Chapter 331

Hearing his voice before seeing him, but Ye Hailan should not be too familiar with this voice, as soon as he heard the voice, he immediately raised his forehead and lamented, why did this guy come?
He also said that she is as gentle as water, is this mocking her?

She really can't remember when she was gentle as water, or is it because Ah Bao has a tendency to be masochistic, that's why she thinks she is gentle as water?

"Xiao Lanlan, I'm coming, do you miss me!"

Now I finally saw the true face of the person who came, wearing a red suit, that kind of wine red color.However, his hair is still red, that kind of red that is particularly red, similar to the red that is particularly conspicuous red roses.

In addition, he is not bad looking, even if he walks in a crowd of people, he can be seen at a glance, the kind who walks on the street with a [-]% turning heads.

That's right, if you don't see this kind of outfit at a glance, it proves that the person is colorblind!

When Ye Hailan saw Ah Bao walking out in such an image, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. This person's fashion sense is such a thing. The whole body is red except for his face, just like that red Peppers and tomatoes are almost the same!

Anyone who saw him would probably have to poke their eyes out. This is too hot. Does he still want to live?
Because of Ah Bao's trouble, Ye Hailan forgot about being warm, and silently lowered her head and ate the food in the bowl, trying to reduce her sense of existence.

Ah Bao felt that Ye Hailan looked at him with distasteful eyes, and now he simply lowered his head to keep out of sight and out of mind.

Abao's fragile little heart received tons of damage, and immediately ran to Ye Hailan's side with a mournful face and squatted down to seek comfort.

Wriggling her lips, she looked at Ye Hailan pitifully, and complained: "Xiao Lanlan, don't you love me anymore!"

Ye Hailan nodded solemnly, and reached out to push Abao's head in disgust, "You stay away from me, I don't have a friend with no taste like you, it's really embarrassing to me!"

A Bao looked at Ye Hailan in shock, pointed at Ye Hailan with his index finger tremblingly, like an abandoned little daughter-in-law, digging at his mouth with the fingertips of one hand, with tears on the verge of falling. Especially arousing pity.

"Lanlan, you don't love me anymore, and you actually disliked me just now. Woohoo~ I'm dead, I'm going to jump off a building, don't stop me, whoever dares to stop me, be careful to pull me You all go jump off the building together!" Then he stood up and pointed at everyone sitting there, then quickly turned and left without love.

When Ah Bao walked to the door, he turned his head to look at Ye Hailan, "Would you come and stop me?"If you don't come to stop me, I will really jump off the building. The meaning is in it.

Ye Hailan didn't even bother to look at it, she directly waved her hand in disgust, telling him to get lost and die!

Abao's pursed lips moved quickly, and then he yelled confidently: "Hailan!" After the roar, he walked back with a weeping face, complaining plaintively: "Lanlan, you You are so heartless, you are going to jump off a building, you don’t care about him at all, you are indeed the wife of that heartless Jun Wuhen, the whole family is so heartless! Hmph!"

After finishing speaking, he raised the orchid flower and pointed at the Ye family, and snorted arrogantly, "And you, who only know how to watch the theater, don't know how to persuade me, maybe I'm happy, and I can take you to jump off the building together! I promise, it's going to be a blast!"

With a wave of Ye Hailan's hand, Ah Bao retreated several meters away before stopping. Naturally, this stop must be accused of accusing Ye Hailan, "Wow, Lanlan, you murdered!"

"Abao, be polite when you talk to them, or it won't be so easy next time." Ye Hailan looked at Abao and smiled slightly. Although she was smiling, Abao felt that this smile made her feel so cold.

Ye Hailan turned back to continue eating, and said to Ye Tianyu solemnly while chewing the food: "Tianyu, I have already decided on this matter, no matter how much you object or don't want to, even if you hide in the corners of the world and go to Wen Jing's wedding You'll be there one day, and I'll do what I say!"

Ye Tianyu looked at Ye Hailan helplessly, but Ye Ningyuan stopped Ye Tianyu with a voice, because he knew that Ye Hailan would definitely do what he said.

Although Ye Tianyu only saw the barrier set up by Ye Hailan last time, he still couldn't accept this fact.There were no other wonders like Ye Ningyuan had seen Ye Hailan with his own eyes, but just now Ye Hailan waved A Bao so far away with a casual wave of his hand, Ye Tianyu thought that he didn't have the ability to refute Ye Hailan.

In addition, Ye Feimo has always been expressionless and cold when facing everyone since he was a child, but although he is also expressionless when facing Ye Hailan, basically Ye Hailan does what he says.

Even if he had any opinion on Nuan Nuan, Ye Feimo just said a few words, and didn't dare to do anything else.

So Ye Tianyu nodded and agreed after thinking about it. Since Wen Jing is not afraid of embarrassment, what is he afraid of?
Ah Bao walked over with a smile, and introduced himself to the people present: "Haha, hello everyone, I am A Bao, the partner of Lan Lan and Jun Wuhen, Sunny is my wife, and Xiao Bao is mine. Son, hehe..." Looking at a table of delicacies on the table, he said, "This dish looks delicious, I haven't had lunch yet, can you give me a pair of bowls and chopsticks?" With a smile on his face Pinch.

"The bowls and chopsticks are in the kitchen. If you want to eat, go in and get them yourself!" Ye Hailan replied lightly.

Before the words were finished, Ah Bao rushed into the kitchen at the speed of a rocket launch, and then rushed back at the same speed, moved a chair and sat in the middle of Ye Hailan's Jun Wuyou and started eating on his own.

Jun Wuyou raised his eyes and dismissed A Bao, and shouted softly, "Uncle A Bao!"

Abao ate the food with big mouthfuls, nodded in satisfaction and corrected, "Call me Brother Abao!"

Jun Wuyou snorted coldly, and ignored A Bao.

A Bao rolled his eyes, it really is Jun Wuhen's seed, they are so disobedient, it's not fun at all.

Only then did Ye Hailan think of explaining to the surprised family members, "This guy is a good friend of my husband and I, but his mind is a little out of order, don't mind, he won't hurt others, just ignore him .”

Ye Ningyuan silently took out his mobile phone and faced Abao Kaka with two photos. This year's head portrait with red and green is really amazing.

But what's even more amazing is that Ah Bao's mouth is full of food, but when Ye Ningyuan took the photo, he immediately put up a POSS, let Ye Ningyuan take the photo to his heart's content, and after the photo was over, he started to eat again.

This good appetite made Ye Ningyuan wonder if he hasn't eaten for a year, so he eats so much now?

(End of this chapter)

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