Chapter 340
In the end, Nangong Yi just dressed An Xia, squeezed toothpaste, and watched An Xia's every move. When An Xia needed a towel, Nangong Yi would hand it to An Xia. An Xia was carried out and placed directly on the chair by the dining table.

Breakfast is buns, porridge and a few side dishes. Although it is very common, it tastes very similar to An Xia's. Although he has been abroad for a long time, the food in his own country is much better.

Although An Xia and Nangong Yi have now become a well-known and well-known couple, it stands to reason that they should go on their honeymoon non-stop, but after all, the marriage came too suddenly, and An Xia is still a little uncomfortable with her new identity.

So after breakfast, Nangong Yi sent Anxia back to Nangong's house and had lunch with her before turning around and going to work. Now it's a certainty, the fact that he didn't run away, but he still has to make money to raise a wife!
An Xia didn't tell Qiao's father and mother about An Xia's return to S City, especially when she just came back and was going to tell them that she was already a member of someone else's family. She was afraid that they would find it difficult to accept it for a while, so she could only take it slowly up.

Although the elders of the Qiao family can't say it, Ye Kelan can still say it. Thinking of An Xia, she called Ye Kelan. As soon as Ye Kelan got through to An Xia, she cried sadly: "Ke Lan Baby, I'm're the first to know about it, I didn't even tell my parents, so I told you first."

Ye Kelan had just returned to the room when she heard An Xia reveal such a big news to her, she was surprised for a moment, then suddenly became interested, and asked repeatedly: "Tell me, why did you two get married suddenly? Did you two have sex? No, I remember when you and Nangong Yi came to our house, didn’t you sleep in separate rooms? Could it be that you were embarrassed to have sex at our house, so you two couldn’t wait to have sex after returning Sheets?"

An Xia vigorously shook her head in denial, and then began to say: "That's not the case, I just cooked him a meal last night, and after the meal, I lay on his lap and watched TV and ate fruit. Talking about him like I proposed. You don’t know, that ring is really ugly, even the diamonds are cheap, generally speaking, it’s the type that you wouldn’t buy at a reduced price. But I think he made it himself For the sake of it, I reluctantly put it on."

Speaking of this, An Xia sighed, "It was because of wearing this ring that we kissed, and as you know, we were both young and vigorous, so we somehow fell out of bed... "

"Hey, it seems that Nangong Yi is also a speed type. Knowing that marrying you is equivalent to marrying ten XY internationals. This will save you 20 years of struggle! You are so smart!" Ye Kelan couldn't help interjecting and teasing .

"What nonsense are you talking about?" An Xia stood at Nangong Yi's side to help him speak, "I think he's pretty good too, but I don't know why I became his man when I woke up. Marriage certificate It's all in my hands, I just checked, and this marriage certificate is genuine."

Ye Kelan gloated and asked, "Then Xia Xia, if you still don't want to become Mrs. Nangong now, I can reluctantly move a few little fingers to make you quickly return to single status."

An Xia shook her head again, waved her big hand and said domineeringly: "Don't bother you, I think I like this new identity very much, and I am very comfortable with it. Remember, when I get married, you must come and give it to me." As a bridesmaid, even if you suddenly become pregnant and have a big belly, you must come, at worst, I will block all the wine for you."

Ye Kelanmo, she and Gu Yumo have been dating for four years, but the worst thing they have done in these four years is to kiss a little bit harder, other than that, the most excessive thing is She really hasn't done it before, so she is still a big girl with yellow flowers now.

If it's really like what An Xia said, if she got married with a big belly as a bridesmaid, she probably has to wait until this time next year, and if she wants to have a child, she probably has to take the initiative up.

Oops~ Why are they all women? Their men are so active, but why does her man never know how to open up?

"Don't think too much about it. If you use contraception, you will probably have a wedding with Nangong Yi before the end of the year. At that time, you will still hold the wedding with a ball. It won't look good in a wedding dress." Ye Kelan asked: "So When on earth did you tell your parents and have a wedding?"

An Xia looked up at the ceiling and said with a slight smile, "It depends on his performance. But my parents have already agreed with me and him calling me, so I guess we should go back and tell them now that we are married. They shouldn't." I will refuse, after all, I agreed to his marriage proposal after careful consideration."

An Xia paused for a moment, "... If they disagree, if they insist on forcing me to separate from Nangong Yi, then I can only cook rice and go back to see if they still agree. I have already It's decided, I'll trust Nangong Yi for the rest of my life, and it's useless for anyone to object."

Ye Kelan pursed her lips and nodded, "No matter what decision you make, I will support you, and my father, mother and brother will also support you. Didn't you always claim that my father, mother and mother are your adoptive parents? Well, and nurturing kindness is greater than giving birth to kindness. Since my parents have no objections, if your parents refuse to agree, this fully reflects the huge gap between people. They are too old-fashioned. Look at me Daddy and Mommy are more open, aren't they?"

An Xia couldn't help laughing, although what Ye Kelan said was true, she was really too narcissistic!Don't boast about your family like that.

"Okay, I know your daddy and mommy are the best daddy and mommy in the world. But my parents shouldn't be so rigid, after all, I'm already 22 this year and I'm getting married. They I also agree with my relationship with Yi, if we get married suddenly, I don't think they will be too surprised." An Xia comforted herself.

Ye Kelan nodded, "Okay, but you should tell them this kind of thing slowly, so that they have a process of acceptance, not everyone is as happy as we are when we hear the news of your marriage." He still didn't forget to boast , This level of narcissism is also drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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