Chapter 335 Will You Marry Me?
Ye Ningyuan nodded silently, this son was indeed his own, and he was perfect at coaxing girls, look how he coaxed Jinyi into ecstasy.

He raised his arms and hugged Xu Nuo's waist, letting Xu Nuo lean on his body.

Jin Yi was still holding the cake in her hand, she fed it into her mouth nervously, chewed it quickly a few times, "My writing is not very good, if you sign me, you will definitely lose money." They will not tell them that the monthly manuscript fee is at most five figures, and it is really not worthwhile to sign her.

Ye Kelan waved his hand and said domineeringly: "Don't worry, my brother has plenty of money, you can have as much money as you want! First one billion is enough?"

Ye Kelan explained what it means to be rich and willful!
"One billion..." Jin Yi exclaimed, she had never seen so much money in her entire life, what kind of family is this Ye family, how could it be so rich?

Ye Tianyu held Jinyi's face in both hands, let her look at him, and then said solemnly: "Don't listen to her nonsense, if you want a mere billion, I will ask you to sell your wisdom, then I am too stupid Use it!"

Ye Kelan echoed, "Yeah, a mere one billion, which is a little too little, no matter what, it must be 20 billion... just £[-]!"

20!Pay back the pound!How much is that?Forgive her, a child born in an ordinary family who doesn't know what it means to have so much money.

Ye Hailan originally wanted to tell Ye Tianyu that Jinyi was a writer and was buried because of his underappreciated talent, but he and Ye Kelan would scare him speechless.

20 billion pounds!You are so rich!Money can't be used to scare other girls, look how nervous they are!
If it were me, I would reward her with 1000 and [-] every day, so that although it will be exposed that you are a rich man, people don't know that this rich man is Ye Tianyu!
But I don't know if Jinyi will be scared away by the Ye family's wealth and wealth, but since it is destined, it should not be scared away.

And according to her observation, Jinyi has a look of Wang Fu, and generally such people are Wang Fu's life, there is absolutely no mistake.

Because her face is round with a bit of a square face, and there is a little flesh on the face, and there are also some small edges and corners, and the forehead is broad; she has willow eyebrows and good eyes; plus she is beautiful, typical Wangfu has a good face; the chin is plump and has a double chin, and there are dimples on the back of her five fingers, all of which are typical Wangfu faces.

Coincidentally, all of these appeared on Jinyi's body. Although she has a double chin, she really doesn't have much flesh on her body. It should be convex or concave, and she has a standard good figure.

Unlike today's female stars who all have big eyes, slapped faces, and pointed chins, how many people do you want to kill with such a pointed chin?

It's not like Jinyi, although she has a round face, but she is born with good looks.Naturally, they are much more beautiful than those women who are not very good-looking by nature and artificially artificially adjusted the day after tomorrow.

Moreover, she is destined to have noble people to help her, and she will be a person who will gain both fame and fortune in the future.

Could it be that Jun Wuyou took her to meet Ye Tianyu at the beginning because she not only has a prosperous face but also looks good, plus she has a kind heart and won't follow others?
Facts have proved that this Jinyi is very good except for her poor family conditions.Although the relationship with Ye Tianyu came too soon, it is undeniable that Jin Yi is sincere to Ye Tianyu.

As long as there is this point, family and so on can be ignored.

It's just that Ye Tianyu and Ye Kelan are discussing Jinyi's manuscript fee, Ye Hailan really doesn't have the mood to continue listening to this, and directly went upstairs silently after serving the unfinished cake in her hand.

Seeing that Ye Hailan had already gone upstairs, Ye Ningyuan also felt that the topic of conversation between the girl and her son was indeed quite boring, so she pulled Xu Nuo and went upstairs, and instantly felt that it would be more meaningful to take a nap.

Seeing that the audience had almost left, Ye Tianyu and Ye Kelan didn't continue the topic just now, but they both had a plan in mind, that is to reward Jinyi's works every day, and let Jinyi His company gave Jinyi a higher share.

Otherwise, the most simple and rude behavior is to buy the company directly, so that the editor can cultivate it well, give more recommendations, and strive to become a star writer.

Now that they have become star writers, then publishing books, adapting TV series, movies and so on will naturally be indispensable, so that they will make a lot of money.

When Ye Kelan thought of this, she nodded silently, looked at Ye Tianyu and Jinyi and said, "Brother and sister-in-law, I'm a little sleepy, so I went upstairs to rest first, you chat slowly, hehe...bye!"

After finishing speaking, he ran upstairs all the way, and Ye Tianyu shouted from downstairs: "Ke Lan, it's still early morning in the United States, please don't disturb Gu Yunmo's rest, or be careful that he will let you back when he comes back." I can't get out of bed for three days and three nights!"

Ye Kelan stopped in her tracks, condescendingly said with a playful smile, "You're still worried that you won't be able to sleep in sister-in-law's bed for a while!"

Ye Tianyu was taken aback for a moment, damn it, he really missed it and he was about to go back to work, and when the emperor was far away, how would he be with Jinyi?
Rather than...

"Jinyi, we did everything we should and should not have done last night. I am willing to be responsible to you, are you willing to be responsible to me? When are we going to get the marriage certificate? Or do you feel embarrassed to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau, I can operate it at home by myself, and it will be very fast and absolutely effective!" Ye Tianyu couldn't wait to be responsible for Jin Yi, and at the same time, he could separate from Jin Yi in a fair manner.

Jinyi smiled hesitantly, "Tianyu, my parents don't even know that I have a boyfriend, and don't you think our development is a bit too fast?"

Ye Tianyu shook his head, and said solemnly: "No!" Then he put his arms around Jinyi's waist and shook gently, and then began to act like a baby.

"I don't care, you have already got my body and my heart, and you have met my family, they all like you, so you must be responsible to me!"

Jin Yi opened her eyes wide and looked at Ye Tianyu in shock, "..."

Ye Tianyu went on to say: "Also, as long as you agree to marry me now, I can go to your house to meet your father-in-law and mother-in-law immediately, and then bring them over to meet my family, or my family can go there, as long as you agree Marry me, none of this matters."

(End of this chapter)

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