Chapter 316
"Okay." Ye Tianyu let go of his arms and raised his hand to gently rub Jin Yi's face with his thumb, "I'll give you my mobile phone first, without a password." Then he handed his black mobile phone to Jin Yi Ripple.

"You gave me your mobile phone, so what do you use? You should keep it. I'll just buy a new one when I have free time." Jinyi waved her hand and refused.

Ye Tianyu pursed his lips and smiled, and took out his other mobile phone dedicated to work from another pocket and showed it to Jin Yi, "Here, I have a spare, so you can use it. Anyone who can call this mobile phone They are relatives and close friends, if there is a call with a note, you can answer it and tell me when the time comes, okay?"

Jin Yi looked at Ye Tianyu, and then looked down at the black mobile phone that Ye Tianyu handed her. She knew that this mobile phone must be very expensive without asking, although she didn't know what brand it was. .

Even so, Jinyi still took Ye Tianyu's cell phone. Since they gave it to her, she was too embarrassed not to accept it. When she bought a new cell phone, she just returned it to Ye Tianyu. As for answering the phone and so on. After thinking about it, she decided to forget it, lest she answer the wrong phone call and make Ye Tianyu angry, and the loss outweighs the gain.

"Okay, you go up to rest, I'll go first, I'll call you when I get home." Ye Tianyu kissed Jin Yi's forehead, and motioned Jin Yi to go back quickly. ?
Jin Yi smiled and nodded, "Then be careful on the road, I won't call you anymore, remember to call me when you get home!"

"Okay~ I see, you go up, I'll watch you here." Ye Tianyu pushed Jinyi's body over, pushed it forward lightly, and then looked at it with a smile on his face. Jinyi's back slowly disappeared before his eyes, and then he turned around and left without hesitation.

Jin Yi held Ye Tianyu's cell phone in her hand, she could still feel the warmth of Ye Tianyu's body temperature with her fingers, it was so hot that she didn't want to let it go, so the feeling of using her boyfriend's cell phone is so good!

Xie Shanshan stood by the window and witnessed the whole process. She was already shocked, but after witnessing Jinyi being hugged and kissed so intimately by a man, she seemed to hand her mobile phone to Jinyi. They all told Xie Shanshan that Jinyi was in love. This was definitely not a slap in the face for Jinyi who had been saying that she would never fall in love before she graduated from university!

"Be honest, who is that man who hugged and kissed you? Are you in love?" Xie Shanshan was shocked and blocked the door with her chair on the door frame, and snatched the black mobile phone that Jinyi was holding. , as if you don't tell me that I won't return the phone to you.

Jinyi only cared about her sweet smile, and didn't listen to Xie Shanshan's question. If it wasn't because Xie Shanshan snatched her mobile phone, she would probably have been immersed in the sweetness of her first love for a long time and couldn't extricate herself.

"Why did you snatch my mobile phone? Give it back to me." Jinyi looked at Xie Shanshan blankly, from the bottom of her heart she didn't want Xie Shanshan to touch something her boyfriend gave her, let alone such a personal thing as a mobile phone. I snatched it, but still didn't get it, so I could only look at Xie Shanshan expressionlessly.

Xie Shanshan glanced at the phone. Although she didn't know what brand it was, the appearance and feel alone were enough to prove that the phone was a good one. No wonder Jin Yi was angry at her for taking it away.

Xie Shanshan returned the phone to Jin Yi, and took Jin Yi's arm, "Jin Yi, tell me the truth, are you in a relationship?"

Jin Yi's eyes flickered, but she still nodded and admitted calmly, "Yes, I'm in love! This phone is my boyfriend who knew that my phone was broken and was afraid that it would be inconvenient for me to use it." She looked at it as she spoke. Is there anyone around, then mysteriously leaned close to Xie Shanshan's ear and whispered, "Only you and I know about this matter, you can't tell others, you know?"

Xie Shanshan turned her head to look at Jin Yi and nodded, "I promise you. But you must let him invite me to dinner, otherwise my natal family will definitely not let him marry you home smoothly."

Although Xie Shanshan doesn't want Xie Shanshan to know that her boyfriend is the owner of one of the two cars yesterday and the brother of the owner of the car this afternoon, it shouldn't be a problem to have a dinner or something, just don't go to that kind of car at that time. It takes dozens or even hundreds of places to drink saliva.

"Isn't Zhen Ai coming back tonight?" Jin Yi agreed to ask Ye Tianyu to treat them to dinner when they were all free, and at the same time changed the subject.

"Not only Zhen Ai, but even Yan Sui hasn't come back for several days." Xie Shanshan pursed her lips, "But it's true, she only lives here when she is late for class, and doesn't come back all the time They live at home. That’s the difference between rich people and us.”

As soon as Xie Shanshan finished speaking, the Xu Yansui in her mouth opened the door and came in. When she saw a large bouquet of roses on the table, she was taken aback for a moment, then rushed forward, hugged the roses and turned her head to look Watching Jinyi and Xie Shanshan ask curiously: "Whose flower is it?" Before they could answer, Xu Yansui said with certainty: "You don't need to guess, I know it should belong to Jinyi!" Then he began to analyze, " Although Shanshan looks like Xiaojiabiyu, but your personality is a bit boyish, so even if someone wants to give you roses, it is impossible for them to give you so many roses, and they are so expensive."

"Is it clear that I'm worthless?"

"Let's talk about Zhen Ai, if she gets such a big bouquet of roses, and one of them is no less than three-digit roses, there will be dozens of them at least, and the total value will be tens of thousands. If she If I don’t show off everywhere, my surname is Xu!”

"It's true..."

"So to sum up the above points, this flower must belong to Jinyi!" Xu Yansui let go of the rose and turned around with a smile, rubbing her hands and looking at Jinyi with a wretched face. Destroying your sense of sight, "Be honest, have you accepted other people's courtship? Also, who gave you this flower?"

Jin Yi pursed her lips and smirked, "Even if I told you, you wouldn't know each other, so why are you talking so much?"

"It's impossible for me to know." Xie Shanshan agreed, "But it doesn't mean that Yan Sui doesn't know. She is a noble lady who grew up in the clouds since she was a child, let alone those rich men who have been exposed. , even the invisible rich and those rich children who have not been exposed, she should know it clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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