Chapter 337
An Xia nodded lightly, "She told me when she got the agreement, and I wanted to return it to you. But I know that the agreement is not only for my peace of mind, but also for your Peace of mind."

Nangong Yi couldn't bear it anymore and raised his hand to support An Xia's head. At the same time, he lowered his head and kissed An Xia's lips. His kisses have always been gentle, and he was afraid that he would accidentally hurt An Xia, but this time It's different, his kiss was a lot heavier, but it still didn't make An Xia hurt.

An Xia knew that Nangong Yi was so happy, and she was also happy, because Nangong Yi was happy.

Nangong Yi was reluctant to let go of An Xia's lips, but they still touched each other, "Xia Xia, can you have dinner with me at night, I'm really lonely eating dinner alone."

An Xia's heart twitched suddenly. She knew about Nangong Yi's life experience. When she heard Nangong Yi say this, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She raised her hand to caress Nangong Yi's face, and gently responded. He said, "Okay, I will cook for you tonight."

Nangong Yi was overjoyed, and then kissed An Xia's lips excitedly, then let go of An Xia, and opened some distance between them, gestured with his eyes and then looked at An Xia, with An Xia's clear figure said, "Then, will you still sign this agreement?"

An Xia shook her head, "I won't sign." Then he grabbed Nangong Yi by the collar and said domineeringly: "You don't dare to betray me, if you really do, without these shares, I will still Can make you penniless, believe it or not!"

To be honest, Nangong Yi really didn't believe it, but he couldn't say that in front of An Xia.

Nangong Yi said with a face like a little daughter-in-law: "I believe, baby, don't leave me, okay? Even if I get old and unattractive, don't leave me! Otherwise, I will give away all my property Give it to you, and then I will work for you for free, for the sake of my sincerity, don't you leave me, okay? Forever!"

An Xia readily agreed: "Okay! Just because you are so sincere, I will reluctantly agree to you!" As soon as the words fell, he ordered: "Now let's go shopping first, and cook for you tonight. Delicious. What do you like to eat?"

"As long as it's made by you, I like to eat it." As he spoke, he kissed An Xia's neck. An Xia turned his head away and stood up, holding his bag and holding Nangong Yi's arm, chatting and laughing left the company.

The two drove directly to the supermarket and bought a lot of vegetables, fruits and snacks, but when they returned, they didn't go to Nangong Yi's big villa, but drove to a high-end apartment complex. Up to the sixteenth floor.

This place was bought by An Xia years ago. Even though the Qiao family mansion is very big, she still needs her own private space. I also hope to have a place that belongs to me and An Xia.

And here is undoubtedly the best place, one apartment per ladder, and the apartment size is also very large, with a full two hundred bungalows, which is not a small place for Nangong Yi and An Xia.

When Nangong Yi stepped into this place, he felt that this place was simply a paradise. The decoration was particularly warm, and with An Xia by his side, he had the warmth of home, which made Nangong Yi a little reluctant to leave here.

Well, we must come here when we spend various festivals with An Xia in the future. It is quiet and not disturbed by anyone, not even his own son.

He knelt down and waited for An Xia to change his slippers, and then he changed into the only pair of men's slippers here. Although it looked like new, he didn't know if it had been worn by anyone.

"Those are new slippers. No one has worn them except me." An Xia explained softly, biting her lower lip.

Nangong Yi heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately let go of his hanging heart. He lifted the food on the shoe cabinet and said to An Xia coquettishly, "I'll help you pick, wash, and chop vegetables. You just need to cook them in a while." That's fine."

An Xia laughed, and said honestly, "I know, but I still prefer the feeling of cutting vegetables by myself. Besides, I don't trust your knife skills."

Nangong Yi was stunned, "...well, if that's the case, then I'll wash the vegetables, I'll watch you while you're cooking, and I'll pass you the plate after you're done. In short, I'm just a handyman , if you have something to do, just tell me."

An Xia pretended to have a serious face, pushed Nangong Yi into the kitchen, and left a sentence: "I'm going to change clothes, you go and wash the dishes first." Then she entered the master bedroom chicly, leaving Nangong Yi behind. Holding a big bag in one hand, he blinked in a daze, resigned to his fate, stuffed what should be put into the refrigerator, and washed what should be cleaned, just waiting for An Xia to praise him when he came out.

An Xia went back to her room and changed into loose home clothes. When she got to the kitchen, Nangong Yi had already finished washing the dishes, and now she was working hard to wash the meat. Although Nangong Yi's speed was a bit slow for An Xia, but It didn't hinder An Xia's good mood, she nodded in satisfaction.

"Keep working hard. I hope that next time when I change my clothes, you have already washed all the dishes. Now just obediently continue to wash the rest of the dishes."

Nangong Yi raised his head to look at An Xia, and at the same time moved his head closer to An Xia, pouted and said coquettishly, "Is there any reward?" He also moved his face closer to An Xia.

An Xia was a little speechless by Nangong Yi's dead skin, but she still smiled and approached Nangong Yi's face, kissing her face, "Okay, can you seriously wash the vegetables now?"

Nangong Yi nodded heavily, and at the same time, the movements of his hands became faster and more careful, "Well, I will definitely wash all the dishes clean."

As he said, he put the washed ribs on the plate, and was about to pick up the unwashed beef brisket and start washing, but he accidentally saw An Xia holding a kitchen knife in one hand and a peeled potato in the other, cutting it in half, and then' Cengcengceng' began to cut without a pause in the middle, a potato had already been cut into filaments no more than two millimeters thick by Anxia, ​​and the thickness of each potato was particularly uniform.

After Nangong Yi saw it, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak, until An Xia felt Nangong Yi's dull gaze, and waved her hand in front of his eyes.

"Wash your beef well, and don't waste water." After saying that, he turned off the water, wiped his hands with special kitchen paper, then stretched out his index finger and tapped Nangong Yi's forehead, with a straight face Threatening: "If you dare to desert like this again in the future, I will never make it for you again!"

(End of this chapter)

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