Chapter 333 Sweet talk and no money

"Mum, is Uncle Bao still there? I want to play with Uncle Bao."

In this world, Jun Wuyou is undoubtedly a different kind, she can't find a child like her, even if she usually plays happily with Ye Tiancheng, there is still some gap after all.

So now that this little girl sees her kind, she naturally wants to play with him.

Ye Hailan also knew that Jun Wuyou was very playful, so she lightly touched Jun Wuyou's small face, "Go, Uncle Abao should still be in the backyard, you go and play with him! But you have to remember Stay here, you must come back before dinner, you are not allowed to play and even forget the time."

Jun Wuyou smiled and nodded, "I know Mommy. Goodbye, grandpa and grandpa!"

After finishing speaking, Jun Wuyou bounced away and went to the backyard to play with Ah Bao, who was about her size.

The reason why he didn't bring Ye Tiancheng was because Ye Tiancheng had classes in the afternoon, and he didn't go to class in the morning just to meet Jin Yi, and he knew all the school's courses, so there was no need to listen to them again.

Ye Ningyuan also plans to let Ye Tiancheng skip a grade. It's not good to always stay in a class that is far inferior to his own strength. What's the point of being No. 1 in the whole grade in every exam? You still have to study with someone with your own strength Then it's almost the same as No. 1 in the whole grade.

"By the way, Ke Lan, call Xiao Momo later and ask him to come back to attend the quiet wedding on NO.18 next month. Don't be absent." Ye Hailan gave Ye Chen and Cheng Anya upstairs for a nap Ke Lan's mission.

Ye Kelan nodded in a daze, wondering what kind of medicine her aunt's gourd was selling, but attending a wedding is just for fun, anyway, Gu Yunmo, Wen Jing and the groom are not familiar with each other , it must have nothing to do with participating.

Ye Feimo and Nuannuan left after lunch, and all the things to be conveyed have been delivered. If they don’t leave, Ye Hailan and Nuannuan may have to face each other again in a while. Ye Feimo wanted to prevent his wife and sister from quarreling. , so I left with an excuse to be busy and warm.

Naturally, Ye Feimo had to say something to Nuan Nuan, just to let Nuan Nuan not take Ye Hailan's attitude to heart. As long as Ye Hailan sees Nuan Nuan's goodness in the future, their relationship will naturally improve.

At the same time, it was inevitable that I also complained about Nuan Nuan in my heart. Knowing that Ye Tianyu and Wen Jing had just broken up not long ago, I couldn't wait to tell him that Wen Jing was getting married in front of him, and even invited him to attend.

Even if Ye Tianyu has a new girlfriend now, it's a certainty. As an elder, she can't talk like this. The child will always feel a little uncomfortable, and Jin Yi will definitely have some doubts in her heart. I just hope Jin Yi didn't want to ask the bottom line.

Although he meant to tell Nuannuan not to take it to heart, it doesn't mean he really didn't want her to take it to heart, because he also said that she doesn't need to remember Ye Hailan's attitude, but she must remember what she said Don't forget it next time.

Moreover, Ye Feimo felt that Ye Hailan still had a backup. If Ye Hailan really made a move at that time, don't think about it, the Wen family would definitely not be able to bear it. Even if he stepped forward at that time, it would be difficult to recover.

Fortunately, things haven't developed to that point yet, so there is still room for everything. Ye Feimo thought that he should come down and talk to Ye Hailan when he has time, lest he really can't close the scene when he gets it.

Jinyi was a little restrained and nervous at this moment. After all, she saw this scene when she came to Ye's house for the first time. Ke Lan's side is chasing dramas with her.

This show was just edited, it hasn't premiered yet, and even the trailer hasn't come out, because Ye Kelan likes the plot of this show, so after the filming is finished, I took the film and came back to watch it first.

Because the plot is good, even if there are a few actors whose acting skills are not up to standard, Ye Kelan still doesn't complain, but silently remembers those few actors whose acting skills are not good, and next time there is such a good movie, don't Let them participate, lest they spoil the perfection of the whole in time.

While watching the TV series, Ye Kelan also felt Jinyi's nervousness, so she leaned over and comforted her softly, "Sister-in-law, don't be afraid, aunt won't treat you like that, these things today are not aimed at you, you Just treat it as a short story with the parents of your own family, forget it if you heard it, don't pay too much attention, ah!"

At this time, Ye Tianyu came out of the kitchen. He had a chat with Ye Ningyuan and Xu Nuo just now, and accepted Ye Hailan's arrangement, but he was still a little flustered in his heart, always thinking that something unexpected would happen on the quiet wedding day. Can't go on smoothly.

But even if Wen Jing's wedding couldn't go on, Ye Tianyu didn't have much emotion in his heart other than a little regret, he didn't even feel sorry for Wen Jing, as if he heard that Wen Jing was going to get married next month It is the same, the heart is not uncomfortable at all.

Is this because of Jin Yi, so all his love for Wen Jing has now been transferred to Jin Yi?Or did aunt use her magical powers to transform all his love for Wen Jing into feelings for ordinary people that night?

No matter what the reason is, he is very grateful to have Jinyi now, he will give Jinyi a clean world, as for his world is too dark, he will not bring Jinyi in, Jinyi will only bring He is warm and sunny, always silently supporting his most important person behind his back.

Ye Tianyu walked over to Jinyi, sat beside her and hugged her waist tightly, leaning his head on her shoulder and sighed contentedly, "It's nice to have you here!"

Jin Yi looked down at Ye Tianyu in a strange way, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with you, why did you suddenly say these things to me?"

Ye Tianyu shook his head, "It's nothing, I just want to tell you, it's good to have you, I'm satisfied."

Ye Kelan squinted at her arm, stroked it silently, and silently sat a little further away, so as not to get goosebumps all over her body from these two people.

"You're really nasty." Jinyi said with a little disgust, but she was more happy in her heart.

"It's disgusting to you alone." Ye Tianyu's sweet words kept spewing out as if he didn't want money, which made Jin Yi blush.

Ye Kelan blinked her eyes, stood up silently and went to the kitchen. If she had known that they abused her so much, she would have gone to the United States. The love with Gu Yumo and Moxiu gave others goosebumps.

"Daddy, is the dessert ready? My baby can already smell the fragrance."

(End of this chapter)

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