Chapter 336 His Intention
Jin Yi always felt sorry for letting her grandparents take such a long car ride to her house.But if her parents came here, she always felt awkward, but Ye Tianyu was so tough, she even wanted to agree with him unconsciously.

Ouch~ There is no bottom line!Although I have never seen someone as good-looking as Ye Tianyu before, but I don't want to lose my bottom line just because of a man's beauty!

Ahhh!This Ye Tianyu is a big monster, and he came here to beat her!
Helpless, Jin Yi could only compromise in a low voice, "Is it okay to take you back to meet my parents after I graduate?"

"Are you sure?" Ye Tianyu asked back, "Are you sure you don't want me to be responsible immediately? After all, we already have a real relationship. Are you sure you want to be my wife? If I fall in love with someone else, I don't want you." what would you do?"

"Would you fall in love with someone else and then abandon me?" Jin Yi blinked her eyes uncomfortably, then regained her composure and looked straight at Ye Tianyu and asked.

Ye Tianyu paused for a moment, then shook his head, and looked at Jinyi seriously, with a bewitching charm in his voice, "No, I won't fall in love with others, I will be you in this life." Ye Tianyu said Tianyu slowly approached Jinyi, and kissed her lips lightly.

Maybe you have my child in your belly now?At that time, even if you want to delay it, you probably won't be able to delay it!
Even if you want to give up this child because of your studies, just go and see which hospital dares to operate on you?At that time, don't you want to marry me obediently with my child, and then you can't run away for the rest of your life.

Ye Tianyu thought too far, too much, how could getting pregnant be so easy?Did you think you were pregnant when you said you were pregnant?

But it's not impossible, after all, both Ye Tianyu and Jin Yi are in good health, so maybe there is really a fertilized egg in Jin Yi's stomach now!

Well, in order for the fertilized egg to develop into a healthy embryo, it is necessary to watch Jinyi's every move these few days. What if she sneaks out to buy YT?It will be their son who will be killed at that time, so he won't let Jin Yi be such a fool!

Ye Tianyu has already decided that in order to allow Jinyi to stay at Ye's house for a few more days, he has asked for a few days of personal leave for Jinyi like University A, and plans to buy part of the shares of University A in the name of Ye Kelan up.

At that time, the Ye family will have the shares of Big A, and it will be more convenient to do things.

Although there is no share in University A now, the directors of University A still provide for the Ye family, and the Ye family still keeps their promises.

But if the Ye family buys the shares of University A again, the nature will be different. At that time, Jinyi can walk sideways in University A, and those inexplicable people will no longer come out to cause trouble for Jinyi .

Because those people don't need him to show up, Ye Kelan will clean everything up. After all, Ye Kelan is not only a good daughter of 24 filial piety, but also a good sister of 24 filial piety. Some of them are not convenient for him to come forward. Naturally, she had to help her, a 24-year-old sister, to settle the matter.

"Jinyi, let's just stay here for one night tonight. How about I take you to school tomorrow morning?" Ye Tianyu suggested, of course, it is not ruled out that Jinyi will not have the opportunity to buy YT.

Jin Yi shook her head, then nodded again, "I can stay, but I won't sleep with you, I will share a room with Ke Lan."

Ye Tianyu pursed his lips, rolled his eyes cleverly, nodded happily and said: "Okay, as long as you are willing to stay, you can sleep with whoever you want, and I have no objections."

Seeing that Ye Tianyu agreed, Jin Yi smiled and nodded, well, she believed in Ye Tianyu's character, Ye Tianyu would not do anything to her.

But she missed one point, even if Ye Tianyu would not do anything to her, but the rest of the Ye family may not be sure, after all, they are all a group of people who want to see Ye Tianyu get married quickly, and then let Ye Tianyu get married quickly. Four generations were born at a high speed, and they have all reached the point of insanity!
Therefore, Jin Yi is doomed to be unable to escape.

An Xia and Nangong Yi have already returned to S City. Although they have only left S City for a few days, the current XY International has already changed its appearance.

There used to be three major shareholders and many small shareholders, but now there are only two shareholders who hold shares, Nangong Yi and An Xia. If Nangong Yi was willing to sign the gift agreement that day, then Nangong Yi is now The absolute leader of the entire XY International, no one can defend his position anymore.

But Nangong Yi not only didn't want the 20.00% shares, but also planned to give 70.00% of the 50.00% shares under his name to An Xia.

In fact, he really did this, drafted the contract, and there was a lawyer present, and the contract still had the name he had just signed, waiting for An Xia to sign his name.

As long as An Xia signs it, then An Xia will be the supreme leader of XY International from now on.

When An Xia saw this contract that only needs to be signed by herself, and then she can almost get XY International, her heartbeat slowed down a few beats, and after a while, she raised her head and looked at Nan Gongyi and said to the lawyer lightly: "Lawyer Zhao , it’s none of your business here, you can leave now.”

The man called Lawyer Zhao looked at Nangong Yi, only to see Nangong Yi nodded slightly, Lawyer Zhao immediately stood up and bowed, then turned and left here.

After the door of the president's office was closed, An Xia raised the agreement in his hand expressionlessly, and asked without any fluctuation in his voice, "What do you mean?"

Nangong Yi smiled slightly and said, "literally."

"An Xia, I want to give you the best, but you have everything, I don't know what else I can give you, what else I can give you. So, I can only give you XY and let you do XY Become a big shareholder." Nangong Yi immediately explained clearly.

An Xia nodded understandingly, put down the contract in her hand, and slowly stood up, like Nangong Yi walked over, sat on Nangong Yi's lap without saying a word, Nangong Yi hugged An Xia tightly reflexively An Xia put her arms around Nangong Yi's shoulders, resting her head on his shoulders, lowering her eyelids and speaking softly.

"Didn't you hand over a signed agreement to Ke Lan, why bother now?"

Nangong Yi was surprised, and immediately calmed down, lowering his head slightly and asking, "Did she tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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