Chapter 334 I only care about you!
Ye Kelan didn't really want to eat dessert, but just found an excuse to leave, let Ye Tianyu do what he wanted, so that Jinyi wouldn't feel embarrassed when it happened.

As for Ye Tianyu, who is thick-skinned, he doesn't blush, it's just that Jinyi suffers, and he starts to be affectionate in front of everyone anytime and anywhere.

Sure enough, when Jinyi saw Ye Kelan leave, his face turned red like a red apple, and he pushed Ye Tianyu away, and then he wanted to stay away from Ye Tianyu, but his body hadn't moved over yet. He was already imprisoned by Ye Tianyu and couldn't move.

Jin Yi stared angrily, "Let go!"

Ye Tianyu ignored Jin Yi's glaring gaze, and hugged Jin Yi even tighter, "Ke Lan is serving dessert, it has nothing to do with us. Baby, let me hug you!"

This also played a rogue.

"You are such a rascal!" The rascal was fine, but this rascal was still so old that she couldn't move at all.

"Tianyu, you are not allowed to bully Jinyi!" Ye Hailan walked down the stairs slowly, and sat on the sofa next to her to watch the drama.

While watching, he shook his head and commented: "The special effects are too ugly. Have you ever seen a real fight scene between gods and demons? It's a serious nonsense!"

"Aunt, have you seen it?" Ye Tianyu asked.

Ye Hailan turned to Ye Tianyu, "What do you mean I've seen it before? I even beat it myself!"

Ye Hailan looked up into the distance and began to recall, "I think back then, I fought against the God Emperor for [-] rounds with your uncle, the Demon Ancestor, surrounded by twelve great Demon Kings, and one of them was my sister-in-law! Back then! The scene was simply too explosive. I don’t know how much better it was in the closed TV series. At that time, it was almost commonplace to be injured and vomit blood. But fortunately, although your uncle and I were scarred and scarred in the end, we still won the final victory .”

Ye Tianyu and Jin Yi were taken aback for a moment, Ye Tianyu cleared his throat and said, "Auntie, I think your imagination is so rich, why don't you become an editor? Maybe your first drama will become popular, From now on, I can be a big screenwriter." Sighing, "After all, our family has never had a big editor, so why don't aunt fill in the gap?"

"What are you talking about again? What big screenwriter?" Ye Ningyuan asked while walking with a tray full of small cakes in his hand.

Ye Tianyu responded, "Just now my aunt said that she had experienced a real battle between gods and demons, so I thought about asking my aunt to be a big screenwriter, and then write about the things she has experienced, maybe it can be a big hit. !"

Ye Hailan leaned forward and looked straight at Ye Tianyu, with a face that I had seen through you and said: "Why do I feel that your words are both in and out of meaning to make fun of me?"

Ye Tianyu quickly waved his hand to deny it, "No, I promise you don't mean that." He picked up a plate of cake and handed it to Ye Hailan charmingly, "Auntie, I just think your imagination is so rich, if you don't become a big screenwriter, That's really a pity." Looking back at Ye Ningyuan, he made a gesture with his eyes, "Isn't it Daddy?"

Ye Ningyuan glanced at Ye Tianyu in disgust. Although he didn't know what Ye Tianyu was talking about about the battle between gods and demons, Ye Ningyuan had an intuition that this incident should be something that Ye Hailan had personally experienced in the past, so that he could uncover the scars of his past For everyone to see, isn't this a brain problem?
Immediately retorted: "Our family does not lack any great screenwriters, nor does it lack the money to be a screenwriter. Don't think about it in the future."

Ye Hailan sighed, "I can't be a big screenwriter, but eating, drinking and having fun is quite suitable for me. Although I can't, there is someone who can be a big screenwriter, and I can provide the storyline for free!" Jin Yi blinked.

Jin Yi is currently eating the cake with a dull head, and I have to say that the cake is really delicious, sweet but not greasy, it melts in the mouth, it is even more delicious than the ones sold outside.

Ye Tianyu turned his head to look at Jin Yi, why didn't he know that Jin Yi still had this talent?

"Aunt, you didn't tease me!" She looked back at Ye Hailan in surprise.

Ye Hailan nodded firmly, and couldn't help hitting him, "Why do I feel that you are getting more and more stupid? Your intelligence team didn't investigate properly? At worst, you can just move a few fingers yourself. I found it, and now you are so stupid to ask me?"

"Hai Lan, this is Tianyu's respect for Jinyi, so stop joking." Seeing Ye Tianyu blushing a little, Ye Ningyuan stopped him.

Jin Yi raised her head in a daze and looked at everyone, why did she mention her so well?Does it have anything to do with her?

Ye Kelan looked at Jin Yi's expression that I didn't know anything and smiled and rolled her eyes, "Sister-in-law, aunt said you are a great screenwriter, are you right? What's your pen name? I can read it when I'm free. Look, maybe I can even sign you to be an author under Anning International!"

Seeing that Jinyi was a little moved, Ye Kelan continued to seduce: "The reward is very generous, and I am my sister-in-law, you can set the price, I will give you as much as you want!"

This rich and powerful look is also sei.

Jin Yi hesitated, "How do you know I'm writing a novel?"

"We don't know?" Ye Kelan replied, then continued with a smile, "But now we know."

Jin Yi smiled shyly, and looked at everyone, "I didn't write well, let's forget it!"

"That's just because you don't have a good channel. Let me tell you, all walks of life can't escape the unspoken rules now. It's like you web writers. Some people's books are obviously not very good, and Every book is almost the same, only the protagonist has been changed. But there are people behind her, and she has various channels. If more people read her books, she will catch the readers' appetite. Even if it is written Everything is the same, so she naturally became popular." Ye Hailan looked at Jin Yi and came to a conclusion.

"It's because of such people that some really good books are buried. Like yours!" Ye Hailan pointed to Jin Yi.

"So do you want to take this shortcut, let everyone read your book, and then like your book? Don't you always feel that you are not worthy of Tianyu, and now you have a chance to become a great author and screenwriter , when you have become famous, won't you worry about not being worthy of Tianyu?" Ye Hailan accurately grasped what Jinyi was thinking, and then tried to seduce her.

"You are already fine as you are now. It doesn't matter whether you are a great author or a great screenwriter, as long as you can be happy every day. I don't care about fame and fortune, I only care about you!" Ye Tianyu spoke sweet words to Jin Yi very appropriately.

(End of this chapter)

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