Chapter 339
If I had known that I would be rejected, I would not have been so impulsive just now, but now that I am rejected, I feel uncomfortable and embarrassing An Xia, I really deserve a fight!
An Xia cast a glance at Nangong Yi's expression, then raised her head to look at the ceiling, and snorted arrogantly. Although she agreed with what Nangong Yi said just now, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up. .

"Although ugly is a bit ugly, but since you made this ring yourself, and you have been wearing it all the time, ready to propose to me anytime and anywhere, I'd rather put it on! But you can You are not allowed to build these things yourself, they are so ugly, I think that if you give them to others, they will not want them, and maybe they will mock you. It is only because of my kindness that I will accept them.”

Nangong Yi, who was originally very disappointed, was taken aback when he heard An Xia's words. Although he was ecstatic, he smiled and gently pulled An Xia's left hand, and put the ring on An Xia.

Well, although the workmanship and value are somewhat unsatisfactory, but I have to say that the size of this ring is quite suitable, neither loose nor tight.

An Xia raised her hand and saw that she had such an ugly and out-of-shape ring on her hand, which pulled down her overall temperament. Fortunately, this ring is not very conspicuous, otherwise she will definitely be so Things happen to people with ulterior motives.

"Xia Xia, don't worry, I will definitely treat you well and make you the happiest woman in the world." Nangong Yi was so excited that she couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north, and didn't know what to do at this time. It's just that he is still kneeling on one knee and holding up a silly face.

An Xia pursed her lips, facing Nangong Yi, raised her hand to hold Nangong Yi's face, and at the same time offered her own lips, touched Nangong Yi's lips lightly, and when she was about to step back, she was suddenly caught A hand clasped the back of the head, deepening the kiss.

At the end of the kiss, I don't know who took the last step first. In short, when the dry wood meets the fire, it catches up all of a sudden, and it burns more and more vigorously.

In short, from now on, the two names Nangong Yi and An Xia will be tied together forever, and they will never be separated again.

Nangong Yi also moved quickly. Before An Xia got up, he called the personal special assistant, and then sent the assistant a photo with An Xia on his mobile phone. An hour later, the assistant rang the doorbell here.

An Xia was naturally awake at this time, but she still didn't want to open her eyes to see the outside world, she didn't even bother to move her fingers and eyelids, pretending that she was still asleep.

In just a short while, Nangong Yi held a few bags in one hand and two red books in the other. The bags were placed on the small sofa, and he walked to the bedside with the red books, lay down on his side and kissed her. Xia's lips were originally placed where An Xia could see them when she opened her eyes, and then lay on her side, staring at An Xia's sleeping face intently.

Suddenly I feel that the last person I see when I close my eyes every night is An Xia, and the first person I see when I open my eyes in the morning is also An Xia. This feeling really makes Nangong Yi feel very good. I really want this feeling to last forever. both exist.

That's why he asked his assistant to do that right away. He just hoped that An Xia wouldn't blame him for being too impatient when he saw it later. After all, he also proposed marriage, and they were married once.

Half an hour later, An Xia finally woke up, and Ken opened her eyes, but the first thing she saw was Nangong Yi, and she just smiled lazily at Nangong Yi, making Nangong Yi almost turn into a wolf , but fortunately, thinking that there are more important things, so Nangong Yi held back for the time being and motioned for An Xia to look.

An Xia was puzzled, but still followed Nangong Yi's line of sight to look down, and saw two red books below, with three large characters clearly written in the middle, An Xia was afraid that she had read it wrong, so she took Woke up and opened both books carefully to see clearly.

Sure enough, it's not that I misread it, this is a genuine marriage certificate!And she was obviously still sleeping on the bed, and her marriage certificate appeared in front of her inexplicably, and she was still smiling so brightly in the photo on the marriage certificate.

An Xia sat up in shock and looked sideways at Nangong Yi, raised the marriage certificate in her hand and opened her eyes wide and asked, "What's the situation? Can you explain to me why I'm still sleeping, but I was married?" Is it? And this marriage certificate is genuine, right!"

Nangong Yi also sat up, put his arms around An Xia, and explained softly: "Didn't you already agree to my marriage proposal, plus we were last I thought, choosing a day is worse than bumping into it, today Just get the marriage certificate, and then the two of us will be justified." As he spoke, he kissed An Xia's bare shoulder.

An Xia was in a daze, and really couldn't figure out why she was a young girl yesterday, but she suddenly became a young woman today, and her single life was not enough. Nangong Yi's marriage proposal was not romantic at all, and the ring Ugly and cheap, she became a married woman out of nowhere, which was really unacceptable.

"You bastard!" An Xia said to Nangong Yi aggrievedly, with her head turned sideways and her mouth puckered.

Nangong Yi nodded without denying it at all, "Yes, I'm an asshole, if I wasn't an asshole, would I be able to marry such a beautiful wife as you?"

An Xia looked at the marriage certificate and sobbed a few times, as if her heart was broken, she took a deep breath and said, "Since it has become a fact, I was indeed the one who got hotheaded and agreed to your marriage proposal yesterday, and now I am yours." Wife. But let me tell you, if I find out that you dare to do something sorry to me behind my back, let alone a marriage certificate, even if it is ten marriage certificates, I only need to move a few fingers, We have nothing to do with each other."

Nangong Yi nodded vigorously, "No, I will never do anything to be sorry for you."

"Also." An Xia pouted, and said reluctantly: "Propose to me again, and then make a new marriage in person. It must be as good-looking as the sale. Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you agree or not. , I will not even admit the fact that I am married to you!"

"Okay, do what my wife says!" Nangong Yi raised his hand while holding An Xia's face as he spoke, and gave a wet kiss. After a long time, he reluctantly let go, but his lips still touched his lips, whispering softly. Said: "The breakfast I just brought from home, I will dress you, wash you, and then we will go out to have breakfast, shall we?"

An Xia nodded a little funny, and suddenly felt that Nangong Yi was in the rhythm of raising a daughter again, and it was enough to wear clothes, but also to wash?Do you really think of her as a child who can't take care of herself?
But it's nice to have someone take care of you hand in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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