Chapter 325
Xie Shanshan looked at Jinyi's flushed face, then at Ye Kelan who was comforting Jinyi, raised her head and laughed loudly, "She can't bear it for long, you'd better find her a man, there happen to be two men here A ready-made one that can satisfy her. Hahaha..."

Ye Kelan looked at Xie Shanshan quietly, "Don't worry about it, they are for you!"

Xie Shanshan's laughter stopped immediately, she lowered her head and looked at Ye Kelan in disbelief, "Have you seen her current appearance? Do you know that if she is not as good as a man, she will die. You would rather let her die than let her live in an ignoble way, or, you are so cruel!"

Ye Kelan stood up straight and sneered, "Before worrying about my sister-in-law, worry about yourself first, because I promise, the food you eat in a while will definitely be more explosive than what you give my sister-in-law!" Son, it seems that Jinyi really can't escape in this life.

Xie Shanshan raised her finger to Ye Kelan, and yelled frantically: "Do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes? I'm going to sue you, I'm going to sue you!"

Ye Kelan sneered, and looked at Xie Shanshan like a joke, "You want to sue me? Okay, what about the evidence? But even if you have the evidence, believe it or not, you still deserve to suffer before you get out of prison. You have to suffer! After all, even if I kill someone here today, I can still get out of the body, and the murderer is you!"

Xie Shanshan obviously didn't believe in this evil, she reached out to get the cell phone in front of her to call the police, but how could Ye Kelan give her this chance, she just raised her hand and threw a plate towards Xie Shanshan's hand, the cell phone was fine now, It was the back of Xie Shanshan's hand that quickly turned purple and swelled up. Xie Shanshan lay on the ground crying while clutching her hand, and almost passed out.

You don't need to guess to know? Xie Shanshan's hand bone must be broken now, and don't expect anyone to connect it for her. If she is still alive, then let her be disabled for the rest of her life!

The door was kicked open again with greater strength and louder than last time. Ye Tianyu came in angrily. After entering the door, he directly searched for Jin Yi's figure. When he saw Jin Yi's expression, When Chao Hong was biting his lips tightly and Ye Kelan was still covering his body, Ye Tianyu was about to explode, strode over to check on Jin Yi's situation, and knew at a glance that Jin Yi had been drugged.

Fortunately, Jin Yi's clothes are intact, she was not hurt, as long as she is fine.

However, when Ye Kelan saw that Ye Kelan was wearing a camisole, Ye Tianyu directly threw the clothes on Jinyi to Ye Kelan, took off his coat and said, "Put on the clothes, I really don't know." Will Gu Yumo goug out the eyes of those who saw you?"

Ye Kelan took the clothes and said solemnly: "He will definitely, otherwise he wouldn't let me wear such a long coat." After putting on the clothes, she looked at Ye Tianyu, "Okay, don't bother Let’s talk about me now, let’s settle the matter of my sister-in-law first! But you guys should go upstairs, you’ve been holding it in for so long, and if you keep holding it in, you’ll probably get internal injuries. Xiao Hei’s side has already brought Someone is on the way here, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night!" He stretched his waist and stretched his muscles and bones as he spoke.

Ye Tianyu cast a glance at Ye Kelan, and said: "Don't watch any scenes that are too explicit, just leave it to Xiao Hei. Also, remember to bring two sets of clean clothes tomorrow." After finishing speaking He picked up Jinyi and left here.

Ye Kelan waved his hands behind Ye Tianyu, smiling brightly, just like the little sister next door.

Xie Shanshan hadn't seen Ye Tianyu's face clearly. She thought that all the rich second generations were like the two kneeling now. They were so ugly, but seeing Ye Tianyu's face now, she really felt that Jinyi was lucky.

But why? Did she lose to Jin Yi?Why be hugged and kissed by a pig's head like that?She doesn't believe in fate, she must not believe in fate.

Xie Shanshan ran towards Ye Tianyu almost crazily to block his way, and shouted hoarsely: "Why, why did you fall in love with her? Am I not good? Why do you want to fall in love with him?" After yelling, she rushed Seeing Ye Tianyu, he rushed over.

Ye Tianyu cast a disgusted glance at Xie Shanshan, and when she pounced towards her, he dodged lightly, and hooked her ankle by the way, watching her fall down in front of him without looking back. directly went out.

When Ye Tianyu walked out, Ye Kelan shook his head and looked down at Xie Shanshan, "Tsk tsk tsk, you are really shameless, are you so short of men? Don't worry, I will definitely fulfill your wish in a while. "

Turning around and smiling at the two kneeling people, he slowly sat down on the chair, "Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will let you live well. Now, let us think together Think about your fate!"

The two men wanted to plead for mercy while crying again, but Ye Kelan touched her lips lightly with her index finger, "Shh~ I've said it all, I'll let you live well, so don't bargain with me any more, you can't be too serious Greedy!"

Ten minutes later, Xiao Hei came over with ten big men in black suits. Ye Kelan saw Xiao Hei enter the door and left the private room without saying a word, and then dragged a man out without two people , although there are onlookers around, they dare not intervene in this matter, and they dare not even take a photo.

After all, no one wants to get into unnecessary trouble. Since people dare to do such things in broad daylight, it proves that they are not afraid of public opinion at all.

Ye Kelan didn't follow them to see how to deal with them, but she told Xiao Hei that they can't die, as for other loves, they can do whatever they want, especially that girl, she must be allowed to live well, but absolutely not died!

In fact, Ye Kelan went home to get the clothes, and Ye Tianyu told her before, telling her not to watch that kind of scene, she didn't want to watch it at first, it's too disgusting, she might as well take the clothes and go to the next door The room awaited them both.

Ye Tianyu walked out of the box with Jinyi in his arms and went straight into the elevator. Jinyi may have smelled Ye Tianyu's familiar smell, which made her feel at ease, so she has been working hard to stay quietly in Ye Tianyu's arms, holding her hands together. He hugged Ye Tianyu's neck tightly, buried his face in Ye Tianyu's neck, and tried to grit his teeth to prevent himself from moaning.

(End of this chapter)

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