Chapter 341 Uncle Po?Ermine?
An Xia responded, "I see. I'll stay with Yi for a few days, and I'll go back after spending more time with him. Remember to tear up that agreement. I, An Xia, want to tie down a man, right?" Relying on things outside of the body." After talking, An Xia finally remembered the contract.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you tear it or not, it's just that An Xia feels that it's awkward to have such a dispensable thing between her and Nangong Yi. Although she knows that this is Nangong Yi's guarantee to her, An Xia doesn't need such a guarantee. .

If he really dared to betray her, without this agreement, she could still bankrupt Nangong Yi, it just depended on whether she was willing to do it.

Ye Kelan looked prescient, and said triumphantly: "Don't worry, I have already torn it to pieces. After all, we have strength, so we don't need to rely on these things. Besides, let alone an XY international , Even if it is two, even if it is ten, it is very simple to make it into history, just move a few fingers!"

An Xia said with a smile: "Okay, I know that Baby Ke Lan is the most powerful. There is no one in the world who is a match for Baby Ke Lan. Baby Ke Lan is invincible all over the world, okay?"

Ye Kelan nodded in satisfaction, and her tone was full of pride, "Although I am indeed invincible in the world, there is one person that even our whole family can't win. But fortunately, that person is also from our family." , it will definitely not hurt our family."

"I got it, I got it, your aunt is the real invincible fighter, okay!" An Xia raised her eyelids speechlessly, the level of narcissism of the Ye family is simply too speechless!
Ye Kelan was not impolite, nodded and said yes, "That is necessary, I will come to play with you whenever I am free, I will go to work in Anning International tomorrow, and I will definitely be stationed in Anning International in the future, I won't even have time to play, how pitiful I am!"

He changed his tone, shook his head and said: "Forget it, I won't complain to you, you can enjoy the joy of being a married woman for the first time, and I will enjoy the only leisure time I have left! Goodbye!" After finishing speaking Without giving An Xia a chance to speak, she immediately hung up the phone, picked up the paintbrush on the table, and started drawing her unfinished picture again.

It's just that this painting only added a few strokes and she couldn't finish it. She picked up her mobile phone and called Gu Yumo willfully, no matter what time it was in the United States, did Gu Yumo just work hard? Just fell asleep one day.

As soon as the phone was picked up, Ye Kelan complained and asked, "Ah Mo, do you not love me anymore?"

Gu Yumo was not awake yet, but when Ye Kelan questioned him like this, his mind suddenly became fragmented, and he turned on the desk lamp after being stunned for two seconds. After sitting up, he said seriously to Ye Kelan: "Who said I don’t love you anymore? I love you so much, you don’t know, when you are not by my side, I put your photo in front of me every night when I go to bed, and I fall asleep just looking at you. "

"...Really, why don't I feel like it?" Ye Kelan pouted aggrievedly and asked.

At the same time, I slandered: But you are already like this, why don't you know how to propose to me?Do you really want me to propose to you?Hmph, I only give you this year, if you don't get better after this year, I'll kick you away!

Gu Yumo sighed and chuckled, wondering what happened to Ye Kelan, he was actually worried about his feelings for her, could it be?

"Lanlan, have you been stimulated by something? Why do I feel that you are speaking strangely today." Gu Yumo gasped and asked suspiciously.

Ye Kelan snorted, isn't she just agitated? Seeing that the couples around her are almost on the verge of becoming successful, but on her side, they only confirmed their relationship. An Xia and Nangong Yi have only been dating for how long ?They are all married.

But she and Gu Yunmo have been dating for four years, but let alone a marriage proposal, they haven't even done anything closer than a kiss. Is it true that she, a girl, should take the initiative?
Ye Kelan sighed helplessly, "It's okay, you go on sleeping, I'm hanging up." After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone directly, turned the phone over, looked at the pair of Q-version dolls engraved on the back, fingered Gently brushing the boy's cheek, the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily.

One of this pair of Q-version dolls was drawn by Gu Yunmo, and the other was drawn by Ye Kelan, but later Ye Kelan drew these two dolls on the back of her mobile phone, so that it looks more convenient .

As for the two pieces of paper on which the Q version of the doll was drawn, Ye Kelan used a photo frame to frame them, put them on her bedside table, and took a look at them every night when she went to bed.

Ye Kelan's fingers delicately caressed the two Q-version dolls on the back of the phone. Out of the corner of her eye, she inadvertently saw Jun Wuyou and a white object floating past the window of her room. Ye Kelan was almost surprised The mobile phone slipped from her hand, and after a moment of surprise, she quickly stood up and ran to the window to open her eyes to see the outside, but she didn't expect that what she saw just now was real.

Is Jun Wuyou really with a group of white fluffy...animals?Flying around in the air, and having fun playing, I just don't know why other people can't see Jun Wuyou's abnormal state?
Ye Kelan almost dropped her jaw in surprise, she knew that her aunt was a magical figure, but she never knew that her cousin was also so magical, flying around with a white mink in the air, and It seems that the white mink can still fly by itself.

This is simply amazing!
It's so surprising!
Ye Kelan opened the French window and watched Jun Wuyou walk out slowly, "An Ning, what are you doing?" There was no slight ups and downs in her voice, it was as calm as a pool of stagnant water, but her heart was roaring.

Jun Wuyou was playing vigorously, when he heard Ye Kelan calling her, he flew up to Ye Kelan with the white sable, held Ye Kelan's finger with a smile, raised his head and said to her: "I'm here Uncle Bao is playing, does sister want to come with me?"

Po?Where is Po?Ye Kelan looked around, there was no one else besides Jun Wuyou, so where is there any other Ah Bao?

"An Ning, what nonsense are you talking about?" Ye Kelan squatted halfway and pinched Jun Wuyou's face, "There is only a white sable here besides you, where is there any Uncle Bao? Did you read it wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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