? up.

As soon as Xie Shanshan came out of the shower, she saw a large bouquet of roses on the table in the living room, and saw Jin Yi standing by the window. Xie Shanshan could already feel the pain from Jin Yi's body when she was only two meters behind her. It exudes the sweet smell of being in love.

"Hey, are you..." Falling in love?Before she could finish her sentence, Jinyi's hand slipped, and her mobile phone fell from the height of the fourth floor. Needless to say, it must have been broken into pieces, and even if it was picked up, it probably wouldn't work up.

Now Jinyi was sad, Xie Shanshan was stunned, and Ye Tianyu, who was far away on the other side of the campus, panicked, and hurried back at a sprint speed of [-] meters, fearing that something would happen to Jinyi.

"Jinyi, I'm sorry, I'll buy a new mobile phone for you tomorrow..." Xie Shanshan looked at Jinyi wanting to cry.

Jin Yi was sad not because of her mobile phone, but because she was having a good chat with Ye Tianyu, and she was really distressed when her mobile phone was dropped so suddenly.

"It's okay, it's because I was not careful and didn't hold the phone steady, that's why it died..." At this time, is she still in the mood to say a cold joke?
Xie Shanshan is completely dumbfounded now, Jin Yi can tell bad jokes, what is going on?Just when she was confused and puzzled, Jin Yi flew past her like a gust of wind, and was almost brought down by Jin Yi's remaining strength. The ground is in close contact.

After Jinyi went downstairs, she saw Ye Tianyu holding the phone in his hand and looking at her worriedly. When she approached him, she embraced her without saying a word. Jinyi was in Ye Tianyu's arms. You can feel his heartbeat very clearly, his heartbeat is fast, Jinyi knows that it is because Ye Tianyu is worried about her, so she puts her arms around Ye Tianyu's waist while being happy.

"I'm fine, it's just that I accidentally dropped my phone, you don't have to worry about me so much."

Ye Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief, but still had some lingering fears, "How could you not worry about you? You can't worry about me in the future, okay? Otherwise, don't live on campus in the future, go home and live , I will ask Ke Lan to pick you up every day."

Jin Yi shook her head and refused, "You don't need to be so troublesome. Besides, I am such an old person, I will take good care of myself, and I will definitely not let myself get hurt. You really don't have to worry so much."

(End of this chapter)

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