Chapter 322
Xu Yansui looked straight at Jinyi, with a smile in his eyes, just when Jinyi was about to feel his back getting hairy from Xu Yansui's gaze, Xu Yansui finally spoke.

"I'm just teaching her how to behave. After all, she will never experience life in the upper class, so it's better to let her get to know it better!" Xu Yansui stood up and took a few steps to La Jin Yi's hand, "Jinyi, it looks like Shanshan doesn't have much time for class today, why don't we take a leave of absence for her and let her have a good rest in the dormitory alone, and by the way, think about what I just said to her. those words!"

Jinyi looked at Xie Shanshan, and found that she was holding her hands together tightly with her head down, her right index finger and thumb still twisting the back of her left hand, "Shanshan, let's go to class first. Rest yourself and call me if you need anything."

Xie Shanshan ignored Jinyi, still caring about herself, Jinyi turned her head to look at Xu Yansui, Xu Yansui directly pulled Jinyi and walked out the door, without even giving Xie Shanshan a look, pursing her lips meaningfully Laughing, "Let's go, I hope she can think clearly within today."

When Jinyi and Xu Yansui disappeared into the room, Xie Shanshan raised her head and looked viciously at the closed door, gritted her teeth and said, "You are very proud, aren't you? Xu Yansui, you were born into a wealthy family, I I dare not touch you. But Jinyi, why do you marry the rich second generation? Just wait, I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

"Yan Sui, why do I feel that something is wrong between you and Shanshan, tell me honestly, what did you say when I went in to change clothes?" Jinyi looked at Xu Yansui and asked.

Xu Yansui shook her head, "It's the same as what I told you just now, the rest is really nothing." After speaking, Xu Yansui frowned, and then said: "Jinyi, you better not go so far with Xie Shanshan. Come in, she is not a good thing, lest you be cheated by her and you don't know why."

Jinyi was taken aback, then smiled indifferently, "What are you talking about? Shanshan and I have been classmates for so long, and we have been inseparable from her for the past two years. How could she lie to me? Besides, We are friends, how could such a thing happen between friends?"

"It's only friends who have the opportunity to betray you, such as Xie Shanshan; but enemies who never betray you, such as Zhen Ai." Xu Yansui looked at Jin Yi's face, thinking that everyone in the world is a good person, which really made her a little bit Irritated, she said earnestly, "Jinyi, you have to trust me. Your academic performance is better than hers, and you are also more beautiful than her. Plus, your current boyfriend is a rich second generation. In city A, their family can cover the sky with one hand! But Xie Shanshan is nothing compared to you, she doesn't have what you have, and being under your pressure for such a long time, do you think she won't hate you because of it? "

Jin Yi slightly lowered her head and thought about it, then raised her head to look at Xu Yansui, she still believed that human beings are kind, "Yan Sui, I think you really have some opinions on Shanshan, she is still very upright. Besides, She and I have been classmates in high school, and after so many years of friendship, she probably won't do anything to me, so don't worry!" Having said this, Jinyi shrugged and said indifferently: "If she is really If someone like you said, it can only prove that I misunderstood the person, and when the time comes, retribution will come, and I can’t blame others.”

Xu Yansui put one hand on Jinyi's shoulder, looked ahead and sighed heavily, with a very long ending, "Well, since you think so, I can't say any more. But I still want to advise you, when you go out alone with her in the future, remember to call your boyfriend. If your boyfriend is not in China, you should call his sister. Remember, when you go out with Xie Shanshan, you must Call one of the two of them." After speaking, he exerted some force on his arm, and brought Jin Yi along with him to speed up his pace.

Jin Yi nodded in confusion, and at the same time, she was thinking how could Xu Yansui know that my boyfriend has a younger sister? Could it be that she knows my boyfriend and their family?

The fact is that Xu Yansui really knows the Ye family, and the relationship is not ordinary. Ye Ningyuan is her grandfather's godson, so he is her uncle, so Ye Tianyu and Ye Kelan It's her cousin and cousin. Because of this relationship, Xu Yansui has the same attitude towards everyone before, and now she cares more about Jinyi than before, and for Jinyi Warning Xie Shanshan, it's not because Jin Yi is Ye Tianyu's girlfriend, who would believe it?
When Xu Yansui walked towards the teaching building with his arms around Jinyi's shoulders, he thought for a while that he should secretly call Ye Tianyu, otherwise what would happen if he was cheated according to Jinyi's foolish and trusting personality? Got it?After all, she didn't believe that Ye Tianyu didn't know that she and Jinyi were classmates and lived in the same dormitory. If she knew that she didn't help Jinyi, she would probably be able to die and apologize by then!
She's still young, she's still in her prime, she doesn't even have a boyfriend, she doesn't want to die yet.

At noon, Ye Tianyu came to pick Jinyi up for dinner as promised. He walked to the teaching building, and his face alone caused quite a stir. Time is so congested that I can't move.

When Jinyi saw Ye Tianyu coming, he had a particularly bright smile on his face, not because of how big the smile was, but the kind that came from the inside out, especially the pretty one, just looking at Ye Tianyu like that, as if the surrounding Everything in her eyes had blurred or even disappeared, Ye Tianyu was the only one in her eyes, and even Xu Yansui who was beside her was completely ignored by her.

Finally, Jinyi felt someone push her forward from behind, she looked back abruptly, but saw Xu Yansui said to her with a smile: "Go over quickly, let him wipe the saliva from the corners of your mouth properly .”

Jinyi really raised her hand and touched her chin in a panic, and found that there was no saliva at all. She pursed her lips and glared at Xu Yansui, but he was not moved at all, and just raised her hand and waved at her, signaling She hurried over.

Seeing Xu Yansui's smiling face, Jinyi had no choice but to walk towards Ye Tianyu, but behind her invisible Xu Yansui's grinning face was as bright as Ye Tianyu's waving with joy, Ye Tianyu Just nodding slightly, as a response to Xu Yansui, Xu Yansui waved as if retreating, then turned and left here with light steps.

Ye Tianyu hugged Jinyi's waist generously, and said as he walked, "Jinyi, was the girl next to you just now a classmate of yours?"

(End of this chapter)

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