Chapter 332 Not an opponent
When Ye Hailan was almost finished eating, she directly twisted Abao's ears and walked out. Abao suffered from pain and howled all the way: "Hailan, you have no conscience, you murdered me! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo It hurts me so much to let me go! I want to fight you one-on-one!"?
Ah Bao was in so much pain that he almost hopped his feet. In fact, it wasn't that much pain, and he could bear it, but he was taken out by a woman who twisted his ears in front of so many people. Not good-looking, after all he is Po!Fight all over the world invincible hand ah!

"Don't say it's you, it's Jun Wuhen who is going to challenge Lao Tzu one-on-one with him who is not Lao Tzu's opponent!" Ye Hailan stopped A Bao's mouth with a flat sentence.

Abao was taken aback, and then cursed out loud, "Damn! Jun Wuhen can't even beat a woman, does he have the nerve to call him a demon ancestor?! It's so shameful, I want to break up with him, break up!"

Before Ye Hailan let go of the hand that was twisting A Bao's ear, she slapped A Bao on the face, and looked at A Bao with fiery eyes, "Okay, don't howl at you, it's not embarrassing!" Sitting in the chair Exhaled a sigh of relief and asked, "After all, what are you doing here?"

Ah Bao sat down, cleared his throat, and looked at Ye Hailan with a smirk on his face, "Actually, it's nothing, but Jun Wuhen asked me to tell you to go back quickly, he is lonely and cold, I need you to comfort me."

Ye Hailan believes that this is indeed what Jun Wuhen said, but she doesn't want to go back. Who knows if she will activate it and come back after going back?
Besides, Mommy and Daddy are already 60 years old. Even if they live to be 40 years old, it will only be 22 years. She has been away for [-] years, and now she finally came back. They cannot let them lose their daughter again .

She couldn't do such a cruel thing, and she didn't want to do it.

After all, Jun Wuhen's lifespan is unlimited, and they still have countless 40 years without these 40 years, but if Daddy and Mommy lose these 40 years, there will be no more.

Ye Hailan couldn't bear it.

"A Bao, let him put on his clothes and go away!" Ye Hailan squinted, and looked away in disgust.

Abao exclaimed, "Damn, Lanlan, that's your man, do you really have the heart to ignore him? Seeing him alone in an empty room, don't you really feel bad?" He said with big eyes There were tears in her eyes, and she blinked when she looked at Ye Hailan, and her eyelashes flickered like a small brush, not to mention how pitiful she was.

Ye Hailan looked into the distance and sighed, pursed her lips, and said in a sad tone, "Ah Bao, the Ye family are the only relatives I have left in this world, I have made them sad once, I can't make them sad again It's the second time. You go back and tell Wuhen that you will go back after I finish handling the matter here. If he misses me, you miss me, you can come and see me. My home is here, and I can't run away. "

A Baonu pursed his lips, looked back, and then looked at Ye Hailan to make a comment: "Your family looks pretty good, but I don't like your younger siblings very much, they are too selfish." He said affirmatively nod.

"I don't like her either." Ye Hailan didn't deny her emotions in front of her friends, "If it weren't for her attitude towards my mommy because she is my brother's beloved wife, I guess I would have already I couldn't help but crush her to death."

He sneered and continued: "She wants to invite us to her sister's wedding, okay, I will definitely give her sister a wedding gift that will never be forgotten. After all, Tianyu has been the scapegoat for a long time, and he almost got married because of it. I lost my life, and I have always been hated by the Wen family. Now that I am back, I can’t let the Ye family carry this blame all the time! How can the culprit enjoy the blessings of everyone? He should also bear the mistakes he made .”

"I agree, it's best to squeeze him to death at that time!" Ah Bao clenched his hand heavily into a fist, and squeezed it vigorously, as if the culprit was already in his hand.

"Okay, I also know the message you want to convey, you can leave." Ye Hailan chased them away mercilessly.

Abao was taken aback, and withdrew his hand and looked at Ye Hailan accusingly, "Lanlan, you're going to drive me away when I just came here? It's too cruel, anyway, I have protected the helpless before." You, you don't feel grateful at all, it really hurts the baby's heart." After finishing speaking, she pitifully clutched her chest, comforting her little heart.

Ye Hailan cast a disgusted glance at Abao, "If it weren't for your unscrupulous master, I would have gone through ten lives, and I would have been killed by Nishang for nine generations? What the hell, seduce me and then seduce others, isn't that a What is a big radish? If he asked you to protect me, believe it or not, I will divorce him now!"

"If you dare to divorce him, do you believe that he will make you unable to get out of bed for three days now?" A Bao said seriously.

Ye Hailan waved her hand irritably, "Anyway, you go back and tell him that I will stay for another few decades. If he misses me, just let him come and see me by himself. I don't want to say anything else, I will You still have to go in and chat with Mommy and Daddy, where do you go, that's it!"

After finishing speaking, he left here without dragging his feet, leaving behind a flower to look at Ye Hailan's back mournfully.

"Hailan, who was that person just now? Did he come to look for you to go back? Are you leaving us again?" Ye Hailan just came in and Cheng Anya held her hand tightly, not daring to let go, for fear As soon as she let go, her daughter disappeared in front of her again.

Ye Hailan smiled and comforted Cheng Anya, "Mum, don't worry, I will never leave you, and will always be by your side. Even if they come to take me away, I won't leave, don't worry Come on, ah!"

"Hai Lan, Daddy and Mommy are both old and don't have many years to live. We only hope that we can still see you when we close our eyes, and we are already satisfied." Ye Chen sighed softly, his wish was just that. It's simple, as long as you can have a daughter to take care of you, and you don't have to ask for anything else.

Ye Hailan nodded, took Ye Chen's hand and said softly: "Daddy, Mommy, don't worry, as long as I don't want to do anything, no one can force me to do it. Since I said that I will always stay Here, then we will not break our word, we will always be together."

"Well, what Mommy said is right, Daddy is not Mommy's opponent, grandma and grandpa don't have to worry." Jun Wuyou walked over with a smile on his long legs.

(End of this chapter)

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