When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 338 Nangong Yi Succeeded in Marriage Proposal

Chapter 338 Nangong Yi Succeeded in Marriage Proposal

Nangong Yi quickly retracted her neck, obediently washed all the remaining ingredients, and then washed her hands. At this time, An Xia hadn't finished cutting the vegetables, so Nangong Yi hugged An Xia's waist from behind , resting his chin on An Xia's shoulder, watching An Xia earnestly chop up various ingredients.

Lunch is one meat, one vegetable and one soup, stir-fried potato shreds, roasted beef brisket with tomato and yam and corn ribs soup. The combination of meat and vegetables is nutritionally balanced.

After each dish was ready, An Xia fed Nangong Yi with her hands to taste the taste. Nangong Yi nodded in surprise and satisfaction, as if she couldn't believe that An Xia could still make such delicious dishes. The chef of a five-star hotel is even better.

Although the food was delicious, Nangong Yi also liked it, but from the bottom of his heart, Nangong Yi didn't want An Xia to cook again, because he was afraid that An Xia would be tired.

Of course, An Xia wouldn't know what Nangong Yi was thinking. Besides, she wouldn't be tired just by cooking such a small amount of food. If she knew what Nangong Yi was thinking, she would probably have to make a fuss out of a molehill.

After dinner, Nangong Yi took the initiative to pack up the bowls and chopsticks and went to the kitchen to wash them clean, and then brought a plate of washed strawberries over to eat with An Xia.

An Xia lay on the sofa with her head on Nangong Yi's lap, and looked up at Nangong Yi, "Yi, how about I give you the shares of XY International under my name for free?"

Fearing that Nangong Yi would find a reason to reject her, An Xia gave the first reason, "Think about it, you have already handed over to Ke Lan an agreement that if you betray me, all your property will be mine." Well, in this way, even if I give you my shares, the result will be the same. Besides, even if there is no contract in Ke Lan's hand, are you really going to betray me? "Pouting his lips, he looked at Nangong Yi pitifully.

Nangong Yi smiled slightly, "Stop making trouble, I can't even betray you if I betrayed myself. Besides, I got you with great difficulty, if I betray you, I guess I have to jump off the top floor of XY International Apologize to death."

Sighing, he said seriously, "Xia Xia, I don't understand, why do you insist on giving me the shares under your name? Isn't it good for you to keep it for yourself? Treat it as pocket money."

An Xia shook her head, "It's not that I think I don't have enough money, but that the little dividend is not enough for me to spend. Why do I want to come? Why don't I give it to you, let you save more money, and give it to me when the time comes." I'll give you a dowry, a one-off."

Picking up a strawberry, he took a bite himself, stuffed the rest into Nangong Yi's mouth, lowered his eyelids and said with some melancholy: "You don't know, my natal family is really cruel, if you want to marry For me, half of my net worth must be used as a dowry, otherwise they will definitely not let you marry me. Even if I agree to marry you, you will not easily marry me back on the wedding day Home, they have too many tricks to trick people, and they are hard to guard against."

"It doesn't matter, let alone half of the property, as long as I can marry you, I can give all my property." Nangong Yi said indifferently, after all, in his heart, nothing can compare to An Xia's , besides, money is something outside of the body, as long as there is An Xia, what should he do if he wants so much money?
An Xia sat up all of a sudden, holding Nangong Yi's face in both hands, and taught earnestly: "No, even if you want to give a betrothal gift, you must give it to me. After all, I am the one who married. You give them food The guy who doesn't spit out his bones, I won't get a point by then, wouldn't it be a loss!"

"Besides, they still owe me wages. The wages owed to me over the years should allow me to help you get to where you are today."

Nangong Yi laughed out loud, he liked the feeling of An Xia standing by his side very much, his heart was warm, and An Xia also looked like the mistress of the Nangong family.

"It's okay, I'm still young, and I can earn it back. Xia Xia, I will never treat you badly." Nangong Yi said sincerely with a smile on his face.

An Xia leaned on Nangong Yi's leg again, raised her hands to hold Nangong Yi's face, and said with a smile: "Yi, they asked for your betrothal gift, so they will naturally give you a dowry. Don't worry, I will definitely not Make you lose money."

"I know..." Nangong Yi's voice was very soft. Looking at An Xia's eyes, he slowly lowered his head and kissed her lips. After a while, he left An Xia's lips. When he raised his head again, he lifted An Xia from her mouth. He got up on his leg, then turned around and knelt down on one knee, looking straight at An Xia, An Xia's figure was clearly visible in his eyes, although he was very disturbed, every word he said was very sincere .

"Xia Xia, marry me, okay?" Nangong Yi stretched out his right hand and handed it to An Xia, "I know, no matter how hard I try, I'm far behind you and I'm not good enough for you. I also know You will never lack men who are better and more successful than me, but I can assure you that my heart, my body, and everything I have belongs to you."

Nangong Yi paused, and said sincerely again: "Xia Xia, are you willing to marry me and be the wife of the president of XY International?"

An Xia looked away arrogantly, not looking at the expression on Nangong Yi's face, and snorted coldly: "If you don't have an engagement ring, you won't marry!"

Nangong Yi hurriedly loosened his tie, unbuttoned his shirt, groped around his neck, then pulled out a red thread, pulled it slightly, Nangong held one end of the thread up, and held the other end with the other hand to catch it. When she opened her hands, a ring appeared in Nangong Yi's palm.

Nangong Yi's index finger and thumb twisted the poorly made ring, and held it up in front of An Xia, "Xia Xia, this ring has been with me for four full years. I know, this ring Both the workmanship and the diamonds on it are not good. But this is the best ring I have made out of dozens of rings. I have been wearing it all these years. I just hope that one day I will find you and I can hold it It's like you're proposing."

An Xia looked at the ring, a little disgusted, but still commented truthfully: "It's really not good, the ring is not polished smooth, and the lines are crooked. And this diamond is too cheap, and it's not eight hearts. Eight Arrows. Let alone wearing it, I don’t even look at it.”

Nangong Yi lowered his head in frustration, even retracted his raised hand, and smiled with the corners of his mouth: "It's my fault, I even forgot that this ring is so ugly, how can it be worthy of you, next time I will definitely Will pay attention."

(End of this chapter)

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