Chapter 324
Xie Shanshan raised her head and laughed, and when she looked down at Jin Yi, she still had a smile on her face, "Jin Yi, don't talk too much, can you wait until today!"

There was a loud "bang", and the tightly closed box was kicked open. When the people in the box thought it was at least a two-meter-tall muscular man who came in, they didn't expect it to be just a She was a 1.7-meter-tall beauty who looked weak and unpretentious, and then she turned around and closed the door again thoughtfully.

This time, the eyes of the men in the private room were straightened, not because of anything else, but because this beauty is really beautiful. I thought Jin Yi was already beautiful, but I didn't expect that now there is a beautiful one suffocating.

When Ye Kelan saw Jin Yi laying flushed on the ground, she knew that she must have been drugged. It seemed that the drug was quite effective, but she didn't know if Jin Yi's small body could hold it for a while. Her brother that beast.

"Hey, what is this for? How can a beauty just lie on the ground like this? Although there is a carpet, it is still dirty after all!" As she spoke, she brushed her hair and walked away with a charming smile on her face. After walking over, he even took off his coat, and helped Jinyi up while covering her body. When he touched her hot skin, he couldn't help but smile even wider, but seeing her lips that were about to bleed Ye Kelan frowned.

"Are you okay?" Ye Kelan asked in a low voice.

Jin Yi shook her head, her hands were still pinching her thighs, and said inarticulately, "Ke Lan, I'm so uncomfortable. You should go now, leave me alone, I can't hurt you."

Ye Kelan picked Jinyi up, let her sit on the chair and comforted her softly, "Sister Jinyi, don't be afraid, if you hold on for a while, my brother will come. Don't worry, even if my brother doesn't come, you will still be here." I'm here, I promise, we'll be fine." Ye Kelan's voice became displeased at the end, and at the same time, the aura emanating from her body enveloped the entire box, making people almost suffocate for some reason feeling.

Ye Kelan straightened up, looked at everyone present with a slight smile, and said in a gentle voice, "Which hand did you touch her just now? Or did you touch both hands?"

The one Xie Shanshan called Young Master Liu never left Ye Kelan's eyes when she came in. She had a good figure when she was wrapped in a coat. Can't help but want to touch it.

"Beauty, as long as you follow me, I'll give you everything I have, okay?" As he said that, he wanted to go up to hug Ye Kelan with bright eyes, and he was really daring.

Jin Yi watched Liu Shao rushing towards Ye Kelan like a hungry wolf, but couldn't do anything, she could only weakly shout: "No!"

Ye Kelan smiled charmingly, looked at Liu Shao with wet eyes, and said lazily when Liu Shao rushed over, "I want your life, will you give it to me too?"

Liu Shao stopped in his tracks and smiled: "Okay, I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you, okay? Beauty, come and let me kiss you! Ah~"

Ye Kelan had already kicked Young Master Liu away before he finished speaking, and Ye Kelan was really pissed off by Jin Yi's appearance, so this kick took most of her strength, if it wasn't for Because there is a wall blocking it, it is estimated that the person has already flown ten meters away, but it seems that even if he is not dead now, then he will be paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life.

After dealing with Young Master Liu, Ye Kelan looked at the other three spectators with a smile on her face, "You guys are so courageous, you should investigate before you offend anyone, who can you offend? Yes, who is the one you can't afford. You can go to the Taoist and ask, no matter what the truth is, when did members of my Ye family get bullied by others, and didn't they get back double? It used to be so What a fool, you have learned from the past, but why don’t you learn to be good? You always force us to take action, and personally solve the scourge of you two girls!”?
Ye Kelan always had a smile on his face, his smile was very gentle, and he didn't get angry at all, but Ye Kelan like this made the backs of the people present in a cold sweat, they didn't know who Ye Kelan was , but just because Ye Kelan kicked Liu Shao away just now, Liu Shao didn't even get up. Even if her family is not so prominent, she probably won't be able to get any good fruit for them today just based on her skills. .

Huang Shao also knows that the sky is high and the earth is powerful, and he has heard of the name of the Ye family in City A. Now that he has offended the people of the Ye family, he was so frightened that he was sweating profusely and waved his hands to deny it, "Miss Ye, what is this?" It's none of my business, it's all her, that woman made us come, I don't know anything, you have a lot of adults, just bypass me!" As he said that, his legs softened and he knelt down towards Ye Kelan When he got down, a big man just knelt down like this, wiping his tears, crying like a dizzy man.

Ye Kelan was puzzled, she obviously didn't do anything to them, but she kicked someone away just now, and even blew up the house in the back, why was he so scared?Do you know, if you do this, I will have no sense of accomplishment!
Although the other young master didn't know Ye Kelan, he saw his companions kneeling down and begging for mercy. You must know that Young Master Huang's family is more prominent than his. Wouldn't he be too stupid if he didn't express anything when everyone was like this? up.

Just like that, he also knelt down, crying with snot and tears, and pointed at Xie Shanshan and complained: "This is none of our business, Xie Shanshan said it, she has a beautiful sister , I want to bring it here for us to play with, but she usually keeps herself aloof, so she asked us to give her medicine, which was given to us by her. If you want to blame it, you can blame her. It really has nothing to do with us. .”

Huang Shao also echoed a few words, no doubt pouring all the dirty water on Xie Shanshan's body.

Don't worry, none of you can escape! "

Ye Kelan didn't even want to look at these scumbags, she rolled her eyes in disgust and turned to Jin Yi who was already a little out of her mind but was still pinching her thigh and trying to stay awake, wondering why Ye Tianyu didn't come yet , and at the same time walked over to comfort Jinyi softly.

"Sister Jinyi, hold on, my brother will be here in a while, and you will be fine in a while."

Jin Yi slowly raised her eyelids, but bit her lips tightly, and moaned: "I'm really uncomfortable!"

(End of this chapter)

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