Chapter 342 Don't worry

Ye Kelan reached out her hand to touch the white sable's head as she spoke, but she just stretched out her hand towards the white sable, only to see a flash of red light, and Ye Kelan couldn't open his eyes so piercingly. Ye Kelan saw that the white sable turned into a person, and that person was Abao!

Ye Kelan looked at the white sable in front of him in shock... Oh no, that Ah Bao was so surprised that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Ah Bao looked at Ye Kelan's surprised expression with satisfaction, and smiled triumphantly, "Haha, my real body is as good-looking as my face, isn't it!" As he spoke, he brushed his short hair very charmingly , the posture is particularly ecstasy.

Jun Wuyou comforted Ye Kelan with a smile, "Sister, don't be afraid, Uncle Abao's real body is a white sable. He has been with my dad for many years, and he is still my dad's magic pet!"

Ye Kelan commented in shock: "Sure enough, it's because his aesthetics are so unique that his real body is so soft and cute? This is too weird!"

Ye Kelan held Jun Wuyou's arm excitedly, and asked in a trembling voice, "An Ning, tell me honestly, what kind of animals are your father and my aunt? If they are really as soft and cute as him I don’t think I can really look straight at animals.” He was referring to Po.

Hearing Ye Kelan's obvious words of dislike, Ah Bao jumped angrily, "Damn, I'm so cute, the fairy girls who chased me could go from the devil world to the fairy world, you, a woman who doesn't know what to do, actually hates it Me! Sure enough, mortals are vulgar!"

Jun Wuyou glanced back at A Bao, pouted and said cutely: "Obviously there is only Aunt Qingtian."

Looking back at Ye Kelan, she said softly, "Sister, my daddy and mommy are not pets! They have a lot of background!"

"Then tell me quickly!" Ye Kelan said excitedly.

Jun Wuyou nodded, "My daddy is the Demon Ancestor, my mommy is the goddess of lotus, and my mommy has an elder brother who is my uncle who is the God Emperor of the God Realm, ranking among the gods!"?
"Your uncle?" Ye Kelan said in surprise, "Isn't your uncle my daddy? My daddy is at most a child prodigy, and it's impossible for him to belong to some god emperor."

Ye Kelan looked at Jun Wuyou and gasped, "Could it be...does my aunt have any other brothers?"

Jun Wuyou nodded, and responded, "Mummy has an older brother in another world, but Mommy's two elder brothers like it, and An Ning's two uncles also like it."

Ye Kelan nodded understandingly, "I see." Standing up slowly, before turning around and going back to the room, she still remembered to tell Jun Wuyou, "You guys play, just remember not to let the neighbors see that you are different from ordinary people." It's just Her eyes are still a little dull, not because of how many uncles Jun Wuyou has, but because of Ye Hailan's identity and the identity of her uncle whom she has never met.

Jun Wuyou watched Ye Kelan's back silently, and after about ten seconds, he turned around and looked at A Bao with a smile, "Uncle A Bao, let's continue playing." Lips, looked around cautiously, and said as if something happened: "Remember, don't let outsiders see it!"

Ah Bao nodded silently, hugged Jun Wuyou with one hand, and jumped up, "Let's go, let's continue playing!"

There is laughter here, but Ye Feimo and Wen Nuan, who just left, are not in such a good mood, because they received a call, a call that Wen Tianbo was kidnapped, and the call was sent by the person who kidnapped Wen Tianbo. It's here, and it's someone Ye Feimo and Wen Nuan both know, the same director who contradicted Ye Hailan last time.

The reason why he kidnapped Wen Tianbo was because Ye Hailan made him lose his job, and Wen Nuan, who was familiar with him and had a good relationship with him, didn't help him talk about a good job. In addition, after he left Anning International, it was rumored that he was offended. Miss Ye, that's why he was expelled. Once the news spread, it was equivalent to being banned by the film and television industry.

He has no money to eat, so naturally he wants revenge, and Ye Hailan and Nuannuan are impossible targets, and now only Wen Tianbo is left. After all, Ye Feimo and Nuannuan are both busy at work, and they usually ask their assistants to pick them up. Let me know, but you have to be an acquaintance.

And there happened to be a photo with Wen Nuan in his mobile phone, so he went to pick up Wen Tianbo, and the kindergarten teacher gave Wen Tianbo to him unsuspectingly. Who knew it would lead to such a catastrophe in the end.

And the place he called just now to ask them to go is still on the edge of a particularly scary cliff, and asked them to bring [-] million US dollars to go there, and said that if they can't see them and the money within half an hour, or as long as there is less , he threw Wen Tianbo off the edge of the cliff.

Falling off such a high cliff has only one ending, and that is death!
Unless you are a fairy, then there is a second ending, but how is it possible?

Wen Nuan was so anxious that she cried, but Ye Feimo was still on the phone calmly, as if she didn't take Wen Tianbo's matter to heart.

"Sister, something happened to Tianbo." Ye Feimo went straight to the topic as soon as the call was connected.

Nuan Nuan looked at Ye Feimo in shock, at this time Nuan Nuan's eyes were filled with tears, she couldn't believe it was at this time, Ye Feimo was not thinking about how to save Wen Tianbo, but calling his sister!

This is a matter of life and death, his sister is just a girl, why call her now!
"It's fine, it's fine. I'm on my way now." After saying this, Ye Feimo hung up the phone, and looked sideways at Wen Nuan before looking at Wen Sheng's comfort in front of her Said: "Nuan Nuan, don't worry, Tian Bo is fine now."

"How could it be possible to return to nothing?" Nuan Nuan asked loudly, his voice was trembling and crying, "He is still so young, he has to go through this. He was kidnapped by someone. It's a cliff. Be careful if you fall, even if you don’t die, you will be permanently disabled! He is your son, why are you still so indifferent at this time?”

"Because I know he will be intact!" Ye Feimo yelled loudly, he just wanted to let Nuannuan calm down a little, sighed, and said softly, "Nuannuan, don't worry, please?"

Wen Nuan gritted his molars hard and squeezed out a sentence: "That's my son, how could I not be in a hurry?"

Knowing that mothers are like this, Ye Feimo stretched out his hand to hold the warm hand, squeezed it hard, and then said relaxedly: "My sister is watching there, as long as she is there, let alone falling off the cliff , it is estimated that even if it falls from the moon, Tianbo will be unscathed, so you can relax."?
(End of this chapter)

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