Chapter 321
Xu Yansui continued: "Death is not the most tragic consequence, it will be over once and for all. I think you are a bit pretty, these rich second generations will definitely have fun, and you will I don't need to say what the consequences will be. At that time, you will be insulted and expelled from school. How will you live under the double blow? In addition, Zhen Ai also has a grudge against Jinyi now. If Jinyi I suffered it with you, how do you make up for your fault, how do you make up for the Jinyi that I suffered for you for no reason?"

Xie Shanshan was even more frightened. The thought of implicating Jin Yi in suffering for her made her feel uncomfortable, but she didn't know what to do, so she could only helplessly look at Xu Yansui, hoping that she could see her Help her because they have a good relationship.

Xu Yansui ignored Xie Shanshan's eyes begging for help, "In my opinion, Zhen Ai doesn't want your life, she just wants you to be ashamed, to the point where you hate yourself! If you are killed by They raped, I guess she will applaud from the sidelines, and take a few photos to enjoy them. Of course, she will definitely not hide her secrets, and she will definitely make them public. If there are good things, everyone should share them. This is a tradition. Virtue. Maybe she will considerately send a copy to your parents. I am afraid that not only you will be ridiculed and sympathized by the world, but your family will also be ridiculed and sympathized by the world. And these , it’s all because of your unforgiving mouth.”

"Yan Sui, what you said is a bit too scary!" Jin Yi's words were somewhat accusatory.

Xu Yansui pursed her lips and smiled exaggeratedly, leaning lazily on the table with one hand supporting her head and looking at Jinyi, "If you don't believe me, you can call your boyfriend right now and see what I said Is it real."

Jin Yi was taken aback, as if she had heard Ye Tianyu say to herself that she could do anything in City A, and he would settle all the big things for her. Is it really because money makes things easier?

Thinking about the series of unsolved cases that happened in City A in the past, Jinyi felt that money can not only make ghosts pervert, but also buy the lives of living people. Sure enough, this money is a good thing!

Looking sideways at Xie Shanshan, he said seriously: "Shanshan, what Yan Sui said is very likely to be true. Rich people really won't be caught if they kill someone, as long as you have enough money If you can seal it, you can have nothing."

Xie Shanshan was completely dumbfounded, and looked at Xu Yansui in a daze, "Then what should I do now? Yan Sui, can you help me, can you help Jinyi? She was innocently implicated by me, so don't you?" Help me, and Jinyi too, now you are really the only one who can help us, Yan Sui?" Xie Shanshan was completely frightened by what Xu Yansui said, she couldn't speak clearly, her hands He also held Xu Yansui's hand tremblingly and asked her for help in a panic, and even brought out Jin Yi's name.

Xu Yansui sighed and shook her head, withdrew her hand, and ruthlessly refused, "Shanshan, I remember telling you more than once to be cautious in your words and deeds, but when have you ever heard my words? If Jin Yi is involved, if Jin Yi really has something to do because of you, it's not just Zhen Ai who won't let you go. I advise you to stay away from Jin Yi from now on, otherwise you will end up It will only be more bleak. I promise." Looking at Jin Yi, his expression softened a lot, "Jin Yi, you change your clothes quickly and we are going to class."

Jinyi was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the helpless Xie Shanshan and comforted her, "Remember to apologize to Zhen Ai later, maybe this matter will be over, sometimes face is more important than life, you know ?" Seeing that Xie Shanshan was still crying to herself, Jin Yi stretched out her hand and patted Xie Shanshan's shoulder, signaling her to act quickly, but seeing that Xie Shanshan was just crying by herself and ignoring her at all, Jin Yi could only sigh Turn around and go back to the room to change clothes.

Seeing Jin Yi entered the room, Xu Yansui looked straight at Xie Shanshan, and his tone was not so friendly, "Xie Shanshan, I advise you, you'd better not get Jinyi's idea, or you will die when the time comes It's miserable."

Xie Shanshan looked up at Xu Yansui expressionlessly, and sneered, "Xu Yansui, it's fine if you don't help me, why should you interfere with me and ask others to help me? I don't need you to do what I want Let me remind you. Do you think now that Jinyi has a rich boyfriend, so you have to rush to curry favor with him?"

Xu Yansui used to think that Xie Shanshan was so nervous that she spoke without going through her brain, but she didn't expect that it turned out to be like this deep in her heart. She could only think that she had misjudged the person, but fortunately, it's not too late .

"Xie Shanshan, no matter what purpose I approach Jinyi, I will never use Jinyi like you, and I will not curry favor with her just because she has a rich boyfriend. She is innocent, You can't see it because you are kind-hearted, or she can see it but disdains to care about you, but it doesn't mean that others won't care about you. For the sake of our classmates for two years, I warn you that you must be careful when doing things in the future. Think twice before acting, otherwise, your end will be even more tragic than Zhen Ai's!"

"I don't bother you about my affairs. I don't think you are a good person with a face full of hypocrisy but a word of benevolence and morality. It's just that your life is better than mine. You were born in such a military family. Being sought after by others, how have you ever suffered what I have suffered!" Xie Shanshan looked at Xu Yansui pitifully, lowered her body and lowered her voice to pray: "Yan Sui, I don't ask you to help me, but can you not?" Mind my business?"

Xu Yansui leaned forward, looked straight at Xie Shanshan, and said undeniably: "Unless you don't promise me that you won't hurt Jinyi, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for me to ignore your affairs!"

"What are you talking about?" Jin Yi simply took a shower, changed her clothes and came out, seeing Xu Yansui talking about something with a serious expression, she couldn't help but opened her mouth and asked curiously. ?
Xu Yansui smiled and looked at Jinyi who had already changed her clothes, "It's okay, it's just to teach Shanshan how to behave, so that she won't offend more people and implicate more people with her mouth. It's just people."

"Uh..." Jinyi said hesitantly: "Yan Sui, I think what you said was a little too much, Shanshan was just an inadvertent mistake, and now there is such a result, Shanshan is also very sad, so don't So tell her, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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